Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Scented Space Encounters and Gift-Giving Mishaps
Ever wondered what space smells like? We've got a tantalizing tale about a mysterious odor aboard a Russian spacecraft that left scientists scratching their heads at the International Space Station. Get ready for an olfactory odyssey as we unravel this bizarre incident and explore other strange smells that astronauts encounter in the cosmos. From metallic hints to surprising aromas, space truly has a scent of its own. And just when you think things couldn’t get more unexpected, we bring you back down to Earth with a collection of hilariously awkward holiday gift-giving stories straight from Reddit.
Prepare yourself for some belly laughs as we recount tales of gifts gone wrong, like a teacher's mortifying classroom surprise or the perplexing discovery of an empty gift card. You'll hear about Christmas chaos that rivals any sitcom, complete with family feuds and festive brawls. With stories that remind us of the unpredictable joy and drama of the holiday season, you'll find yourself chuckling and perhaps even relating to the madness. Join us as we celebrate the humor in holiday hiccups and invite you to share your own memorable mishaps!
Hey everyone, welcome back to Strange, strange Beyond Insane, and this is your host, melissa. Tonight I have a few topics, I guess all in one episode, so the first one that we're going to start with is according to this article, it says that no one in space can sniff your smells. Odor from Russian spacecraft leaves scientists baffled. The odor from Russian spacecraft leaves scientists baffled. Okay, an unexpected odor is coming out of the Russian spacecraft that docked the International Space Station last weekend. Okay, so after opening the spacecraft's hatch, they noticed an unexpected odor and observed small droplets, prompting the crew to close the poised hatch to the rest of the Russian segment. The agency said this in a social media post.
Speaker 1:The space station's air scrubbers, which are used to remove carbon dioxide and other contaminants from the air, and contaminant sensors, monitored the station's atmosphere. After the observation, the air quality inside the space station was determined to be at normal levels. While space is an airless vacuum, it is full of molecules that have odors when humans smell them in safe conditions After returning from a spacewalk. Astronauts have described unique scents. One is a strong metallic smell. Some have described it like a gunpowder, welding fumes, or like a seared steak, or the mixture between walnuts and the brake pads of a motorbike. Okay, so, even though this was a strange smell and it was deemed toxic and shut down, the crew now reported the odor dissipated quickly and the cargo transfer operations are proceeding on schedule. So I don't know, really, it's weird. It's like they made an article about it, like I was hoping that it would be something crazy from outer space, but of course they covered it up real quick and you know the press will get a hold of that. So, yeah, we'll have to see what other kind of odors unexpected space odors come about.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I thought something fun to add with the holiday coming right around the corner. You know we just got through Thanksgiving, so, with Christmas coming up, I found some fun articles, including Reddit. You guys know I have this like Reddit addiction now. All right. So these are some gifts that are often considered embarrassing or unwanted, and these gifts include beauty products, um, flowers and plants, key chains, Keychains, photo frames, clocks, pets Pets are definitely considered an unwanted gift. You guys, I'm sorry, I'm laughing Statement mugs, regifted items, gift cards to places that you will never go. If you receive an unwanted gift, you can politely ask to exchange it, donate it to charity or give it to someone else.
Speaker 1:Okay, here are 16 of the worst Christmas present disasters. All right, and this is Reddit. First one this person says I was a third grade teacher. One of the students' moms had her own business selling sex toys at home parties. She gave me a vibrator which I opened in front of the whole entire class because the girl insisted I open her present. The mom wrote me a note that said it would keep me warm on cold winter nights.
Speaker 1:Okay, number two my mother-in-law gave me lingerie and then told me to go try it on. I'm going to be laughing so much, you guys, I'm sorry, I'm gonna be laughing so much, you guys, I'm sorry, I'm so immature. Okay, number three nothing, which is what I got from my now ex-husband for two decades. Well, I can see why he's an ex-husband. Okay, number number four this, excuse me, this says uh, you're fired, notice from my job. They, they put that shit in a gift box, oh my god.
Speaker 1:Okay, number five a meat-based cookbook from my now ex-mother-in-law. A meat-based cookbook from my now ex-mother-in-law. She knew I had to become, I'm sorry, she knew I had become a vegetarian and she disapproved. You guys, I'm sorry if you hear snoring in the background. That's Luca, our dog. He is right next to me on the recliner. He loves being down here when I'm podcasting and he snores like a human old man, luca. Okay, number six Another one From my now ex-husband A Christmas card addressed to him with his name crossed out and mine written in. Okay, number seven A gift card with nothing on it.
Speaker 1:Um, okay, number eight a kitten. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love my cat and I'm so happy I have her. But when my mom got her for me it was poorly, a poorly thought out surprise. It was even a surprise to my grandparents, who I live with and had no idea they'd be getting a cat in their house. She also did not provide litter or the cat food, so my Christmas became a fetch guess of trying to get together everything the kit needed while all the stores were closed. I would say you're a rotten uh, you're a rotten little bitch. Sorry, but you said that you love the cat and, um, I don't think it costs that much to get litter and food. Anyways, moving forward, okay, number nine. Okay, that sounded judgy, whatever.
Speaker 1:Number nine a one person tent and lantern from my mother-in-law. We were, oh my God, we were struggling to pay the bills back then and she said in front of everyone this is just in case you guys get evicted. Okay, number 10, a half used bottle of bubble bath. I know it was used because it clearly ran down the sides of the bottle and dried up. Oh, peanut okay, number 11. Peanut butter filled pretzels. I'm deathly allergic to peanuts. I'm having way too much fun with this, you guys. All right.
Speaker 1:Number 12 during the first Christmas with my dad and his new wife and her kids, they opened designer handbags, dvd box sets this was almost 20 years ago. Electronics I got a bottle of shampoo. Okay, number 13. My ex got me a six foot three guy. Wait, my ex got me a six foot three, oh, guy. So he's saying that he's a guy, a woman's medium hoodie. I was so mad about it. She had a habit of getting others gifts that are actually for her. Well, that's shitty. All right, number 14. My ex gave me a blank photo album and told me my job was to fill the album with photos of us. Photo album and told me my job was to fill the album with photos of us. He basically gave me a homework assignment for christmas. You're a bitch. Okay, number 15 I got the chicken pox for christmas. That was not fun, okay. And then it continues on. Is this number 16? Um, okay, that was number 15, so I'm guessing this is number 16.
Speaker 1:My cousin, oh yeah, I remember reading this one to my husband the other night and we both we're so morbid, unfortunately we really did laugh. And you guys, you guys know I'm fucked up, right? Obviously that's what this podcast is about. I'm pretty sure it tells you in the title, right? Okay, my cousin had died in a drunk driving accident a few months before, so my mom got me a breathalyzer keychain. It wouldn't have been so bad, but the card it came with said it was from my cousin. I see what my mom was trying to do, but still so fucked up in my opinion. Oh, my god, anyways, okay, so these are, um, the next slew of stories come from Reddit.
Speaker 1:So a week before I married my husband, his older sister got me a gift bag of lube and I had to return it because I checked the ingredients and I was allergic to all of them. There was no moment in my life quite as embarrassing as having to return a full gift basket of like a dozen different types of sexual lubricant to the little old lady at Target. That's amazing. Alright, this one reads A shirt that was three sizes too small. I think it was their way of telling me, in front of my whole family, that I needed to lose some weight. Family, that I needed to lose some weight.
Speaker 1:In 2008,. In a secret Santa thing, I got a 32 gig flash drive full of porn, like HD porn. Oh, you were definitely gifted because that was in 2008. 32 whole gigs of porn that's great. I'm already laughing. My mom gave me a strobe light and I have epilepsy. I'm sorry, epilepsy. I didn't finish saying it, oh my God. Okay.
Speaker 1:The next story reads I got a finger vibrator at my husband's office Christmas party with a lot of people I had never met. I was eight months pregnant. There was a lot of jokes about how I had gotten it earlier. I might not be in that condition. Hey you guys, sorry, I think I cut out there my senior dog, the one that likes to snore. He was having a hard time getting up the stairs, so I had to help him real quick while I was recording. Okay, so I'm going to reread that one. So this woman claims that she got a finger vibrator at her husband's office party, christmas party that around these people she's never met. She was eight months pregnant and then there was a lot of jokes going around how if I had gotten it earlier I might not be in that condition. So that's funny and also very disturbing. All right.
Speaker 1:So this one reads I got a. I got a skull from my cousin in Iraq, cleaned and everything. Jesus Christ, okay. So my 21 year old childless sister unwrapped a bottle of stretch mark oil from my grandma one year. Ouch. This one reads I got a bikini shaver from my brother one year. It was definitely an awkward fucking gift. That would be very awkward. My aunt and uncle love giving out insane gifts.
Speaker 1:Here are a few more memorable items. When I was nine, I got a can of Crisco shortening. Every year I get a puppy dog kitty calendar. I get airline snacks, dollar store handheld games and stale pub mix. Wow, um. Another one is a nice paperweight that I had previously gifted them the year before. That aunt and uncle are my. They're my heroes. I think that's hilarious. It's gotten to the point that I get excited for Christmas just to see the fucked up shit I'll get every year. My nana made a hat for me that makes my head look like a giant nipple. Not sure whether she does it on purpose or not. This one reads I got a necklace that had the word bitch from my grandma one year. I like to think she saw something shiny and didn't read it. This person says I got nose hair clippers and they were used. And then the next person says I one year I got a candy bra. All right, you guys, that is funny.
Speaker 1:So, along with all this space talk, um, you know, I'm seeing all these sightings of UFOs. In fact, dawn, our friend that we were talking about last episode, she um reposted a recording over the white house of all these lights. So that's kind of why I want it. I thought make light of the situation and talk about these lights. So that's kind of why I wanted. I thought make light of the situation and talk about this like weird odor that came from a spaceship. Um, and you know, you guys, let me know what you guys are seeing out there. I mean, I love seeing the TikTok videos of people posting and reposting. And then I figured, hey, you know, add some little Christmas cheer and make light of the situation, because we do talk about a lot of dark shit on here, right, but you guys know you can get a hold of us at GhostSisters2124 at Gmail. Again, that's GhostSisters2124 at Gmail.
Speaker 1:Please write to us and tell us your most terrible, embarrassing, awkward Christmas gifts, your most terrible, embarrassing, awkward Christmas gifts. I mean I can think of a lot of inappropriate ones. I will say this no-transcript got my mom, my dad, myself and my brother um a Santa that was carved out because they like to do um like arts and crafts and, like you know they they like to like work with wood. So they they made this wooden like Santa, cutout right, and the Santa was an Indian Santa. At first it looked like it was black, but then it was an Indian Santa. At first it looked like it was black, but then it was an Indian Santa. And then the kids around the Santa were all different colors like one was red, one was orange, one was like peach, one was like so black you couldn't even see the face, only like the white eyes. And my mom was like what the fuck, mike? Like why would you do this? This isn't funny and it's like racist, right, um?
Speaker 1:But I've gotten so many bizarre Christmas gifts. I mean I've gotten like um. One of my clients one year got me this like wall decor and it was supposed to say like it's something like live, laugh, love, and it said like live, death. It said like live, death, lovely, or something. So when I opened it in front of her I was like oh, and she I was like well, you know, I like morbid shit. And she was like no, it's, I think I'm pretty sure it says like it said live, laugh, love or whatever it was supposed to. And when I showed her she was like oh, that has to be a typo. And I was like no, it's funny, like I'm glad you gave it to me. And she was like so embarrassed, I've gotten open K-cups that were clearly opened. I've gotten like opened candy, oh my god.
Speaker 1:I've gotten like the weirdest shit. I you know another thing, being a hairstylist people will re-gift you like any type of liquor that they don't like, right? I've gotten the weirdest mixed drink shit that like nobody would ever drink. It was came from like the dollar store. Like no offense, it's a thought that matters, right, um, but I've gotten some pretty, pretty wild things too, and, um, I mean, I have a personality like a very morbid, um, you know, sense of humor, obviously, so I can like laugh, laugh, shit off.
Speaker 1:But I know that there's a lot of people that get into fights, right, or like start yelling at each other, like my mom and her brother that one year because my mom, my dad, had like spent all this money to get them gifts, and it was kind of like I think. I honestly think it was a slap in our face. But yeah, yeah, I literally just watched a video on TikTok earlier of a Christmas party from I think it was like two years ago, and the cousin, two cousin guy cousins, got into it and like start punching each other and then, like the wives got into it. It was over some secret Santa gift and they literally started like throwing tables in the basement and throwing food around and shit. It was like so chaotic. I loved it.
Speaker 1:Um, I'm also so morbid that every year on Facebook right before Thanksgiving, I always post um, basically, deck the hall or deck, deck your family, not the halls. It's like these memes and it was like if your family starts fighting, record it so that we can watch it. But anyways, you guys, that's all for this episode and again, you can listen to this podcast on any platform that you listen to podcasts on. Again, you guys have our email. You can look us up on TikTok, on Facebook, on Twitter X, and again, we want to hear your embarrassing Christmas present stories. Take care, guys, tune in for some more.