Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Spiritual Assassinations: The Enigmatic Death of Influencer Kyle Marissa Roth and Social Media's Hidden Dangers
Could an influencer's life be systematically sabotaged by forces beyond their control? This episode unravels the mysterious circumstances surrounding the untimely passing of beloved content creator Kyle Marissa Roth, whose death was officially ruled as cardiac arrhythmia due to myocardial fibrosis but still sparks questions and conspiracy theories among her devoted fans. Like the sharp-witted Gail Weathers from the Scream series, Kyle captivated audiences with her celebrity gossip and storytelling. We explore a chilling warning video by Rebecca Shortman about "spiritual assassinations," fueling the intrigue surrounding Kyle's demise and the potential supernatural forces at play. As we reminisce about Kyle's vibrant presence and the void her passing has created, we ponder the possibility of reaching out to her in the spiritual realm for answers and closure.
The episode also casts a light on the often-hidden perils of social media fame. From the stalking and extortion that shadow influencers to the mental health struggles that culminated in TikTok star Eva Evans' tragic suicide, we discuss the dark side of the influencer lifestyle. Social media isn't just a platform for sharing content; it's a precarious lifeline for many, including Kyle, who used her earnings to battle colon cancer. This conversation acknowledges the immense pressures influencers face to maintain an online presence, which can weigh heavily on personal and financial stability. Kyle's legacy endures as a cautionary tale of the unseen struggles behind the glamorous facade of social media success.
Hello everybody, welcome back to Strange, deranged Beyond Insane, and this is your host, melissa. Okay, so I've been waiting to do this episode and you know I'm still so sad about it, but you guys know how much I loved the content creator, gossip girl, blind item girl, kyle Marissa Roth, right, and you know I've done a few episodes on her and I even did some live episodes on TikTok. You know there was a lot of hearsay that. You know she was unalived, killed, whatever I can say that on here. Or maybe we thought she committed suicide but come to find out she did pass away, naturally, supposedly, but I still think there's something going on. Okay, but I want to start off too by saying like I really did look up to her because she was very witty and she just had this way, this like magnifying way that would like pull you into her content and she wasn't just like always talking shit and just gossiping. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:When I was younger, um, the character that I was in love with was Courtney Cox on scream and um, you know she played Gail Weathers and she was a fictional care character the Scream film series and she was basically like a you know, a live reporter and she was like in everyone's face so much and, like you know, had so much passion.
Speaker 1:She always wanted to be on the scene for every little thing and that's I hate to say it, but it's that's how I like to be. I always have microphones on, like when we go out anywhere anything paranormal or even just like events that we go to. I like to hear people talk. I like to, you know, ask them questions, interview people, and I guess what I'm trying to say is that I seen that in Kyle, marissa Roth, and I just I really miss seeing everything about her. But before I I go on, I do want to play this video and it is really scary. Um, I've actually had this video saved for some, I think since April, and this is Rebecca Shortman on TikTok, so shout out to her. Let me adjust my mic.
Speaker 2:Adjust my mic, I got a blind item about Kyle Roth. But it's more than just a blind item. This is actually a warning for social media influencers. I'm just going to go ahead and read what I have here A warning to social media influencers, activists and truth tellers. I never, ever, post blind items, but this one is important for protecting social media influencers, especially those who have a tendency to expose the criminal activities of the rich and famous. Here it goes there are tons of reports from psychics and medium workers, celebrities and social media influencers, particularly involving an A-list celebrity gossip influencer who lost her life recently. A-list celebrity gossip influencer who lost her life recently.
Speaker 2:People in the entertainment industry will get rid of people they perceive to be a threat through something that those in their industry officially refer to as a spiritual assassination.
Speaker 2:What is a spiritual assassination? A spiritual assassination is just like putting a hit out on someone, except, rather than hiring a hitman to directly commit homicide and or fake a suicide sorry, unaliving they will systematically go after a person's finances, career, love life, friendships, reputations and other aspects of the target's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, even spiritually, attacking the target via an etheric space those in the industry refer to as the room. The goal is to orchestrate the perfect crime by intentionally causing so much damage to the target's entire life and well-being that it results in a suicide or terminal health failure. If you suspect that this is happening to you, take the necessary steps to focus on your holistic well-being, hire a private investigator, go to therapy and continue reaching out to others for support and understand that you're not crazy. This is a real thing. Victims have even reported feeling stalked or followed, and it doesn't hurt to get a spiritual mentor or psychic to also look at where the spiritual attacks are coming from all right.
Speaker 1:So I wrote up kind of like a little trying to like say bye to her and you know I did say that I would come back for another episode of her. I think I had already done two. Um, the one episode got like over 100 downloads. I think I had already done two. The one episode got like over a hundred downloads, I think, in the first five, six hours.
Speaker 1:So I know a lot of people out there that are listening know of her If you don't look her up. She was amazing, so famous, kyle Marissa Roth, queen of spilling tea and the famous line of you want more, I'll give you more. God. I miss hearing her say that the final curtain call on her death investigation has been officially ruled out as cardiac arrhythmia due to myocardial fibrosis. So many of her fans on TikTok, including myself, still feel this boring void.
Speaker 1:Every time we open this app, a lot of her fans are trying to carry out her gossip legacy and are even going to lengths starting out their content with her famous opening line, although a lot of us still find it very eerie that her account still has a 50-part video blind item about Diddy. The suspicions still circulate on her untimely and short-lived life at only 36 years old. And you guys, I just turned 36 in September. So I mean, thinking about that, I'm like holy shit, like I'm not ready to go, and I'm sure she wasn't either, and I hope she had a peaceful death. Whatever happened to her, I hope she has found peace. And I do want to add that I have not tried to make contact, contact with her yet, um, in the spiritual world. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. But I am going to do it soon because I want to see if I can just get anything from her. You know, and I don't even know if I will record it, I haven't really thought that far because still opening up her content, it just doesn't feel real, you know. But I do find it even more shocking that one of her last videos besides the crazy ditty shit was her speaking about these hidden underground tunnels that allegedly run through California all the way to New Mexico. It's so insane that now this is such a huge main topic with all the content floating around, that even Elon Musk was on an interview explaining that Tesla is working on underground tunnels for their cars, but, like the computer bots in the vehicle, they're basically going to drive you around these tunnels, which is even fucking creepier, because what if there's a malfunction? I mean, we've already seen that Teslas can like blow up and shit right. So his explanation for having to engineer such radical changes is said to be because of the mass traffic issue and the fact that they're running out of room literally on the roads. I'm sorry, I just find this way too fucking convenient that Elon is now overly explaining like it's no big thing, but these tunnels have obviously been around for a lot longer than we even know of. Of course, elon Musk owns much of this future Tron-like you know the movie Tron secret real estate.
Speaker 1:Kyle was definitely ahead of her time and I absolutely loved her content very much. I find myself often popping on her profile to re-watch certain blind items and think, wow, this is just now all coming to light. And she's been absent on this platform for a while now and I mean people are still going back to her videos and they're duetting them and they're bringing these things to light. And I mean, even if you don't didn't like her personally, because some people found her annoying, she a lot of shit that she said was true and it came to be true and she was like knees deep in everything and you know, I don't know, but it it just. It is scary.
Speaker 1:Like there's a lot of things that I won't say on TikTok, that I can say on my podcast, thank God.
Speaker 1:But if you do have like any poll on any kind of social media platform, you have to be really careful because, especially when you're making money and you have all these fans watching your content I mean your content, I mean the wrong people, meaning the higher ups we'll just say that yeah, I think that they do.
Speaker 1:I think that these nasty, shitty ass celebrities are scared because people talk, people have better technology now. Like, honestly, like if I worked for one of those garbage ass celebrities and if I had the chance to rat them out, I probably fucking would, because, first of all, I wouldn't be working for them because I'm sorry, my if my face doesn't tell you, my mouth will and I am not cool with these we've talked about it so much but like the sex trafficking and you know, the sexual assaulting and the raping of women and even men too, and just all the the nasty shit that goes on in Hollywood. So, again, I miss her so much and I hope somehow some way she's reincarnated into this app and I think, like when we, we all see that, like well, we will all know, like all of her fans will know oh, kyle is coming back through guys, we got a blind item about Kyle.
Speaker 3:At least I think it's about Kyle. Let me know if you think differently. So this was posted on April 20th on crazy days and nights. Apparently, in the two weeks prior to her death, this social media a minus lister she's a minus list had told a couple of people in her personal life and a couple of followers that she felt like she was being followed or stalked. Then she got a spam email from someone trying to extort her. She knew it was spam, but it added to the fear. So what do you guys think? All that hard work?
Speaker 1:So I'm going to upload some, I'm going to cry Some. That's Sorry, sorry, all right, you guys. So I do want to end this with saying if you, if you are already an influencer out there that has a lot of followers and you're making money or you want to become that, just know the price that comes with it. Do do I think she died of natural causes? Maybe because she did have a lot of health issues? Do I think she could have died of a broken heart? I mean, she was really fucking stressed out that all of her content got banned. I mean, you heard her crying Like that's the second time I've played that clip on this podcast and her saying that sucks, I'm, or something could have happened that was more sinister. But I do want to bring this up and this. I didn't follow this girl. I've just seen it like all over when it happened.
Speaker 1:So, TikTok star, Eva Evans I think that's how you say her name. She was a big influencer and I'm actually going to look her up for you guys right now. Um, I know she had a lot of followers, a lot of content. Um, she ended up committing suicide and um, okay, so Eva Evans, TikTok star of NYC based videos, dies at 29. Evans, whose cause of death was not made public, had built an audience of 300,000 followers on TikTok, where she shared thoughts and stories about life in New York.
Speaker 1:New York TikTok star Eva Evans, creator of the comedy web series Club Rat, has died at 29. So she did commit suicide. They did confirm that. Some people think it had to do with her boyfriend. She found her boyfriend cheating on her because she was in the spotlight so much. That's another thing too. No matter what you're going through, when you are such a big influencer, you have to be loading content all the time. Big influencer, you have to be loading content all the time.
Speaker 1:Again, I feel so blessed that I can come on to here like whenever, right, Like I worked today earlier and I got to hop on and, you know, just do this episode and I don't have to, like be behind a camera all the time. I don't. It's kind of like I, you know, I I try my hardest to stay consistent on here. I mean, obviously life happens, right, we all have to work and you know other things happen, but I mean I pump out quite a bit of content on here, but imagine having that times 10, you know, and I I don't think people, just like they always say, don you know? Like be careful what you wish for right, and once you get to a certain point being an influencer, whatever your content is, there's kind of no looking back for these people because that's how they make their income.
Speaker 1:Like Kyle Marissa Roth, before she had died, she was like you know, if anything happens to me, blame it on J-Lo, because I died of colon cancer, because I know she had had colon cancer before and she was getting like the treatments and everything and I'm pretty sure she was in remission. But I know she had to go for like extensive checkups all the time and so like right there, that explains she used her content money to pay for her life. And I will never be the one to just solely depend on that, because my husband and I we talk about all the time like that's what happens to a lot of these people. Like they become heartbroken, Um, if their content gets banned or their followers, you know they make like a stupid mistake on camera, they say something insulting or whatever. Well, now their whole life is fucked and if that's all you've known for so long and that's all you depended on, it's hard for you to turn back the clock right and go get like a nine to five job, and that is the reality of our future. And you know, I had talked to this girl one time that I worked with and she made this really good point. She said in the next, you know, three to five, even 10 years, every single person on this planet will be some type of influencer, right? Because everyone's got phones, everyone's got computers, everyone has laptops, and that's what we're looking at. One has laptops and it's that's what we're looking at, you know.
Speaker 1:But I'm I'm going to stay old school and stay stick to my podcasting. I love making TikTok videos. Cap cut is like addicting, right, Because you can do all these, you know, you can use all these layouts and make fun videos. And, honestly, if I could turn back time not saying that I'm too old I can always go back to school. But I always see myself as being, you know, a hairstylist, barber and a chef, because I love to cook. But had I known that this is where I would be today, in the last few years, I would have went to school for, like, media and video editing and content creator. You know, like that's what I would have went to school for because I absolutely love this. But I like to be behind the camera. I cannot imagine having to be on my phone fucking daily, multiple times daily, in front of a camera and dealing with fucking life too, because that is really really. I mean that's like a reality show 24-7, right. Because that is really really. I mean that's like a reality show 24-7, right. And we have all seen how reality TV stars turn out. Most of them, I'll say like 90% of them it's not good, you know. So, yeah, that is my tribute to Kyle Marissa Roth. I am telling her goodbye for now. I know you know some people might seem that that's dramatic Queen of drama here being dramatic.
Speaker 1:I did like a lot of people on TikTok. Like we loved seeing her content and it was very entertaining and you know, you kind of get to know somebody Like I've made some. I've made like a lot of friends on TikTok. I've made a lot of friends with creators on TikTok. We talk a lot of friends on TikTok. I've made a lot of friends with creators on TikTok. We talk a lot frequently through, you know, DMs on there and we message each other back and forth. You know we find ways to meet up and go do fun, spooky stuff, and you know that, again, that is the new world, right, right?
Speaker 1:So when you've been following someone for so long and then they're just gone, their content's gone, it's fucking sad. It's like literally mourning a friend. You know it's the same thing, but anyways, you guys, let me know what you think. Again, you can always email us at ghost sisters 21 24 Gmail. Again, that's GhostSisters2124 at Gmail. You can listen to this podcast on any platform that you listen to podcasts on. You can find us on TikTok, you can find us on TwitterX, you can find us on Facebook Under Macomb Paranormal Research Society. So, yeah, let us know Again. Tell me what you think. And, like always, you guys, enjoy the rest of your day and we'll be chatting soon. Tune in.