Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Everything paranormal and unexplained. History of buildings old hospitals any haunted locations along with personal experiences. Famous murders in Michigan. Ufo and extraterrestrial. Urban legends of Michigan. Folklores witches and tribal tales. Horror movies and unexplained curses and deaths on set.
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Paranormal Illusions: Sleep Paralysis Demons, Cemetery Hauntings, and Doppelganger Dilemmas
Ever found yourself trapped in a nightmare, unable to move or scream, as shadowy figures loom over you? Join me, Melissa, as I recount my own spine-chilling experience with sleep paralysis, a haunting encounter sparked while watching an episode of "Intervention." We’ll uncover the unsettling realm of sleep paralysis demons, those ghostly figures that blur the line between dreams and reality, exploring the distinct types—such as the intruder and incubus—and their terrifying attributes. With a nod to past investigations at the eerie Lapeer cemetery and a shout-out to paranormal investigator Janet Ramsey, this episode promises to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Venture with us into the heart of a mysterious cemetery where the boundary between the living and the spectral seems to dissipate. I reveal the strange saga of my eye surgeries and the ghostly visions they seemed to trigger, encounters with doppelgangers that defy rational explanation, and a terrifying phone call that blends sleep paralysis with an out-of-body sensation. As we probe the enigma of these supernatural events, the heightened sensitivity of a close friend to paranormal phenomena raises questions about malevolent forces at play. Are these experiences a mere coincidence, or is there something more sinister lurking just beyond our perception?
Hello, welcome back everyone to Strange, Strange Beyond, insane, and this is your host, melissa, and tonight we have a very creepy episode and I know I've talked a little bit about this on. You know other episodes, but I really found this article to be very informative and interesting. Informative and interesting Okay, so it sounds like the start of a horror film a shadowy figure at the end of your bed, a faceless presence sitting on your chest. It doesn't matter which of these terrifying scenarios plays out when you wake up from a deep sleep. They all have one thing in common you can't move, run away or cry out for help. You are fully conscious, yet you are frozen to the spot and unable to escape your sleep paralysis demon.
Speaker 1:What are sleep paralysis demons? Sleep paralysis demons are nightmarish hallucinations that often accompany episodes of sleep paralysis. This occurs when the temporary paralysis which is a normal feature of REM the stage of sleep called rapid eye movement, where dreaming takes place continues for a few seconds or minutes after waking. As the line between sleep and wakefulness is blurred, sufferers see, hear or feel things that are not really there. One study reported that, out of 185 patients diagnosed with sleep paralysis, more than half 58% sensed a presence in the room, usually something non-human, and 22% actually saw a person in the room, usually a stranger. Hypnotic and hypnopomic, I think hallucinations hypnopomic.
Speaker 1:There are two main types of hallucinations associated with sleep paralysis, both of which can seem very, very real and incredibly frightening. Hypnotic hallucinations occur when falling asleep. Hypnopompic hallucinations occur when waking up. Both tend to happen when you are partially conscious during REM, so there is a tendency to see a distorted version of what is already there. A drought from the window conjures up a shadowy figure hiding behind the curtains. Curtains or a pile of cushions is transformed into a monster emerging from under the bed. How do sleep paralysis demons feel to someone who is experiencing them?
Speaker 1:Hallucinations can be classified into three main categories. Be classified into three main categories. The categories are the intruder, incubus and vestibular motor. Vm Hallucinations explains Beatle Ruff, phd candidate in sleep research at Goldsmiths University of London. Intruder hallucinations include sensing and or seeing something threatening in the room. Intend to co-occur with intruder hallucinations are marked by sensations of pressure on the chest, along with feelings of suffocation or choking. Unlike intruder and incubus hallucinations, vm hallucinations are sometimes associated with feelings of bliss. These involve illusory movement experiences such as sensations of floating, spinning or flying, as well as perceptions of changes in the body or size. These hallucinations are very different from nightmares, as Roth explains.
Speaker 1:Sleep paralysis. Demons manifest when the body is temporarily immobilized while the mind is awake, whereas nightmares unfold with a dream narrative and lack the physical sensations of paralysis. So you know I haven't. So you know I haven't.
Speaker 1:I had sleep paralysis one time and I think I was like 18 or 19 and it was really scary because I was watching an intervention and the little girl in the intervention died. Not that she was addicted, but it was like a family member, like a little sister, and the mom kept saying she was in a cold box and I kept hearing that. And then I heard the little girl screaming and then like knocking on this, like box underneath the ground, and when I woke up the screen was all snowy and I could not fucking move, like it was the scariest thing I ever. It was scary because I couldn't control it Right. So I get back onto this episode of intervention and they literally you know that's when you had to like really fast forward. So much different than now.
Speaker 1:The technology has gotten a lot better, but anyways, I fast forwarded to the part before I fell asleep and, like I was saying, this little girl was screaming and she was banging on this box underground they pulled out a black garbage bag of her body parts and I was like, holy fuck, like I just I don't know where I went right. Um, I astral project and I don't even mean to and it's not a lot, it's just here and there and it's never like. I never try to, so I don't really know what like sleep paralysis is, like that somebody that goes through it all the time. Um, I know it can be extremely scary and unsettling and it really like fucks up your mind and your body. And I know some people like physically, the next day cannot go to work because if for me, like thinking about it's like somebody's seizures, like while they're awake but still kind of asleep. So I know people that have seizures physically it takes a toll on their body and that's just like what it reminds me of. So, pretty crazy, all right, so on this sleep paralysis talk, I do want to revisit an episode probably a couple that we have done about this crazy incident that we had last year at a cemetery out in Lapeer. So before I go into that, janet Ramsey, shout out to her, she has a paranormal team. She's had one for a long time. She's awesome. They do a lot of cool stuff.
Speaker 1:She sent me a message the other night and she said hey, melissa, I hope everything is going well with you. I was wondering if you would be interested in writing an article for an issue of our I'm sorry, of Ghost Buzz Magazine, for our an extra buzz section, maybe about a paranormal experience that you have had, or if you have a certain topic you would like to write about, the paranormal. Whatever you want to write about, just as long as it's something paranormal, let me know what you think. Thanks for your time. So, of course, I wrote her back. You guys, this again is Ghost Buzz B-U-Z-Z Magazine. Um, and it's on Facebook, so I told her. You know, I absolutely thank you for thinking of me, so I could not email her the story. She said her email was messed up so I had to write this all on Facebook Messenger. So I am going to read the story. That hopefully makes it to the magazine One particular paranormal experience that stands out above all.
Speaker 1:The rest was a couple summers ago, which was still, I think. Me and Paul, my husband, are trying to figure out if it was 2023 or 2024. I'm pretty sure it was 2024, because I had gotten the eye surgery last year. All right, and this happened in the beginning of July. So it started out.
Speaker 1:We accidentally ended up at this tiny cemetery in Lapeer. We thought it was another one that we had been looking for for a while and we ended up here and we did not feel like driving around. So we got out, opened the gate and decided to check it out. I was immediately drawn to this place. I couldn't tell you any single-handedly crazy, paranormal or even haunted thing about this place the first few times we went out there, but for whatever reason, we kept rounding up the ghost squad and would always pop in from time to time.
Speaker 1:One night there was four of us. Two went wandering off towards the right side of the cemetery and the other two, including myself and someone else, went towards the left side of the cemetery. I had my phone video recording and I stumbled upon this super cute headstone with pumpkins on it. I was easily distracted because of my love for pumpkins. You guys should know this. So I was yelling for my friend to come over and take a look. When he did not answer, I was a little bothered. And then he still was ignoring me over and over again. So I popped my head up to see what he was doing. I seen him staring into the dark and acting kind of lethargic, looking almost like a zombie in a trans. I was concerned so I quickly jolted over to his side. As I pulled him away, he looked over at me and said what I replied with dude, you're being a little weird back away from this tree. He then responded with I don't know what it is about the tree, but I can't stop staring at it.
Speaker 1:Shortly after we heard a lot of noise coming from the top of that tree. Then we heard like a whooshing noise, as if it had really huge wings, and this thing quote unquote this thing was flapping their wings. I immediately thought of an owl or a hawk. Next thing, I know I feel him levitate slightly off the ground and he grabbed my arm. In the threshold of being terrified. I literally couldn't comprehend what was happening. I mean, it happened all so fast and just as fast as he went up and scratched me while trying to grab me, something or some entity ran right through us both. I gasped and about passed out. He was in tears and was trying to catch his breath, the other two investigators ran to us and was yelling what the hell just happened. I didn't even know how to explain it because I knew it would sound so far-fetched.
Speaker 1:So about a week goes on. After this crazy situation at the cemetery, my friend's mom was rushed to the hospital and almost died from a bowel obstruction, while her mom's brother also suffered a bowel obstruction the same night and also landed in the hospital and almost died too. It doesn't even end there. Our other friend's grandma died, then the other friend's brother-in-law died too unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, and it was. This was all in the same day and, um, it was literally a week later that we had this experience.
Speaker 1:So I hear of all this news and I think, wow, that's a lot of bad luck that that same evening, after I was done working, I noticed I was using a lot of eye drops on my right eye, so so much that my face was my face and part of my hair was completely drenched, along with constantly washing my face, thinking that I had gotten some chemicals in my eye during working. You know, knowing that I'm a hairstylist, it would make sense, right? Nothing was giving me relief. So I walk up the stairs to my husband and say, hey, I feel really weird. Of course he wants me to explain and as I'm doing so, this depressing and terrified thought comes over me that I cannot explain. I run upstairs to our main bathroom with much larger mirrors and I see that my right eye looks off, almost looks to be like drooping, and I automatically think it's either Bell's palsy or a stroke.
Speaker 1:I ran back down the stairs, shouted back I'm going to see Kobe, which is my sister-in-law, and I think that I need to go to the hospital. At that point my husband was very confused, because I never say that I need to go to the hospital and I am that person that would rather die than go and I know I'm being dramatic. And of course I wanted to show my sister-in-law first. It was so strange. So I call her on the way and tell her she needs to come outside to see my eye. She examines it with her light on her phone and diagnosed it as a cataract. With her light on her phone and diagnosed it as a cataract, I screamed. No way I got something in it. She's like Melissa it's right dead center in the middle of your pupil and it's all foggy like smoke. So she makes me an emergency eye appointment the next morning and takes me the eye doctor, comes back into the room, says look, I'm not going to lie, that is a terrible cataract and there is absolutely no light getting inside, which means you cannot see at all out of that eye. I sit there gripping the chair as she writes a reference to see the specialist for a future surgery. I was so confused because I've never had this problem. Why all of a sudden did this come on Now? Here's where it gets really weird.
Speaker 1:So the ophthalmologist comes into the room to examine me and he declares this is the weirdest cataract he's ever seen in someone so young. He explained that this type is seen in 80 years and older. He diagnosed my eye as a white cataract. This type is very challenging and needs to have a good surgery plan in order to not do any other extreme damage to the rest of the eye, including your retina. He kept asking me what catastrophic injury did I have to my eye? I said well, I've played a lot of sports in my life, I have been a hairstylist and I also was a fertilizer technician, so there's so much that could have happened. He was like no, no way, that's all child's play. Considering this injury would have put you into the hospital and you would have known the damage it did to your eye. I was puzzled. I couldn't think of anything at all. He became more irritated with me because in his logical medical brain this had to be explained. I jokingly laughed about a crazy cemetery adventure I had not too long ago and he gave me the most smug look and said maybe you shouldn't mess with that stuff. Mess with that stuff.
Speaker 1:It was at that point that we all figured that had to have been what. What happened? Right, because the timeline matched up, along with all the other horrible things that had happened all in that same week. So we scheduled my surgery and I dealt with feeling like an 80 year old woman. That's funny, it's not funny. I mean, it wasn't funny at the time, but it's funny now. Okay.
Speaker 1:So now about three and a half weeks go by and I returned for surgery at the building behind the other eye place that I went to. I felt calm and ready to get this eye fixed when I was wheeled back into the surgery part. The nurses who would be giving me my anesthesia were staring at me and chattering. They finally came over and hovered over my head and all said, wow, look, we can see her ghost eye with our naked eyes. Never seen that kind of cataract on someone so young and even from a distance we could still see it. It's right in the middle of your eye. We could still see it, it's right in the middle of your eye. We all laughed a lot and they actually believed me about the cemetery incident. So within just over three weeks my eye did in fact look like a witch's eye from an old scary tale. It was getting worse and it was getting worse very quickly. I had two surgeries on it and so far, so good.
Speaker 1:A few pieces are still missing from the puzzle, like was this experience a mothman encounter to warn us? Was the entity or cryptid thing trying to hurt us? We will never know. Some more strange experiences happened in there, though out I'm sorry in there throughout the months, including one of our friend is actually partially blind and doesn't move very fast in cemeteries at night because he has to be careful. So we were all out there, the whole gang, about six or seven of us.
Speaker 1:I look up and see him sprinting towards the back of the cemetery, which is very odd knowing that he can't sprint, especially at nighttime, and I mean he was like almost jogging. I was so surprised and actually nosy and wanted to see what he was so excited about, so I took off and ran after him. I screamed his name over and over and he wouldn't answer me, just like my other friend in the beginning of the story. Finally, I hear his loud, deep voice scream at me from all the way over by the entrance. He says Mel, where are you going? I don't think you heard my brother and I say we needed to step out. We started to feel sick, the fear that took over me when I realized I was alone and I literally ran after his doppelganger and had no idea he was yelling at me from a whole other side. That's when I knew right there that something very malevolent was inside that place and had been there the whole entire time.
Speaker 1:The most recent strange event there was when myself and just another friend were there, parked outside the cemetery. We were just chatting and enjoying the moon. I looked into the cemetery and seen my friend standing there, the friend that levitated earlier inside the cemetery. He was just standing there staring at. Friend that levitated earlier inside the cemetery he was just standing there staring at the tree. Again he had dark blue shorts on and, I believe, a gray shirt. I automatically started yelling his name and went to jump out of my friend's car screaming I need to go get him. He's doing that weird thing again. My friend grabbed me and kept saying mel, he's not here with us, it's just you and me.
Speaker 1:I finally came to it and was like terrified that night too. What the hell is going on with this place and why do I get so weird whenever I come here, was the real question. So I texted our friend that I thought I seen standing in the cemetery with this news and he was totally freaked out. He asked me to look through my evidence and my pictures, videos, whatever All of it I mentioned. We never went inside but said I would look through it, surprised by what we seen. We actually seen a foggy appearance of what looked to be him in the picture I took. I only took a few pics that night of the gate and by that haunted tree. I sent it to him and he was just as confused.
Speaker 1:That was a Sunday evening. Saturday that same week I was spending the night over my cousin's house and was sleeping in bed with her and my phone started ringing. I threw it to the side thinking it was an accidental alarm. When it kept ringing, I looked at it and it was my friend that I thought I'd seen in the cemetery that night. That wasn't even in there. It was exactly 3.37 am. When I answered he was out of breath, screaming and crying. I jumped out of her bed and I told him to speak calmly so I could understand.
Speaker 1:He went on that. He thought he woke up and seen the TV screen on a snowy white flashing screen. He said he went to get up to turn the TV off but was struck frozen. He then said a dark, shadowy figure flooded over him and he could feel his heart but couldn't make a sound. He said he closed his eyes finally to go back to sleep and when he did he was back in the cemetery staring at that same tree. He said that he could not move again or make a noise. He then went on and said he finally came out of whatever he was in. I explained to him that he was having sleep paralysis and it is a real thing. He asked why he was traveling in his sleep but was also awake and how it felt so real.
Speaker 1:I asked the question of how I seen him in the cemetery without him even being there, and I even have a picture. We still haven't put all the puzzle pieces together and we still don't understand what really happened. Our friend really hasn't been the same since that cemetery and is now easily attacked when we do go out and investigate any other locations. He's growing very sensitive to the paranormal and almost absorbs more than he ever did before. Our other guy friend that used to go out with us hasn't really been the same either. I have talked about this many times on the podcast. I'm still searching for answers. If anyone knows or has likewise experiences, please come on as a guest on the show Strange, strange Beyond Insane. And that still stands true, like if anyone else has had this experience or anyone can relate to this, or maybe let us know what went on or maybe what was going on there. That would be much appreciated because we still talked about it to this day and this cemetery is also known as Foot Cemetery F-O-O-T because of the last names Foot, okay, now remember that in your mind Foot.
Speaker 1:So I was on the phone with Teresa, the one that's been on the podcast many times. We talk about her now also living in a real haunted home. She's had a lot of paranormal activity over there. I was on the phone with her one day. We were talking about the cemetery and she was like you have to figure out your connection to the cemetery. I'm like I can't. I don't know. I don't have any relatives buried there. I can't make sense of it.
Speaker 1:Literally, as I'm speaking to her, I tend to pace like I walk around while I'm on the phone and then this feeling on the bottom of my foot, actually on the ball of my foot. It was like a squish and I'm like ew, what did I step on? So I have these socks on right, brand new fucking socks, literally just took them out of the package and I said hold on, teresa. And I look at my foot and I'm like oh my God, there's a big ass hole in my sock. And she's like did you step on something that was hot? I'm like no, cause it would hurt. So I take the sock off and I have this black tar like substance. I don't know what the fuck it was. It was like something from like a sci-fi movie and I had to peel it off my the ball of my foot and it like hurt, peeling it off. It was like crazy glue and whatever the hell that was. It put a hole through my sock.
Speaker 1:Now I literally retraced my steps all through this house and there was nothing, nothing on the floor. I was not outside because at first, not to be gross, but I thought it was like dog poop and I'm like, did one of the dogs have an accident? No, it was not. It had no odor, it was really thick clay like. And I even sent her pictures, like I still have the pictures on my phone, she still has the pictures on her phone.
Speaker 1:And then, right after that incident with the sock, like I'm trying to type to the group message and my phone is just going nuts. It's like typing all this crazy shit and it kept putting C, s, e, e, ghost, c, ghost, c, ghost, and I kept. I, I like wrote back. I'm like dude, I'm not typing that, I don't know what the hell is going on. And she's like that is fucking weird. So I don't know if I stirred up something in that cemetery or if one of us did. I feel like Kevin got attacked. I feel like we all got attacked in like our own ways, um, but it's crazy like that.
Speaker 1:There is just so many things about the cemetery and, again, I haven't been out. The last time we were out there was for um, for my birthday, so it was September 21st and, uh, christina and I took some pictures. We made some like cute pumpkin props, um, just because it's, you know, the last day of summer into fall, and you know we just decided to be creative this year. But it's weird, like now when we go there I feel very calm. So I don't know if they're like used to us and maybe they're like, hey, we attack them enough, you know, we'll be nice now.
Speaker 1:Also, there is a story that right at the corner, like the intersection of those streets, right there, that a bunch of teenagers crashed into the cemetery and died, like the car flipped or blew up or whatever. Again, you guys, all these places that we visit, like we do have to go to the libraries in the areas to really find out information. The police officers came in there one night when we were investigating. They were cool as hell. They were telling us all these other cemeteries to go to in the area. But I asked them and it's actually on the recording um, for uh, south Dryden Pioneer Cemetery. That's the cemetery that we're talking about here at Lapeer, the cemetery that we're talking about here, lapeer.
Speaker 1:I asked them on my recording if they knew about that accident and the guy I think he responded with, well, there's been a lot of accidents. And I'm like, yeah, but this would have happened in like the early 90s I think. And he's like, yeah, I don't recall hearing about that. And he's like, why? Like, did something get stirred up in here? And I'm like, well, I don't know. I'm like that's just the stories. I think we've seen one story about it but, um, yeah, so if you guys know anything else, it's South Dryden Pioneer Cemetery, aka Foot Cemetery.
Speaker 1:Um, if you guys have had experiences out there or you guys have checked it out, even if you heard it on the podcast or seen it on Tik TOK I know one of our friends on Tik TOK was watching our videos of that place he decided to go out there. He said there was a lot of action. I know they've been out there several times and had have had a lot of things happen. Um, again, you guys, if you want to get ahold of us and tell us about your experiences, please email us at ghostsisters2124 at gmail. Again, that is ghostsisters2124 at gmail. And again, you can find this podcast on all platforms that you listen to podcasts on. We are also on TikTok, we're on Facebook, we are on Twitter X, we're on YouTube. So get a hold of us, let us know, send in your stories or even come on as a guest. Thank you guys for listening and tune in for some more.