Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Everything paranormal and unexplained. History of buildings old hospitals any haunted locations along with personal experiences. Famous murders in Michigan. Ufo and extraterrestrial. Urban legends of Michigan. Folklores witches and tribal tales. Horror movies and unexplained curses and deaths on set.
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Q&A with Carissa- A Colorful and Honest Insight into Our Friendship
Ever wondered how a chilling encounter at a cemetery could spark a lifelong fascination with the supernatural? Melissa and Carissa invite you to join their candid exploration of Melissa's world, where ghostly adventures and peculiar habits collide in the most entertaining ways. From dreaming of paranormal escapades at Waverly Hills and the Winchester House to hilarious tales of receiving the best (and worst) pickup lines, you'll find that Melissa's life is anything but ordinary. You'll also laugh out loud at her quirky need to sniff everything before a bite and the unforgettable bowling alley escapade involving a fishbowl-sized Mai Tai.
But it’s not all about the laughter; Melissa and Carissa dive into whimsical what-ifs involving ghost hauntings and alien encounters, revealing their mischievous imaginations. Expect a blend of humor and introspection as they share secret habits, ponder life after death, and reflect on childhood fears and family losses. These stories are sprinkled with discussions about whether to master a single skill or dabble in many, alongside memorable psychic readings and podcast favorites.
To wrap things up, the duo reflects on the bonds of friendship and the universe's influence on their lives. Whether reminiscing about the past or humorously confronting the realities of aging, Melissa and Carissa's stories are a testament to shared experiences and the joys of companionship. With playful nods to astrology and an unforgettable ghost hunt in Missouri, this episode is a rollercoaster of emotions and laughter, reminding us all that the journey is just as important as the destination.
Good evening, everyone. It's your host, melissa at Strange, strange Beyond Insane, and tonight we have our co-host back. Hey everyone, it's Carissa, and tonight our episode is 30 questions to get to know Melissa better. Uh oh, aw snap. Uh oh. Should we just dive right in? Whatever you want to do? Girl, this is yours, alright, let's see. Should we just dive right in Whatever you want to do? Girl, this is yours, all right, let's see. Well, let's just get to what we know and love the most.
Speaker 1:What is the scariest or craziest thing that's happened to you? Paranormal? Well, it was what I talked about a couple years with you on here, but now it would have to be that eye incident after the cemetery. Yeah, that Mothman. I call it a Mothman Prophecy. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah, because it happened like a week after. Yeah, it was crazy. Yeah, so I would say South Pioneer, dryden Cemetery, yeah, and we've had such good luck there. I know there's always something there, always Like, if you get a chance or if you live by what? Lapeer Michigan? Yeah, it's like Lapeer County. Yeah, lapeer County, it's definitely a cemetery to go check out. It's our like little hidden gem, so don't tell too many people. Well, you just did, I know, but we've talked about it on here so many times, yeah, so tell me a destination you want to go to. I want to go to Waverly Hills. You definitely need to go. We were talking about renting it out for two nights. Yeah, and I would definitely. I want to go back. We were talking about renting it out for two nights yeah, and I would definitely. I want to go back.
Speaker 1:And then I got pregnant Congratulations. I'm going to be an auntie. Everyone I could have went in June, but the baby might be here In June. So now you're waiting too bitch. If she fucking goes without me again, she'll never be on this podcast again because she will disappear. You will see her on milk cartons and she'll have my body buried horizontally with. No, I'm going to have your ashes. Oh, you're going to have my ashes. Just a little bit. I got a pile of dirt. She went without me for the last time. Okay, so Waverly Hills I've always wanted to go. Okay, is this a multi-question?
Speaker 1:No because do you want to do three things on your bucket list? Would that be one of them? Yes, okay, so do three of your bucket list destinations Winchester, okay House and Cecil Hotel that would be cool to go to. Let's see what was the best pickup line ever used on you, do you remember? One Doesn't have to be. It would be Tori, this black guy that used to work for my brother. Uh-huh, okay, and this is not a racist thing, so don't take it like that.
Speaker 1:I hope our listeners are not that fucking sensitive. You cannot be that sensitive if you listen to this podcast. But anyways, I was complaining because I gained a few pounds. This was years ago and I thought I was fat then and I was like Tori was making comments to me and he knew I was married to Paul, but he just always fucked with me and he was like no girl, no girl, you're not fat. You know, when I look at you, I see a full, beautiful young woman. I shit, I can tell you like meat and potatoes and I was like that's a compliment. I actually had a guy come up to the bar to me one time and was like are you tired? Oh, jesus christ. I was like get come up with a better one. You're like you won't be. This is the same guy that also told me he had to drain his snake, so he wants to say that was thanks for the free drinks.
Speaker 1:Dude so if he, had to drain his snake. He was probably about this thin pencil dick. Oh my god. What is the strangest thing about yourself? One thing yeah, oh my god. What is the strangest thing about yourself? One thing yeah, I like to scratch my belly button and sniff it. No, I'm just kidding my weird obsession. One weird thing about myself yeah, okay, I have to smell everything before I eat it. Okay, fair, especially milk. I have to smell milk before I pour it. Okay, fair, especially milk. I have to smell milk before I pour it. Have you ever tasted sour milk, girl? I know, sorry, you're pregnant, alright. Next question these fucking kids that used to leave their sippy cups in their mom's cars, ryder, vinny, sam's kids' cars. Oh my god, it gets chunky.
Speaker 1:Like cottage cheese, oh, all right. Next question Okay, weirdest thing you've ever done in public? Oh God, I mean streaking. Yeah, no, okay, I gotta tell this story. All right, I thought I was being cute after we used to bowl at Rose Bowl and we used to get these. I wasn't even 21 yet we used to get the. Is that Mai Tais? Yeah, I think it was Mai Tais. They used to come in a fish bowl, okay, so we'd just get fucking hammered. And I was thinking I was cute and I went out by these rose bushes and I was pretending like I was going down the stairs and I was like, because I was like, because I was peeing, and I went frontwards, I hit my head on the brick and then I came back and laid into thorn bushes, like pretty much naked, my cooters, just like spread eagle, because I thought I was being funny. So, yes, that was in public, it was a big league night. Thursday night. I would hit the bowling alley. Go ahead, it hurt. I won't do that again.
Speaker 1:Describe yourself in only three words Witty, yes, funny. Yes, very bitchy Can be. Yes, very bitchy Can be. You got a soft spot, all right, good question If you had a superpower, but it only worked on your worst enemy. What would it be? Um Ooh, to get inside their head and judge themselves the way they judge others and can't stop. I was gonna say truth serum, so like people would actually know how fucking shady they are. There you go. I like that too. Yeah, if you were a ghost, how would you haunt people? How would a ghost haunt people?
Speaker 1:I would haunt them in the most vulnerable situations, because I'm such a bitch In the bathroom taking a shit In the bathroom when they're making love, oh God, when they're doing their makeup, I'd be in their ear. You look fucking ugly, that makeup's not going to help you. I'm just in their ear. You look fucking ugly, that makeup's not gonna help you. I'm just kidding. Definitely in the bathroom.
Speaker 2:Hey, I'm boring.
Speaker 1:I'm like I'd move items, or like mess with the radio, or Not me. I know You're a mean ghost, you're a mean goal. You should come over with a song, describe your perfect alien abduction. Oh hell yeah.
Speaker 1:All right, my perfect alien abduction would be in front of her. People like Carissa here, that are scared of aliens. Did you get a new tattoo? No, it's temporary. Oh, wow, that looks real, but this is what I want to get. I've been wanting to get a ghost, so is this what we're doing? I want to get one that does this. Is this what we're doing? You guys, we have a squirrel moment. I'm sorry. Okay, so it would be in front of people that are really scared in public, over the water, and it would be like remember the movie powder? No, the guy, the guy is he's not an alien the guy that got, uh, hit by lightning. When I tell everybody how my sight is, and they're like oh, is that natural? Like I got struck by lightning. But I would be like over water, like marvel style, like, and it'd have to be me up. It'd have to be in front of people like you, because you would just die of a heart attack. Yeah, there's like no perfect scenario for me.
Speaker 2:She is Leave me the fuck alone.
Speaker 1:She is horrified of alien abduction. Yeah, yeah, she goes alien hunting with me. Makes no sense. What do you secretly do when no one is around? Oh, how are we going to get? It's your podcast. Well, what do I secretly do when no one's around? Mm-hmm, try to find the most wildest conspiracies ever. Yeah, I pee in the shower. You pee in the shower. Yeah, it's actually supposed to help with, like, athlete's feet and stuff. What a dirty bitch. I know, right, but I do. When no one's around, she pees in the shower. She gives the shower a golden shower, all right.
Speaker 1:What do you think happens when we die? Oh, I got a lot of theories. Okay, so I believe you. Obviously, your soul never dies.
Speaker 1:I think a lot of people are reincarnated. I think you sometimes come back as birth and when you're born, you forget, like. You're crying when you're born because you just remembered you left your old life and now you have a new one, and then you forget. I think, like, and I also think, but save your answers because I'm going to turn around and ask you. But I also think too. It's like a flip book. You have to go through your life.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, girl, yes, when you can't sleep at night, what keeps you up? Oh, jesus Christ. Well, okay, everything right now. Well, yeah, what keeps me up? Fucking TikTok, thank God, tiktok is back. Oh, hallelujah, thank you. Oh, and peeing every hour?
Speaker 1:Yeah, any childhood fears, childhood fears, yeah, my fear was always everybody around me dying, and now that it's pretty much. I mean, I have such a small family now, but that comes back, like when I just found out our cousin Carol passed away, and like when me and my brother were talking about it, like I just remember my mom always saying like, look around, like when you get older, these people aren't going to be there. And then you live it and you're like, Think about it this way Like one day one of us is going to live without the other. I know, and I don't want that day to ever come. Oh, my God, you're getting us all teared up and emotional, fucking pregnant and shit, jesus. Anyways, would you rather be an expert on one thing or good at many things? Good at many things? Hands down, yep, all right.
Speaker 1:Best psychic reading you ever had and was a trick With you at the Ohio Reformatory Mm-hmm, she had a good reading and he was reading me off of her because he thought my buddy Matt Newford. Well, okay, first of all, matt Newford's still a fucking hornball, okay, yeah, and he was probably sniffing around her Because she's blonde and has purple in her hair and he probably got a fucking heart on. So that's why the guy seen him Around me. But it was for you, because he thought it was like your old boyfriend or something Right, but it was for you. I was like, no, that's new for you, because he goes. Who's the guy? He's good looking, but he's got big ears, he goes, and he died from an OD. Yep, he told me everything about my cousin. He knew this tattoo and I had a long. Remember I had a hoodie, I had my Evanescence hoodie. Oh, my god, everything he told me was fucking true. That was insane. That was. He was from Naples, third generation psychic. Not Naples, florida, naples, italy, right, yeah.
Speaker 1:So what is your favorite podcast Besides? Obviously, actually, I have a lot on here. Let me show you. Okay, well, I do like the Haunted. Is it the Haunted Mitten? I met Jessica a couple years ago. I always, me and you used to listen to theirs. Yep, all the time when we'd be on the road. Yeah, like um, tinfoil hats, I think. Uh, I like lore. Um, there's a lot of crime, ones that I like. The problem with a lot of podcasts that I stop loving their content is that it's the same fucking shit all the time and it's gets draining, and I'm just like you, kind of zone out a bit. That's why I have this so different I like. That's why we do all kinds of random shit correct, because it gets keeps people's attention. Yep, absolutely all right.
Speaker 1:If you were president, what's the first thing you would change? If I was president, the first thing that I would change is the insurance policies, health coverage, dental ways for and I'm not just saying this because I'm a child now, but I've been saying for years that they need to come up with more jobs for moms that don't require fucking college and daycare. Not not everybody. Most jobs you can do without college. Absolutely I would create more jobs. Um, I would take all the fucking houses that sit because they keep building houses. You can put homeless people, make a program for them to work and to live. You can put multiple people in these homes and just sit there, like I think it's such a good idea to take these old malls and make them into senior living centers.
Speaker 1:Yeah, have a hair salon, have a McDonald's yeah, you have all these things for them to go do, and then some of the stores get converted into the apartments. Yeah, yeah, that, yeah, yeah, that's really well. The problem is, though, is that there's such a shortage of workers for senior places and nursing homes. Well, maybe we need to have a daycare in that senior nursing home. I think the mall can accommodate there. You go, alright. If you had to live in another time period, what would you choose? I would go back to the early 90s, like late 80s, early 90s, okay and live through older, because I was born in 88, so, by the time 98 came, I was 10. Right, so I would be like a teenager. Yep, oh, fuck, yeah, okay, go ahead. What is your survival plan during the zombie apocalypse? Okay, so Paula and I have already talked. We're just staying at our house and we're fucking fighting until the end, because we're greedy and we're not giving up our house, everything we worked for patch up the windows, target practice Rocks too. Just hit them in the head. Yeah, I'm not going nowhere. There's nowhere you can go that you're gonna stay safe forever. Right, you go up to the woods, but that only lasts for so long. Yeah, yes, I'm fighting till the end. I'm going to war.
Speaker 1:Baby spirit animal. And why? Oh, there's so many that I have, but if I had to be, if I had to pick one, it would be an owl. Yeah, why is that? Because they're so mysterious, they're beautiful, they're intelligent and they strike without you even hearing, like you can't even hear them. They're stealth, they're very stealthy. They're so pretty.
Speaker 1:If a song played every time you entered a room, what would it be? I'm a bitch, I'm a lover. It would be hell yeah, brother, bull Polka, there you go. No, it would be probably something like old 90s rap with Trick Nasty, yeah, karina, like real nasty. Oh, hello, baby, that's Utica, I know.
Speaker 1:All right, are you young at heart or have an old soul? I don't know. I've been told both. Mm-hmm. I think I'm like 50-50. Do you? I think I'm like really immature, childlike, but then I also think I'm like really wise old soul. On certain things I think I'm a combo. What do you think? I think you're more of an old soul like me. Really I do. I think back in the day you were Janis Joplin and I would be I don't know Janis Joplin, and I would be. I'm trying to think who would you be? You'd be like the Dancing Queen, like ABBA or something. Dancing Queen, only 17.
Speaker 1:Alright, I know this, but what's your zodiac sign? Okay, so I am a Virgo, libra. I'm the 21st, so I'm actually a cusp Right, but I'm definitely more Libra than I am. Virgo, you and my son? Well, he's straight Virgo. He's a straight Virgo and he's a man, and Virgo men are fucking tough. They could be assholes. Not my son. I love to pick at him. No, you don't dude, he does it right back to me though. Yes, he does. He's mean, but he's so cute, he was so sweet the other day, though he was, I know. Then he probably went home and was a turd to you, of course good, wise, I know. Then he probably went home and was a turd to you, of course Good. Are you a superstitious person? Yes, what is like your biggest superstition? I am a very superstitious on how the universe works and I am so big on talking to the universe. What you put out is what you get. Yep, I agree. What? Yeah, I can tell you about my karma jar. We know about our karma jars that we made.
Speaker 1:No, my new one that I made on the full moon in August. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, I asked to get pregnant before 2025. Aw, and it happened. I asked for a lot of things and it all happened and you've got to do it a certain way. So next time we're doing one. Yeah, some people pray to God, like being universal, spiritual, like spirituality, like universal person. You do believe in God too, but you're more centered and it's a bigger picture.
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely, it's the same thing. Yep, yeah, so I'm superstitious. So am I? Yeah, best Halloween costume that I've ever had? Yep, that's a Teletubby costume and I still have it up in the attic. I wore that for years. Yeah, which one were you? Purple? Was that like tinky winky? Yeah, isn't he the gay one? I don't know, I didn't know that. I just like purple, so I got purple. Alright, what is your favorite memory of us? Of me and you? Yeah, my memory was wiped clean. Oh, was it? Alright, you know what? I thought we renewed this friendship for 2025, but we didn't renew it.
Speaker 1:No, I don't think you did I don't remember signing a fucking contract you did. You signed it with blood. I did. Yep, what the hell? My favorite okay, this is a funny well, there's way too many, but my favorite memory is when okay, so Chrisissa found this zombie road in missouri, right, and we went there because we were in st louis and we drove because that was in actual missouri, yes, okay, so we fucking passed out. Okay, first of all, the serious part of this story is that we did have a time lapse. We lost time. The next thing we know there's people pounding. Oh, I just got a shake talking about it. Did they pound on your window?
Speaker 1:first, both of ours at the same time, yeah, and we both, like, woke up and looked at each other and it was the firefighters, right?
Speaker 1:or those emts firefighters and emts and the cops were there, yeah. Yeah, they thought we OD'd or something and it was like summertime and we were out ghost hunting. It was only like three. But something happened that night that we both can't remember by that train track, yup, and we got really scared and we would not like we locked the doors, yeah. And next thing, you know, it was like seven in the morning.
Speaker 2:And we woke up Like in the morning.
Speaker 1:And we woke up. What the fuck? We literally had a time lapse. It was crazy. But they were like we're just checking on you. Actually, I think the cops were like pussies. They didn't want to see us dead Because the cops were behind the truck. They sent the firefighters and the EMTs and I'm like are we in trouble? They're like, no, you're just in the middle of the parking lot, we're right by the entrance. We were like, oh my god, we're so sorry. And they're like, no, no, no, you're fine, Are you okay to drive? We're like, yes, that was a good memory.
Speaker 1:How did we meet? We met. Well, kiki, kristen, fucking bitch face. You hear me, I didn't call you that, I did, I did, I did. She was supposed to introduce me to you, carissa, with the cool spirit box from the UK. Yeah, I know, the bitch never came and got me that night. Then I was supposed to meet you again at Eloise and you couldn't go. Yeah, you didn't have a sitter, yeah.
Speaker 1:And then we, and then we met, oh, yeah, and I was giving her like all these breezes, or all these breezes that I had, and she was like oh my God, thank you. And she was like what do I owe you and I was like nothing I'm in here so we don't have to keep going outside to smoke cigarettes Yep. And then we exchanged numbers and then the rest was history. Yep. Then we got deemed. You know we actually they were on a witch hunt for us. We were like the first that started the witch hunt. I know that we were like perpetrators in the paranormal community and they were spiring together, the issas. You can't be friends with Melissa and be in my group. We're like what the fuck? Nobody wanted us together and you know what that's? Because we're a powerful duo. Yeah, we get shit done.
Speaker 1:Well, she's well. I won't say it because I'm going to ask you, okay, so I don't want to ruin it. Who is funnier? I'm funnier, you're funnier looking. No, we're both really funny. She's like witty. She has good comments. Actually, they piss me off sometimes. She's kind of like my husband, like she'll like laugh in your face if you're mad. It pisses me off even more if I'm having a bad time, like if I wake up too early on one of our vacations. Oh god, don't even get me started when I wake. Wake up too early on one of our vacations oh God, don't even get me started when I wake her up too early. Now, that's how I'm like Jackson. Oh my God, she's scary.
Speaker 1:What TV show would you be? In Dexter, of course you would be. Or are you Afraid of the Dark? Oh, that was a good show too. And then, finally, what would your stripper song be? Oh my god, something trick nasty girl. I mean nasty girl. Oh no, it would be. All I wanna do is make love to you. I used to sing that song for years. People would be like Mel, shut the fuck up. You only know the one verse. That's all I need to know. Wait, hold on, let's see what that song's called. Whoa, what's going on here? So totally off the subject, but I did not tell you I had to slip and fall when I was going to pick up fucking pizza.
Speaker 2:You already told me. Oh, I told you.
Speaker 1:I had to have an MRI on Friday. I can't believe you don't remember telling me Girl, your brain is worse than mine. Are you pregnant? No, so what happened with the MRI? I don't get the results till next week, so find out from there If I have a tear, are you finding it? All I want to do is make love to you. Oh, it is All I want to do is make love to you by heart. Oh, she had a slip and fall. She slipped, she fell. She can't get up. No, I didn't have my Life alert. Yeah, my life alert. We're going to have to sign her up for it. You know, that is like a mandatory sign up when you hit 40. It is? No, I hope not. Okay, well, how do you think I feel? Elena told me that I need prenatal hospice care because I'm you guys, I'm talking geriatrics, pregnancy or advanced pregnancy, because I'm 36. I was geriatric too. No, you weren't. Yes, I was. Anything after 30 is geriatric, anything after 34, no, oh, you changed.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because I was geriatric. Well, so you're still geriatrics?
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, I wasn't geriatric at the time then, well, that's what you said, that's yeah, so you need life alert? Yes, I need a wheelchair.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, we're doing great, we're going to be starting off the fucking nursing home early the way we're going. Can I bring my baby Paul's, like? No, just stay with me, I'll come visit you on the weekends. As long as we're in the same nursing home together, they're not going to be able to handle us. That would be worse than hell. Wow, not for us, but for them. Are you fucking kidding me? You can't remember shit anyways, aubrey, I'm deaf. I scream when I talk to people. I've already had a cataract. That was usually, they see, in 80 years and older. Yeah, we're doing great. Give me this. I'm going to ask you these questions now. Give. Yeah, we're doing great. Give me this. I'm going to ask you these questions now. Give me this. All right, you got more. No, how come you took the other one? Because this is some of my answers in case you ask them.
Speaker 1:You had to write your answers down. You don't get to. You got to save them on the spot Because I had to save them on the spot, all right, okay, the scariest, craziest ghost story you have. You know this one. It's definitely Madison Seminary. Oh, yeah, madison Seminary. Like what I saw that night, that is, she cried yeah, girl, I pissed myself. I've done that before. That was scary, oh Lord. Okay, a destination that you want to go to Poveglia Island I would love to go to that was that's out in Italy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it's like when the plague was the bubonic plague.
Speaker 1:oh, so you're gonna go on a fucking airplane now? No, always tells me she won't go on an airplane. I won't Do you hear this? But this is still a destination I want to go to. Oh my god, maybe in my next lifetime I'll be born in Italy and I can take a boat there. You'd be a pale Italian with blue eyes, I would. You've got green eyes, all right. So your top three bucket list like is this destinations? Yeah, well, if it's not destinations, I should have said I want to make a. I always want to be in a porn.
Speaker 2:really, yeah, I wanted I wanted to be a porn star you want somebody jacking off to you?
Speaker 1:hell yes, I wanted to be a porn star, like when I was like when I was an early teen, I thought I had my boobs done. Yeah, I want to be like getting railed, but you made it sound like Bucket List Destination. I hold on, let me see, I did not put it as yeah, I didn't just do. I've been at Eminem concerts. Okay, well, I haven't.
Speaker 1:I can't believe you haven't Alright my bucket list is Eminem concert Trans-Allegheny. And oh, paul almost took me there, really. We went. Is I'm going to have a concert Trans Allegheny? Oh, paul almost took me there, really. We went on our bike trip For West Virginia. Yeah, I want to go there. I want to go there too. And then I've always wanted to go to Amsterdam. I want to go to the Red Lake District. Yeah, she wants to smoke a bunch of weed. Smoke weed. Take ecstasy, you fucking name it. It is woo go time.
Speaker 1:Well, you already told us your best pickup line that was used on you yes, strangest thing about you you piss in the shower. Yep, describe yourself in three words. You want me to do it? Yeah, go for it. I'm going to say sensitive, definitely, she's a sensitive. Creative, yeah, and quirky, quirky, I like it. Weirdest thing that you've done in public. Um, you masturbated in you. You got caught. You can tell it's a dirty girl. Well, I, I walked around the beach in a bathing suit. That's pretty crazy girl. Nobody wanted to see that body. Oh, stop, if you had a superpower, but it only worked on your worst enemy, what would it be? I'm just gonna stick with the truth. Serum, true, serum. Yeah, you know what is that movie that jim carrey was in that he had to say the truth about everything. Oh, with the world and the cover. Yeah, I'm telling you right now, if I can make my worst enemy have to blurt out everything, nobody's going to like her, yeah.
Speaker 1:Or what if they're like the nicest person, though, and people are like, oh my God, I love her more. No, she's my enemy. For a reason I have bad juju feelings. I know she gave you the stank eye, the evil eye. Yep, If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people? Well, I'm not crazy like you. Oh Well, you have to be crazy if you're friends with me. That is true, but I would definitely play with the Ouija board Mess, with the music, Like you're gonna turn on the radio and you're gonna hear like Nelly, or and think of me, or Eminem, or Janis Joplin Probably Janis Joplin Cleaning out my closet. You're gonna turn on like Channel 955 and Janis Joplin comes on. You'll be like fucking Carissa.
Speaker 2:I like Janis Joplin though.
Speaker 1:She looked very old for her age, though she did, but that's probably because of all the drugs and alcohol Describe your perfect alien abduction None, no.
Speaker 2:I already know your answer.
Speaker 1:My perfect alien abduction is they see me and they're like eh, keep going. Next, what do you secretly do when no one's around? Oh, that's the ping. Yeah, but I also pick my face. Oh, you're not smoking bath anymore, are you? No, I just gave that up last week. Oh, thank god, new year, new you, girl.
Speaker 1:What do you think happens when we die? So I think that when we're in the active process of dying, that like your loved ones really do come there and like walk you through the light, okay, and then you like sit there for however many years you are on earth is how many years? You rewatch your life and you learn, yeah, rewatch your life and you learn, yeah, and then you are. You wait until the people you love most cross over, get a chance to reunite with them for a bit before you're reincarnated. That's what I think. I'm going to make up some of my own questions on the fly.
Speaker 1:Okay, have you ever experienced death-like symptoms? Like felt like you were gonna die. Yes, when I got into a really bad car accident and jackson was only a few months old, like hit us on the driver's side and it threw me up against the electrical box and took out the um, electricity at the gas station. Oh my God, it was bad. Like the metal came up from the floorboard, like I could see down and see the cement. But anyways, as the vehicle was coming at me, like I braced myself, and when it hit me it was like a flash before my eyes.
Speaker 1:And it's true, like your best memories come up. And then I woke up and I fucking like hopped out, like grabbed Jackson, got out of the car, missing a flip flop. Rip, flip flop. Yeah, they got. It wasn't you, though. All I can say is I saw my life flash before my eyes Before that airbag went off. Have you ever made yourself puke from your own fart or your shit? No, okay, you almost made me choke. Oh, have you ever sat on the toilet without putting the seat down and fell in there?
Speaker 2:that's a near-death experience.
Speaker 1:That's a near-death experience. Yes, it is, even before you fall. Explore the ocean, explore space or explore afterlife. Which one do you pick? Ooh, that's a good question. I would say probably afterlife and after that the ocean Only, because the ocean's only 3%. But you have to pick one. Afterlife, okay, without a doubt. I want to know the ins and outs of, like, the actual process of dying and being a ghost and Scaring people. Yeah, well, paul's down here. You had to pick exploring space, exploring the ocean or exploring afterlife. What do you pick? Am I going to die or can I do whatever I want? You can do whatever you want. You're in the Matrix. Is it fun? I can jump back and forth in time.
Speaker 1:Afterlife, afterlife. You both picked afterlife. That's a good question. Huh, that is Um, okay, but space fuck that Too. Fucking high up in the sky for my liking. I'd be like woohoo. Nope, I'd be with the Martians, you would? No, I think the aliens are down in the ocean. So you'd be getting sucked under If you knew that you were abducted by an alien through the night and you woke up pregnant and then you thought it was a dream. But then you found out you were pregnant and your ultrasound showed an alien-like shaped head. Would you still go through with the birthing? Fuck, no, I wouldn't Get that alien baby out of me like immediately.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 1:That's cute, though, the little alien baby. You wouldn't have it, because then daddy's going to come back and be like ah, don't take me off, you'd have two daddies, or what if it just waits until I give birth to it, takes the baby and fucking leaves? No, it can't, because it's not full alien. It has to live on Earth too. No, still wouldn't do it, nope, okay, what is your favorite movie from the 90s? From the 90s? I put one up today on Facebook that you oh, I know, Cry Baby.
Speaker 1:And you know, what's so funny is that I was listening to that song earlier, please. Mr J Gives me character and she's my favorite. That's so me. I don't know 90s movies. There's so many fucking good ones. Well, pick one. I can't. There's so many TikTok. We're on the clock. Gotta pick one Life or death. Fuck, love and basketball. I love that movie I love love and basketball or Crazy Beautiful.
Speaker 1:Can we talk about how good the black movies were in the 90s, early 2000s? Oh, fucking amazing, I preferred black movies. They were better, they had better plots, they had better love stories, unless you were watching A Walk to Remember or something like that. Paul took my DVD, a Walk to Remember, and all the boys, when they were overseas, cuddled and watched it. He said it was sad, they were overseas when they watched it.
Speaker 1:Okay, so if you, let's say, apocalyptic thing happened to the earth, okay, your house is gone, there's no more homes. If you had to live in a teepee or a snow igloo or a small cave, what do you pick? Mmm, cave Cave, fuck, yeah, and I have good questions on the fly, you do. Sorry, my questions weren't as interesting. No, they were good. Like no, they were okay.
Speaker 1:If you had to choose one food to eat the rest of your life, what is it? Oh, easy, chocolate. Well, that's not food food. Oh, cereal, is that food food? Yeah, I would choose pizza. Taco Bell, I mean. Oh, I love Taco Bell. Can we just pick a category? I would say breakfast foods. Oh, I category. I would say breakfast foods. Oh, I love breakfast. I fucking love breakfast.
Speaker 1:What is your dream job? Hmm, my dream job would probably it would be something with kids. It really would Like running my own daycare. I would love doing that. You want me to see if I can pop them out, so I'm 60 and I'll give you a daycare. Fuck, yeah, let's go.
Speaker 1:No, mine would be some kind of like journalist writer yeah, that is up your alley Talk show host. I like interviewing people or I could like delve into like some conspiracy theory shit. That would be cool. Yeah, I could see you being like a fucking professor of all the plagues. Oh, yeah, I would be. I want to come up with something for you for Halloween, like Dr Plague, but like female version, and I do like the plague mask. And I could see you with like the steampunk look. Yeah, okay. So in the years that you lived so far, what like era are you going back to? Probably the 70s? No, like in what you've lived already? Oh, what I've lived in Fucking 90s, 90s, early 2000s. That was the best time, like even the early 2000s. Phones weren't a thing. No, so parents had no idea what the fuck we were doing. Nope.
Speaker 2:Pagers beepers were still a thing.
Speaker 1:Yes, beepers, I never had a beeper. Oh, I had a beeper, I was too young.
Speaker 1:And I had like one of those brick cell phones, like one of the first ones that came out. My mom made me carry hers to the movies. Oh no, I had to buy like. My friend gave me one for Christmas like a used phone, and I had to sneak minutes on it and then my mom found it. Whoa, was she pissed? Yeah, I wanted an Nokia one. My mom's like you don't need that, you have moms. They had a fucking antenna you pull. It was like some old Verizon one, like holy shit, I had to carry a purse just to put the phone in.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, like great TV shows, great music, like people expressing themselves so creatively, yeah, I know, I fucking love it. Such a colorful era, yeah, and it was like such a good time economically too. What's your spirit animal? I like to say that it was a honey badger. I knew it was a honey badger, I was waiting for you to say that. But Unicorn, yeah, it could be a unicorn. A squirrel, no, probably a sloth, no, I don't know, I don't really have a spirit animal. I would say like a unicorn or like a dolphin. A dolphin, yeah, because it's like majestic. Oh, okay, I'll take that. Or a peacock, or a peacock, I could, because I'm colorful.
Speaker 1:Oh, talking about cats, that was the last episode I did. Do you know that cats have feminine energy? Yeah, and they go back to like Egyptian times. Cats were like a god, a goddess, yeah. Yeah, I could see you as a cat, like a Maine Coon, yep. When I was in high school, we had to do a project on like an Egyptian prince or goddess or whatever, and I chose the cat goddess. You did, yep, okay, I did Okay.
Speaker 1:So if you could make a spinoff of this podcast, what would it be about? It would just be about serial killers, cults and plagues. Okay, those are my Tops. Yup. Unsolved murders too, probably, but I don't see how I could branch off of this because you do every subject. Yeah, but if you could, so, like, if we started like another, oh, like another one, like another one, like a new one of this, like 2.0. What would it be called? Uh, strange, deranged beyond insane. 2.0, stranger deranger, still beyond insane. Stranger Deranger, still Beyond Insane. I don't know, we'd have to think about that. Yeah, food for thought.
Speaker 1:Review people's products. Well, if we can get Kristen to actually open up the fucking app on her goddamn computer and do some of the work that she's supposed to be doing, because she's like oh my God, it takes so long. Well, she was supposed to learn how to edit and do all this stuff, but she's like, you know, I just leave it to you. I know Because that is so sweet. Oh my God, you know what she told me one night. I said you got all the same apps that I have, like this is so weird. All the same apps that I have, Like this is so weird. She goes yeah, I let you do the work, I see if the app works good for you and then I get it. I let you review the products first. Oh, it's just how our relationship goes, oh my God. Let's see if I have any more questions for you.
Speaker 1:Oh, what princess would you be from the Disney stories? Ariel, ariel, oh, yeah, Ariel, I was obsessed with the Little Mermaid. I felt a connection with her and I want my own flounder. I would be Snow White, would you Talking to all the animals? Yeah, but I'm really schizophrenic.
Speaker 2:Isn't that what they say about Snow White?
Speaker 1:Yeah, she was actually schizophrenic Yup, okay. So the trippiest movies um Alice in Wonderland Okay yeah, fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, or Donnie Darko Donnie Darko is fucking dark and twisted. Oh, I should add butterfly effect in there too. That was that kind of made me sad when I watched it, like when I was oh, I should add butterfly effect in there too. That was that kind of made me sad when I watched it, like when I was a teenager. I got like anxiety from it Really, because I felt like what if I could go back like that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's why I've always thought like movies. That's another thing I always wanted to like make movies, because I'm so deeply invested in like See, I couldn't make movies, but TV shows I could, because I feel like a movie doesn't go in depth enough on a character as a TV show, yeah, like a Netflix series, yes, so I would like that. Over a movie, I always thought about, like what if somebody in an alternate universe took this podcast and made it into a TV show? That would be so badass, it would be crazy. That would be Do we get a star in it? So your name would be like Larissa Alright, marissa. Marissa, christina would be like Crystal. I had to change everyone's names. Alright, I think that's going to be it for tonight. Can't say this enough.
Speaker 1:Thank you guys for listening and if you have any kind of ideas, stories, anything you want us to share or talk about, email us at ghost sisters 21, 24 at gmailcom Um, you're on Tik TOK. You're on Tik TOK too, yup, facebook. We have Facebook, tiktok. You're on TikTok too, yep, facebook. We have a Facebook page. Twitter X, youtube, yep, all of it. Of course, you can listen to us on all media platforms like Spotify, youtube, music, all that good stuff. So, thank you guys, so much for listening and I will talk to you guys soon. Thanks for watching.