Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Everything paranormal and unexplained. History of buildings old hospitals any haunted locations along with personal experiences. Famous murders in Michigan. Ufo and extraterrestrial. Urban legends of Michigan. Folklores witches and tribal tales. Horror movies and unexplained curses and deaths on set.
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Disturbing Facts of the Deep and Dark: And Tales from the Appalachians
Prepare yourself for an episode that will make you question the world around you. Have you ever wondered about the spine-chilling scream from "The Exorcist" or why homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women? This episode of Strange, Strange Beyond, Insane is packed with unsettling discoveries, from the eerie history of CPR dummies modeled after a deceased girl to the bizarre nature of teratoma tumors. Our journey doesn't stop there, as we confront the grim realities of airborne mortality and face the terrifying truths behind bear attacks and the Titanic's tragic fate.
The ocean's depths hide more than just marine life; they conceal dangers and mysteries that defy understanding. Hear a harrowing tale of a near-death encounter with a Hawaiian rip current and learn about the formidable creatures lurking beneath the waves, like the anglerfish and bigfin squid. The episode also reveals the enigmatic Bermuda Triangle and the spectral tales of the British Museum—a reminder of how the ocean's vastness mirrors the boundless nature of the unknown. Immerse yourself in these maritime stories that challenge the boundaries of reality and myth.
Uncover chilling Appalachian superstitions, which paint a haunting picture of the region's folklore. From the eerie advice to avoid whistling in the woods to the cryptic warnings about pursuing entities, these tales hold the keys to understanding a world steeped in mystery. We'll also explore bizarre urban legends and disturbing realities, such as medical errors and rogue black holes, blending science with spectral stories that blur the line between fact and fiction. Conclude your eerie journey by connecting with us on social media, where you can share your own spine-tingling stories or become part of our show.
Hey everyone, welcome back to Strange, strange Beyond, insane, and this is your host, melissa, and for today's episode I have nothing but the best terrifying facts, even well, not just terrifying, but very disturbing too. Alright, so let's start. So it is said that the scream of the demon in the Exorcist was created by using recorded sounds of pigs crying as they were about to be slaughtered. Now I know a lot of fun facts about the Exorcist movie. You guys know I'm all about the classic horror movies and I have never once in my life heard that fact. So it is said that there are eight nukes that are missing around the world. The leading cause of death for pregnant women is actually homicide, which is definitely extremely fucking disturbing. The CPR dummy face is based on a dead 16 year old girl's. The mortician said he was so entranced by her peaceful expression that he made a plaster mask of her face, which became used for CPR dummies and health training equipment.
Speaker 1:There is a type of tumor called teratoma that can grow teeth, hair and organs. That's disgusting. When someone dies on a plane, they're usually just kept in the seat or moved to the back row if there is room. Can you imagine like how many people you have been sitting by on a plane that you thought were sleeping, but they were actually dead. I wonder how many times that has happened. Okay, your stomach acid is so strong that it would dissolve a razor blade. I have heard that many times. Some people who survived bear attacks report hearing the sound of the bear's teeth scraping against their skulls. If you get skinned alive, you'll likely die from hypothermia, not blood loss. When you receive a kidney transplant, they don't replace your old kidney with the new one. They just add the new one, leaving you with three kidneys.
Speaker 1:Two-headed sharks are being sighted more and more, and no one knows why. Okay, so this is terrifying facts about the Titanic. People said that the silent aftermath was more scary than the screams of everyone, because they had to sit in complete darkness with no sound, until the sun rose and help arrived. The water was so cold that it would have felt like burning and stabbing throughout the whole entire body. As the Titanic was sending flare signals out the ships around them, they thought that there was a celebration and that was the reason that they did not help right away. The life jackets were made out of very hard metal, so if someone was to jump off the ship wearing one. It's most likely that they broke their neck. The remains of the lost lives were scattered around after a storm struck the same night, so they couldn't find any remains. That's just even more sad and terrifying to hear that about the Titanic.
Speaker 1:If you don't sleep for a while, your brain starts eating itself. It is easier to crack open your skull than a jolly rancher. If you die in a dream, your brain wakes you up because it doesn't know what happens after death. Australia is as big as the moon. A 3,000-year-old mummy can still have fingerprints. There is a photo floating around of a Japanese man horribly burned over his whole entire body. It seems like he was being kept alive to examine the long-term effects of radiation or some such. He was barely recognizable as human, and this person responded and said his name was Hiroshi Ochi.
Speaker 1:If anyone is interested, a woman posted about being alone at home and she let her dog out. Moments later she heard her dog scratching to be let in, but something stopped her from opening the door. She looked through the peephole and it was a man pretending to be her dog. That whole post scares me. What if she hadn't looked? Someone replied.
Speaker 1:The one that has always stuck with me is a person had a knock on their apartment door. They opened the door. There was a horrible monster with a bloody face groaning at them. They closed the door and called 911. The operator said that there were already several calls and police were on their way. It turns out that a tenant of the apartment tried to commit suicide by putting a shotgun underneath his chin. He blew off his lower jaw and the entire front of his face, but did not die, obviously. And then he had decided he wanted to live and he was looking for help by knocking on all of his neighbor's doors.
Speaker 1:That is completely terrifying and extremely sad. So I always find this very scary, and I constantly am saying this because we're always seeing about space news. Right, but think of it this way the ocean has only been explored 5% of its 100%, and we all know nothing good comes out of the ocean which. So this person says that they have spent their entire life thinking of the deep sea anglerfish and they thought it was pretty much the size of a Nerf football. So after they did more research and seen one at a museum, they replied with how horrifying is this that this specimen is actually seven feet long. Can you imagine a fish that's seven feet long and I mean I know that we have like muskies and sturgeon stuff like that in our lakes here in Michigan, but the anglerfish not only is it long but it's massive in size, like the width of it. Okay, another really scary thing and you guys should look it up is ocean fog. I know how creeped out we get when we're in the cemeteries and this like random fog happens out of nowhere. We're in the cemeteries and this like random fog happens out of nowhere. I could not imagine being on an ocean floor and just all of a sudden seeing a bunch of fog. All right, so this picture shows that this is Point Nemo. If you're ever lost at sea and see this, you better hope someone knows where you are, because Point Nemo is closer to space than any land.
Speaker 1:Terrifying, and I am terrified of the ocean, although I do swim in it occasionally. I think it's beautiful, but it is terrifying. The Pacific Ocean is absolutely huge. It covers about 30% of our earth. The deep ocean is not even black, it's jet black, which means absolute zero visibility. That is the most fucking terrifying thing to me Fishing at nighttime on the lake and just looking down at the water with like even spotlights on and you cannot see anything. And just imagining what's underneath of you, I cannot imagine the ocean. That's way fucking deeper, way bigger. Yeah, no, no, thank you. If your plane crashes in the ocean, you have about a 3% survival rate, which is nothing. So rip currents can take you from the beach to a mile out in minutes. You most likely won't even notice, you guys, I did. I think I'm pretty sure I talked about this on an episode.
Speaker 1:My husband was stationed in Hawaii.
Speaker 1:That's before we were married and when we were dating.
Speaker 1:Of course I would go out and visit him. We did. Well, I brought a couple of friends with me at the time. They were dating and my friend's old boyfriend actually pulled me out of a riptide, or a rip current, if you will. Anyways, it was very scary. I was underwater and when I looked up I seen someone surfing on top well, not surfing yet, but they were paddling on the board and I was like really confused. I'm like how am I underwater? And then, before I knew it, like I looked back to see you know, my people, if you will, on the beach and I could not see them. I had no idea where I was inside the ocean and, um, yeah, our friend came and pulled me out. I could not get out of it. I was swimming as hard as I could and with the you know, like the pull force of this riptide, my hand actually started to slip out of his and fortunately, I grasped onto his pinky finger and he pulled me with his pinky finger. And then I found out about I don't know a month or two later that Heidi Klum's bodyguard actually almost droughted like that Same way, same spot that we were in same beach, droughted like that same way, same spot that we were in same beach. I know, reading more in the article, heidi klum actually was the one that saved her own bodyguard.
Speaker 1:Okay, so the ocean contains over a million viruses and bacterias. And now, now, this is another thing that reads um, anglerfish are actually about 12 feet in length and 40 feet in height. That's massive Ocean floor. Sinkholes are real and they are almost everywhere in the Atlantic. Orcas kill five times more humans than great white sharks per year great white sharks per year. The largest tsunami was the 1800 foot wave in Latoya Bay. It was caused by a landslide.
Speaker 1:Okay, so this thing, the big fin squid, and it's believed to grow over 26 feet long and I actually had to look this up because I'm like, is this real? Because it looks like something from alien versus predator movie. It has this like big alien head with like I don't know like ears and it's got long, spider, like tentacles completely creepy. If I seen something like that, I opened up my eyes and the ocean. I would probably pass away from a heart attack or even a stroke. That would scare the shit out of me. The ocean floor is littered with shipwrecks and dead bodies.
Speaker 1:The ocean is scientifically geared to lure you in. The ocean is a lighting magnet. When a person dies, their hearing is the last to go. I think we've said that before on here, which I think is a blessing and also equally terrifying. Another random fact about jellyfish you know the ocean, so jellyfish can cause death and serious injuries more than sharks, sea snakes and stingrays combined. When a whale dies, it creates a whole new ecosystem. Underwater volcanoes are larger than 90% of mountains on earth and they erupt more than often than normal volcanoes, causing micro tsunamis. Sneaker waves kill 200 people per year. Mako sharks can swim up to 35 miles per hour and can jump 20 feet out of the water. They are also known for hunting divers.
Speaker 1:Again about sinkholes. So sinkholes can be only 10 feet off the sand on a beach. That is really scary, because when my husband and I were in North Carolina and we were swimming in the ocean, there was, like this sweet spot. It was about probably about seven to 10 feet out. It was, you know, still sandy, kind of rocky, and then boom, big drop. But I mean, if we were to, like, end up in a sinkhole and keep going down, I mean that I mean, like what, what do you do? Like how do you get out of that, right? So 10 feet off the sand on a beach, right, these sinkholes can drag you in a cave and rapidly take you hundreds of feet down. That is fucking terrifying. Thank God that did not happen to us when we were in the ocean. I would not be here talking to you guys today.
Speaker 1:One mile off the coast of Nazare, portugal, is an Atlantic trench that is 16,000 feet deep. So an Atlantic trench that is 16,000 feet deep, that's insane. So the Bermuda Triangle is a terrifying topic and this has been going on for years and there is still so much unexplainable phenomena that goes on there. After 10 minutes of watching yourself through a mirror in a dimly lit room, your brain gets bored and distorts your reflection, causing imaginary monsters such as Bloody Mary. When you wake up between 3 and 4 am, there is a chance that someone or something was watching you.
Speaker 1:The British Museum is one of the most haunted museums in the world. Visitors and staff have reported seeing the mummified corpse of a Mexican baby levitating in mid-air and hearing ancient music playing. So we did visit the British Museum a couple years back and it was a very, very cool place to be and I do not recall any paranormal stuff going on, although I wasn't trying to capture any of that. I was so busy taking so many pictures. The Northern and Barkaloo Lines are supposedly home to a race of cannibals who were responsible for a string of murders on the tube during the 1960s. They left their victims disembellowed with the limbs gnawed off.
Speaker 1:Inspiring films such as Creep and Deathline Interesting. I have not watched either one of those movies, but now I'm interested. Those walking through the East Smithfield in the small hours have reported smelling burning flesh. This is the location where Bloody Mary had Protestants burned at the stake. You are always six minutes away from death. Breathing resets that clock.
Speaker 1:3 am is known as the devil's hour because it is said that during this hour the veil between our world and the paranormal world is at its thinnest, aka witching hour. We never use devil's hour, we always say witching, but I know that everyone looks at it differently, says a different name for it. La pelle du vide is when you have self-destructive thoughts for a split second, for instance, picturing yourself swerving into oncoming traffic or jumping off a bridge, although you never really would do it. Okay, jemez View, I think, is the opposite of deja vu. This is when you feel like you're seeing or experiencing something for the first time, despite rationally knowing that you've seen or done it before. Paranormal experts claim that when you dream of a dead friend or a relative, a ghost is in your room staring at you at that precise moment. According to its inventor, the Ouija board named itself. When asked what Ouija means, it replied good luck. In the 70s, a man who jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge left a note that read I'm going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me along the way, I will not jump.
Speaker 1:People jerk themselves awake while sleeping because their body thinks that they're dead. It's their brain's way of making sure they're still alive, since their heart rate is so slow. People unknowingly swallow about eight spiders a year. Literally, spiders are crawling inside your mouth and down your esophagus and you have no idea when or where. Facebook shut down two robots named Alice and Bob because they started talking to each other in their own language.
Speaker 1:There are at least 10 recorded cases of someone dying from laughter. Well, that's fucking terrible. I think I have heard that before or seen it on TV At some point in the time. A stranger has thought of killing you. Selfies are responsible for more deaths every year than sharks. There's a shack called the Devil's Toy Box in Louisiana, and people who go in there supposedly lose their minds. When a person dies, they have seven minutes of brain activity left in which they seem to dream like a sequence of their memories.
Speaker 1:Most serial killers are born in November. In 1967, 15-year-old James Gordon Wolcott killed his entire family after sniffing airplane glue. He was deemed insane and admitted to a hospital, and is now declared sane and is a psychology professor. Melanie Selentite convinced her husband to shoot and kill their next-door neighbor because he was telepathically raping her for years. In December of 2012, a man tried to hang himself off his apartment balcony. Unfortunately, the rope was far too long and it resulted in his head being ripped off completely. Responding officers didn't find the head until several hours later. It was on the neighbor's balcony.
Speaker 1:So things kidnappers look for Short people, short nails, long hair. Short people short nails, long hair, baggy clothes, distracted by their phones good looking, wow. So that's like half of the nation, right? So facts that are terrifying because they are real. There is a rogue black hole in our galaxy. There are over 250,000 deaths a year due to medical error. Scientists predict that a body submerged in deep water will be skeletonized in less than four days. Fir trees can grow in human lungs. There is a one in three chance.
Speaker 1:Police will never identify your killer if you are murdered in the US. If the sun exploded right now, you would not know about it for another eight minutes. 20% of children report hearing voices. Thomas Hargrove, a homicide archivist, estimates that there are over 2,000 serial killers at large right now. In fact, former chief of the FBI elite serial crime unit, john Douglas, said that in 2015. A very conservative estimate is that there are between 25 and 50 active serial killers right now in the United States. There are about 40 super volcanoes around the world, capable of claiming up to a billion lives, and we're about 24,000 years overdue for an eruption.
Speaker 1:There is a brain-eating amoeba that lives in lakes and rivers of the southern United States. Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is a condition where someone seemingly healthy dies suddenly with no apparent cause of death. Over 80 million bacteria can be exchanged in only one kiss. Botflies are a type of insect whose larvae burrow under your skin. You guys, if you don't have super weak stomachs, you should look up videos of botflies in people, like inside their skin. It is very disturbing, but it is really satisfying when they dig and pull these things out. I have watched many videos of those years ago. New Orleans is said to be the most haunted city in America. Demons are always watching you. They're especially present when you are asleep. Cnn is ready for the end of the world and they do have a video for it that was already recorded that they will play minutes before the world ends. Supposedly, our body does not know the difference between our eyes, so meaning like if there's an infection or an injury to one eye, the immune system is said to attack the healthier eye, which I've kind of already went through that. That is very, very, very fucking terrifying.
Speaker 1:Okay, so this is kind of like an urban myth that in. So the question is did American TV viewers hear the devil's voice on August 29th 1968? And it said that on August 29th 1968, all the televisions in America were shut down. There was a murmuring on the TV that some believe was the devil's voice. The televisions were off for about 25 seconds. No one knows what the issue was and no one knows what the sound was from the TVs.
Speaker 1:Here's a historical claim with an eerie supernatural twist that we've been asked to check out many times. This version was sent to us in 2016 by a reader named Neil. I heard this thing that on August 29, 1968, every single TV went out across America at the same time. There was a strange noise coming from the TV and some thought that it was the voice of the devil. The televisions were off for about 25 seconds and no one was ever able to figure out what happened. Seconds and no one was ever able to figure out what happened. We have yet to come across a variant that provides any more detail than this, just saying that all the TVs in America simultaneously went out, turned off or shut down, meaning perhaps that a broadcast signal was interrupted. Signal was interrupted.
Speaker 1:This type of viral story is often called creepypasta, which in turn is a form of copypasta, as in the text, or text combined with images, that is copied and pasted and shared as an ad on the internet. So there is no historical evidence that any such thing occurred, not on that date or any other. In fact, we'll go so far as to say that the short of some sort of supernatural intervention by the devil let's say no such thing as all the TVs in America shutting down could occur. And even if, for the sake of argument, the devil did do it, the incident would not have gone unnoticed and unreported by every single news outlet in the country. It would be in the historical record, there would be eyewitnesses' accounts, but none exist. So this is just a story, but people talk about it. So let's look up what happened on August 1968. Let's see August. Let's see if you know these stories. Um, okay, so Wikipedia. So that was a. Oh nope, hold on, we got to go all the way down. You know, it's so much fun debunking creepy stories. Okay, that's 68. All right, so we need 29th, 25th, 29th Okay, so that was a Thursday.
Speaker 1:Crown Prince Harald, who had later became King Harald of Norway, married Sonja Haraldsen, a commoner, whom he had dated for nine years. The couple had been prohibited from marriage because the Norwegian government would not approve a waiver of a law requiring a member of the Norwegian royalty to marry another member of nobility or royalty. What else happened, okay. So right here it says, according to an urban legend which would begin circulating on the internet around 2014, every television in America had shut down for about 25 seconds. This story was false and it was debunked officially in March of 2023, stating that there was no historical or eyewitness evidence to support it. And on that day a US Army Major General died Ulysses S Grant III, 87, american engineer and military officer. General Grant had been born four years before the 1884 death of his grandfather, former US President and General of the Army, ulysses S Grant. So that seems to be well debunked.
Speaker 1:But you know you ever wonder, like, why these stories come about. That's why I always try to look up like things on that date that happened, to see if maybe the story was just dramatized a little bit. Okay, so you know that a human bite has enough power to bite off a finger and the only thing stopping us from ever doing that is our brains. Okay, so a man avoids shockwave by going underwater. That is a scary video of an actual bomb going off in the middle of the ocean and you see him diving down into the water. Also, a meteor turns night into daytime, so, like a meteorite or like a meteorite shower even if it is caught on any kind of camera, even like your ring camera on your porches it literally turns a dark night into a bright day, and I love those images and videos. I love watching those. Okay, so, another really cool video to look up is how a forest can actually breathe. The ground moves. It's insane and it really does happen. I think they're also known as like a forest hiccup. That is really something, a very interesting fact to see.
Speaker 1:All right, so a goat born with one eye Okay, so the Cyclops kid is what they call, and this is a goat born in India, and this article was published May 19, 2017. A goat with one large eye in the middle of its forehead, a rare birth defect, known as Cyclopia, was born in the village of Assam, india, on May 10. Cyclopia is a severe form of a disorder called oh my god, I hate these big words form of a disorder called oh my god, I hate these big words hollow prosophically, which emerges during fetal development. When the brain doesn't divide into two distinct hemispheres, a fetus with cyclopia fails to develop two eye cavities, instead forming a single central eye cavity that can contain one oversized eye or two partially fused eyeballs. Yeah, so that is real and I have seen many pictures.
Speaker 1:I mean it is like so ugly, it's cute, but the mouth, everything's like just off about it. So it is pretty creepy and if you ever get a chance, look that up. Like I said, there is pictures and videos. If you ever get a chance, look that up. Like I said, there is pictures and videos. So I came across a couple creepy signs online and this is like a stick figure standing with what kind of looks like a morphed clock and it says heard something in the wall or ceiling? If you see something, say something, report it via. Like what? What is that supposed to mean? Okay, here's another sign. Attention, if you become lost or confused in the corn maze, stay calm, don't panic. Help is on the way. Every thursday morning we send a rescue team into the maze to bring out everyone left from the previous weekend. They are highly trained and can usually locate over two-thirds of those left behind. That is literally fucking terrifying, okay. Then there's a sign on the back of this truck and it says this container transports a disease which has no cure. Alright, and this is a nuclear waste sign, and it was meant to be read years into the future.
Speaker 1:This place is not a place of humor. No highly esteemed deed is com commerated here. Nothing valued is here. You guys, this is really hard to read because you can barely see it. Okay, and then it reads on what is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger. Wow is a warning about danger, wow, okay. So wherever you are, someone has died in that spot.
Speaker 1:Most laughs on TV are from the 50s, which means you're hearing dead people. Let me read that again. Most laughs on TV are from the 50s, which means you're hearing dead people. One in five people sleep with their eyes opened. One in eight people die in their sleep. When Apollo 11 landed, it had only 20 seconds of fuel left. There are thousands of old diseases frozen in the glaciers, and global warming will eventually release them all.
Speaker 1:Cruises are all fun and games until you realize you're trapped if a serial killer is on board. That's scary, but thank God there's enough people. There's way more people on a cruise than one serial killer, right, okay, content warning. The following video contains material that may be harmful or traumatizing to some audience. I'm guessing they had to warn about this because they don't want people starving themselves. And again, this is, I think, a real-life x-ray, so this is a creepy fact. In 1965, a grossly obese man decided to live without eating by using his copious body fat and vitamins. After one year and 17 days without eating, he had lost nearly 275 pounds with no adverse effects. Okay, here's some more scary facts. In 1971, ted Bundy took a job at Seattle's Suicide Hotline Crisis Center. A man's ball sack can be ripped open as easily as you open up a bag of chips. If we could hear the sound that the sun emits, it would be the equivalent of standing next to a speaker at a rock concert.
Speaker 1:On Christmas of 2013, a child in Houston received a Disney's Frozen Elsa doll that would end up haunted and make the news. The doll would sing the song Let it Go, alternating in English and Spanish. There was no button to swap languages and it wasn't programmed for Spanish. The family had owned the doll for over six years and never changed its batteries. The mother says that the doll would randomly begin to speak and sing even with its switch turned off. They threw the creepy doll out in December of 2019. Weeks later, they found it inside a bench in their living room. Nobody placed it there. The family then double-bagged the bizarre doll and placed it at the bottom of the garage and saw it taken by the garbage truck. They took a short trip away, only to return to the doll sitting in their backyard. And you know, there is a story about a Ouija board like that too. We did cover that episode last year.
Speaker 1:Okay, so one specific ghost story that is very extreme. Um, and this is Heart Starts Pounding Podcast. Um, and it's really, it's coming from people that do not believe in ghosts at all, and it specifically happens to people when they get into car accidents. Um, she claims that she has gotten hundreds of these stories. Again, you guys, this is Heart Starts Pounding Podcast, and I believe her name is Emma Lee.
Speaker 1:Okay, she says they always go like this so a person will get into a car crash and then be in a really bad shape afterwards and then, out of nowhere, someone will appear to them. Sometimes it's an EMT or someone saying that they are an EMT, but a lot of times it's like the person's grandmother that died before or another family member that passed away. That person will tell the person that got into the car crash and will oftentimes tell them that they're not going to die and that they're okay. And when this happens, no one else is at the scene and no one at the scene will have any idea what this person is actually talking about. The EMTs will have not seen this person that the injured person speaks about. Eyewitnesses will have not seen this person. Yet this person who got into the car accident swears that someone showed up and gave them advice. Okay, and this is. This is episode 19 on her podcast and it's called Supernatural Survival Mysterious Near-Death Encounters.
Speaker 1:Again, you guys, that's Heart Starts Pounding Podcast, all right, and there is a lot of disturbing facts about the Appalachian Mountains, all right. So there are a bunch of rules. Do not whistle in the woods period, day or night, it does not matter. Do not do it. The woods are not our domain. The things in the woods are not our friends. If you heard it, saw it, smelled it, felt it. No, you didn't, don't acknowledge it, don't go, keep moving. These rules often include, but are not limited to do not go in the woods at night, do not whistle in the woods, do not look in the trees, etc.
Speaker 1:The first and most important rule is that if you ever hear your name in the Appalachian Mountains, know you didn't, especially if you're traveling alone, and especially if you're alone at night, or if that voice wakes you up from a dead sleep, do not answer, do not acknowledge, keep hiking. Or if you're woken up, do not go back to sleep. Build a fire and keep yourself awake at all costs. It knows where you are now, but as long as you don't slip up and doze off, you will live. If you come to the Appalachian Mountains, try not to look out of your window or go outside when the sun sets and if you see something peculiar in the dark, pretend that you did not. So these are rules that you have to understand before either camping or hiking in the Appalachian Mountains, and it is said that when you enter these mountains, you are entering like a whole other realm and there is a set of unspoken rules that you must follow. So these are pretty much.
Speaker 1:All the same, there's some things that people have added. Basically, if you hear your name or you hear talking, just keep moving. You should not respond, do not say hello. Basically, if you do acknowledge these things, these beings, you are giving them permission and you are basically telling them yes, come here, come after me and bother me. Okay, let's move forward. Wow, there's so many rules.
Speaker 1:Okay, if you're camping in the Appalachian Mountains, you have to remember, at night, you must keep a fire going at all times, and it's not for warmth and it's not for cooking, it's to keep you safe. And if you are going to camp in a tent, make sure that when you go into that tent it is sealed up and there are no holes or there's no cracks. And if you hear any kind of screaming, yelling or anyone calling your name, again do not respond and do not go back to sleep. And if something wakes you up, stay alert and, once again, do not respond. Okay, now it says here that if you are walking through the Appalachian Mountains, it is very important that if you come across a deer carcass, do not touch it and do not stare at it, walk away and ignore it, because this is something once again trying to lure you into the woods. If it comes at the point that something is chasing you and it gets you, and there is no escape, fight, fight, fight as hard as you can, whether it's a person or an animal. If it's something else, though and you know what I'm talking about well, you just let it get you right, because at that point there's nothing that you can do. And then here we go.
Speaker 1:There is an old saying that you go into the Appalachian Mountains with two bullets. You fire the first one at something that is not a person, that is not an animal, and if it doesn't run away, you know what to do with the second one. That is scary, all right. So the Appalachian Mountains is just a very suspicious topic, because there are so many missing people that went into the mountains and never came back right. So, never be in the woods from dusk until dawn. Never leave the marked trail. It's marked off for a reason. And then you know, never look too hard into the trees, you might not like what you see.
Speaker 1:Okay, so this woman lives in the Appalachian still, and she says I'm going to share some of the warnings that my ancestors passed down with me to you guys. Again never whistle in the woods. Do not look into the tree line. If you see something weird, know you didn't. You hear something weird, know you didn't. Even if you think you heard somebody familiar call your name with you, at that time you heard nothing at all. Um, okay, oh, and here's another fact that she said when you're out in the woods and the birds and all the wildlife suddenly fall silent, you should probably head back to your car. And she says this is a hard one for y'all to grasp, but if something is chasing you do not run. Running initiates the predator versus prey instinct. It kind of becomes a game for them at that point. Remember, these are some of the oldest mountain ranges in the world and they will have oh so, have respect for them and they will have respect for you. Back, okay, this person says cause she still lives in the Appalachians. She says always keep your keys with you in the Appalachian mountains. And then goes on to pretty much I mean everyone pretty much has like the same set of rules.
Speaker 1:Again, just different font Appalachian superstitions. Dreaming of bees is a sign of good fortune. Death always comes in threes. If you sweep underneath a single person's feet, he or she will never marry. After planting a hill of beans. Always press the soil with your foot for good luck. If a rabbit crosses your path before sunrise, bad news will follow. Take a spoonful of honey every morning to keep your words sweet. Always carry an acorn in your pocket for good luck and a penny for prosperity and a nail for protection. If a spider builds a web in your doorway, good luck will soon come your way.
Speaker 1:Now this is some interesting facts. So if ever doomsday comes about, the best place to survive is actually the Appalachians. So it says western side, stay away from eastern coastal cities. So the pros of the Appalachians again, if there were a doomsday. There's a ton of natural resources, there's tons of land, lots of places to hide, it's very secluded. So I mean I could see that All right. And here are some interesting facts about the Appalachian Mountain Caves. The cave system in the Appalachian Mountains is very suspicious. But what's actually living in there is the question. If you ask people in my hometown this is from a lady on TikTok she goes on and says it's a moon eyed people.
Speaker 1:Now, the legend of the moon eyed people comes across from the Cherokee Native Americans. So these moon eyed people were short, pale skin, had bright blue eyes and they could not come in to. I'm sorry, they could not come out during the sunlight because it would hurt their eyes, so that's why the Cherokees called them moon-eyed people. The moon-eyed people were cave dwellers in that area and at some point in time the Cherokee and the Moonite people got into a tussle and during the battle in the Appalachians, the Moonite people built this wall that was 833 feet long. No, it does not look like a wall anymore, it looks more like a stone path, but back in the day it was a very, very big wall. Cherokee claimed that the Moonite people built this wall during the battle to keep the Cherokee out, but that did not stop the Cherokee and they still drove the Moonite people out of Georgia into Tennessee and North Carolina, and so those Moonite people moved through the cave systems, of course. So history does support that the Cherokee Native Americans um that this legend did in fact take place, because, honestly, nobody knows who built this wall. This wall was built before Christopher Columbus came over here, and the Native Americans have stated many times that they did not build this wall and that the Moonite people built it. So the question is, were the Moonite people still living in the cave systems now and is that why there are so many missing people in the Appalachian Mountains? So that is very terrifying and that is, I think, an amazing point of view.
Speaker 1:And again, you guys, I just talked about in a recent episode the movie the Watchers with Dakota Fanning. Tell me this is not the Watchers all over. Again, actually, watching that movie, I thought, man, there's got to be some kind of like historic facts about this movie. It was. I thought it was awesome. So, again, look up Appalachian Mountain, the moon, cave people, and then watch the watchers and I think there would be a huge resemblance to both topics.
Speaker 1:All right, you guys. That's all for today. Thank you guys for listening. Again, you guys can email me at ghostsisters2124 at Gmail. Again, that is ghostsisters2124 at Gmail. You know you guys can find us on TikTok, facebook, twitter, x, youtube. Have I left anything out? It's always a question. I don't think I have. So, again, if you guys go on to the Buzzsprout site, you can directly message me. You know, again, let me know, give me a review, tell me what you like, tell me what you don't like, give me your experiences so I can talk about them on the show or come on as a guest speaker. All right, you guys. Thanks for listening. Tune in for some more.