Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Everything paranormal and unexplained. History of buildings old hospitals any haunted locations along with personal experiences. Famous murders in Michigan. Ufo and extraterrestrial. Urban legends of Michigan. Folklores witches and tribal tales. Horror movies and unexplained curses and deaths on set.
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Navigating Through Paradoxical Transformations
What if your home isn't just haunted but is actually a portal to another realm? Join me, Melissa, alongside my frequent guest Theresa, as we navigate the uncanny experiences surrounding her seemingly haunted house. From David's Xbox that mysteriously operates while unplugged to the historically accurate revelations from our GhostTube app sessions, we uncover a pattern of eerie occurrences that hint at something much deeper. As we explore this paranormal maze, we also confront the unsettling question: could these events be manifestations of negative energy or even poltergeist activity?
Ever received a message from the beyond—or at least from a number that shouldn't be texting at all? That's exactly what Theresa experienced when a mysterious text leads us down a rabbit hole of bizarre coincidences. Adding to the surreal tableau is a broken-down mail truck that seems to be signaling something more than mechanical failure. Meanwhile, I share my personal struggles with anxiety manifesting physically, pondering whether unseen forces might influence these symptoms. Are these events mere anomalies, or do they point to a larger, cosmic narrative waiting to be unraveled?
Personal transformation is often messy, and in this episode, I lay bare my journey through it all. Emerging from the post-COVID haze, I've embraced change, finding solace in solitude and self-care amid the chaos. With grounding exercises and resonant tunes like "Comfortably Numb," I navigate shifts in energy that seem to extend beyond my personal sphere. Appliances activating on their own, movement in the shadows—could these be echoes of past energies or signs of a purgatorial state? Join us as we theorize, reflect, and perhaps transform our understanding of reality itself.
Hey everyone, welcome back to Strange, strange Beyond, insane, and this is your host. Melissa and I was going to wait to do a podcast later tonight, but all these weird things have been happening this past week and I just could not wait to get on here, while Teresa, as you know that has been on here plenty of times, you know she does have this. I guess you can call it now it's a haunted house, but I kind of looked at it, more so like a portal. She's experiencing a lot lately again, and I was just over there Saturday night and today's Monday, so just a couple nights ago, and a lot went on, and so I'm going to jump into that first. Okay, so you guys remember us talking about David, her son, and all these weird things that were happening in his room, like the xbox kept turning on even when it was unplugged. Now she does talk a lot, like she'll say me and her, both we do this. We call it playstation. It's literally an Xbox. Who cares? But just so you know details, this is an Xbox. It is a newer one, um, probably like in the last three years generation Xbox. So it's not old and I don't care how old a game system is, it should never turn on and open up the displayer while being completely unplugged, right, okay.
Speaker 1:So getting back to Teresa, okay, so she has been having a lot of the same symptoms as me, but we really didn't talk about our symptoms. And then a girl that I work with has been having other symptoms like this, and of course I thought I was dying and I kind of looked into this and I see a lot of people are going through this all the videos that I've been watching on TikTok. So we are in a complete spiritual shift right now and we are like completely jumping timelines and for some of us, like we are kind of like going backwards pre-COVID, like right before COVID hit, what were your struggles? What were you going through? Um, you think about that and then you think about now and it all makes sense. So it's kind of like our bodies are shifting forward, but our minds, for whatever reason, went backwards. I'll get into that too, but I want to start off with.
Speaker 1:So I get over to Teresa's house Saturday night. Well, by this time it's almost Sunday morning, because it was late when I got there and her daughter has not been able to sleep again. She finally went to sleep, sound asleep. It was awesome, her and I, teresa and I were just hanging out and we started hearing these noises again and I'm like, okay, so we, we put one of my ghost apps on and I just want to talk about this ghost app, ghosttube. All of a sudden it's gaining all this attention on social media and people are like posting videos and they're talking about how they feel and they're like, oh my god, this app is fucking real. Like they literally answered my questions and things are coming true and I'm I've been sitting here for years now being like it doesn't matter if it's an app, a spirit box, a Ouija board, if there's, you know, like children's, you know toys in front of you with letters or numbers, it literally doesn't matter.
Speaker 1:Energy can be manipulated and energy can manipulate energy. So it doesn't matter what you're using to communicate, and a lot of times, communication comes through dreams. So, again, it doesn't. Again, it does not matter what app you're using. If people say it's fake, a lot of people will say, oh, these words are programmed into these apps. Okay, even if that was true, how are they answering questions without even asking a question? How are they knowing certain things and certain names and last names, like Carissa and I were just out at a cemetery last week maybe a week and a half ago and we literally found out history from Belleville, like we never knew this stuff, and it literally told us, like the app was telling us. We looked, never knew this stuff, and it literally told us, like the app was telling us, we looked it up on Google, we cross checked it and, yes, it's factual.
Speaker 1:That'll be another episode, so anyways, um, I know I'm ranting, but this is just insane to me. So we go into David's room and, just like the last two, we're communicating with this entity, right, and my energy completely goes out the door. I'm just so tired. I'm like my legs are feeling weird, my foot is feeling weird, I'm getting pins and needles and she's starting to feel weird. And I'm not going to give complete details like names, but what they were saying in the room made sense. Well, it still doesn't make sense. We don't know why. There's an attachment in there, but this attachment inside the room is attaching to the kids and attaching to the family, which is also manifesting more negative energy.
Speaker 1:So, when we walk out of the room actually, when I just said that there was wind that came out of my microphone. I don't know how that could happen. I get literally like just pushed wind into my face, um, and like Teresa called me today and she was like whatever the fuck is in my house, it does not like you. And I was like, yeah, of course it doesn't like me because I'm telling you you got to fucking leave. You had no invitation to be here. I'm not saying that this is like demonic or this is like a super negative energy, but it is not good energy. It's very draining and it's causing people these different emotions and it's causing like fights and you know, just uneasy feelings which again could, could just be a poltergeist.
Speaker 1:Okay, so we walk out of the room and me and her just start talking and it we're like we're done with that room, like we can't do this anymore, whatever, of course, we ended up back in there, but in between that, this spirit or whatever this entity was telling us things through the app, like specific names, and I'm like do you know this person, do you know that person? And she's like no, no, and then, like 10 minutes later, she's like, oh, my God, that's my actual friend's husband's name, that's like his actual name and the other two names were nicknames that everyone has given him. And I'm like that's weird. And she's like, yeah, I haven't thought about her in a while and I haven't seen her in a long time, meaning her friend, not the husband, but the friend. Okay, moving forward. Then it says something bad is going to happen to you. And you know, of course, she was like oh, you got, you know you need to be careful. And I'm like I don't, I don't feel like anything bad is going to happen.
Speaker 1:So we go back into David's room and we do some more exploring and some investigating and it just like everything, kind of like it kept saying four, I think it said like women or girls. And then it said four corners, four points, four, four, four. And Teresa bursted out and just said we need you, me, carissa and Christina, which they've all been on the podcast. We need all four of us girls here. Like we need to get to the bottom of this. And I just looked at her and I'm like I think you're right. And she's like everything happens when you and I are together, like when we're talking on the phone, like everything happens when you and I are together, like when we're talking on the phone, when you come over to visit.
Speaker 1:She's like, whatever has manifested in my house, her house, she said it does not like me. And it doesn't like me because I push it and I push those boundaries on this. It let's just say entity, spirit, poltergeist, whatever. We don't know what the hell it is yet. So, in the minks of all this happening and um so she sends me a text message yesterday and she's like oh my god, it's gonna be like fucking crazy. And I'm like what?
Speaker 1:She's like my friend that I was talking about last night when the um app said something about her. She's like, dude, she showed up at my house and she's like I haven't seen her in forever. And she showed up at like 10 o'clock in the morning on a Sunday and she's always told Teresa, I'll never come over your house on weekends because I know that you're busy with your family, your husband's home, whatever. And Teresa's like and for her to come over at 10 in the morning, she's like it was so weird. So she comes in and I don't know if Teresa told her or not.
Speaker 1:Like we were just talking about her last night and Teresa was going on and on about like, um, I'm sorry the night before was going on and on about saying you know, um, I haven't talked to her, I haven't seen her in a while. I don't know if Teresa sent any of that to her. It doesn't sound like it to me, but anyways, they were talking back and forth and this woman brought up this ex of Teresa's and anyways, we're not going to get into details about this, but she made a really smug comment about, like, what some other people had said about Teresa's ex when Teresa had left her, like one of her old jobs, and it was like intentionally to like piss off Teresa's husband. And of course Teresa heard it, or Teresa's husband heard it, and he got like really pissed off and he was like kind of like in a tailspin about this and then all of a sudden, like he's okay today. And you guys, that is a classic negative manifestation. Like people start acting up in the house, they get pissed, they get angry, they're not using their heads, and then all of a sudden later they're fine. Like that is a classic classic tall, you know old tall tale that you got something in your house. That's a negative. And I'm not saying that any of them are possessed, because, believe me, they are not, but you don't have to be possessed to be haunted by something. And you know it's just weird because how did that fucking happen?
Speaker 1:Like the night before, and then this woman shows up and then this shit gets brought up and it literally said well, now we know it said it to Teresa, something bad is going to happen to you now. I want to tell you this right now. So this was just maybe like an hour ago. So me and Teresa are on the phone and she gets this text from her friend. Now she screenshotted to me. Teresa did she goes, she, what did she say to me? She goes oh, now she just texted me and I said said, what did she say? And so this text message and screenshot. I'm literally reading it to you right now. It says can I call you later? That's what her friend says. Teresa responded with is everything okay? And then Teresa responded with I have time right now if you want to talk. So Teresa got nothing back from her friend.
Speaker 1:So now Teresa's worried and she's like shit, what if something's wrong? So she calls this friend. This literally just an hour and a half ago. The friend answers and is like hey, what's going on? Teresa's like is everything okay? And her friend's like yeah, why? Teresa's like well, you never responded back to me after you sent me that text, just like a few minutes ago. And her friend goes what text? Teresa goes you just sent me a text message. Can I call you later? And her friend's like no, I didn't, I'm up at the cabin with my husband right now. Teresa's like okay, I'm going to send this to you. So she sends it to her.
Speaker 1:Now, if the woman, if this woman, her friend, had like sent this text to someone else, but somehow it got to Teresa, you would think that she would say oh my God, I'm sorry that went to the wrong person. No, she said nothing. She goes, I don't know. That's weird. I did not send that to you and Teresa's sitting there being like what you can see in the screenshot. It came from your phone. It has your picture, your number, all of that. This woman had no explanation.
Speaker 1:Okay, so then, um, teresa had called me. I've been in the middle of cleaning, cause it's my day off tomorrow. I got a long hair day and then the week is kind of screwy at work, right, cause Thanksgiving is Thursday, by the way. Um, so right around the corner. So I'm just in the middle of doing everything.
Speaker 1:So I call Teresa back and while I'm trying to call Teresa, it keeps taking me to all these weird numbers, like I think that they're spam numbers, but I kept dialing these other numbers and I'm like what is going on? I'm clicking on Teresa's name, like her, you know, like her contact, and it would not let me call her. And I'm like what the hell? Well, then I get text messages come through from Teresa again. So the minute I open up her text messages, all of a sudden Teresa gets on the phone and I'm like, dude, I've been having the hardest time calling you back. And she's like what is going on with these phones? Dude, I've been having the hardest time calling you back and she's like what is going on with these phones? So excuse me? She says this is fucking crazy. She said she didn't send that to me. The mail truck just broke down in front of my house. So, remind you, these messages come right through the minute I get back on the phone with her.
Speaker 1:So I'm reading them as I'm talking to her and she's like you're just getting that now. And I'm like, yeah, and I'm like, and I couldn't dial you, like it kept taking me everywhere else and she goes what the hell is going on. So then I say what's the big deal about the mail truck? Like what do you mean? And she goes, it broke down in front of my house and the person that was in it got into a different mail truck that picked them up. And she's like I just find this all so weird and I said ding ding, ding ding. To me that tells me that there is a message that is being sent to Teresa from like a higher realm, and I don't know where it's coming from, but it all makes sense. That message from her friend that her friend supposedly did not send it got Teresa's attention. The mail truck, me trying to be able to call her and it was blocked Like literally I could not call her.
Speaker 1:And then these text messages, like it is like really, really crazy to me everything that has went on in this past week and we're all feeling it in different ways. If you're listening right now and you're having so I'm not having mental anxiety, I'm having physical anxiety attacks and unfortunately it's happening to me while I'm working. It's very random. Like I wake up, I feel fine, I, I go to work, I get a little weird and then through the day I have all these weird fucking symptoms and I have, like I said again, I've looked it up and I'm not a person that you know gets all crazy and says, oh, I gotta go to the doctor, I gotta go to the hospital.
Speaker 1:But there was one particular night last week um, I believe it was Wednesday night. I left work, um, of course there was a little bit of drama at work Not really nothing to, like you know, get crazy about, and I'm sure that didn't help the anxiety. But I had gotten a phone call from another coworker and I was like, oh, here we go. So, anyways, after work I had to go and cut more hair at Cindy and Bill's house, which is on my way home from work. So I'm going to.
Speaker 1:I start cutting Billy's hair. I feel fine. I got off the phone with my co-worker like minutes before that came inside. You know, I love my, my sheer family. They're like another family to me. I call my hair family. But anyways, I start cutting Billy's hair, bill Jr's hair, and, um, I'm fine, right, and I get halfway done and all of a sudden I get this rush, like I want to call it, like a whoosh feeling in the back of my head. The back of my head starts burning and it starts like feeling really fuzzy. I feel like I'm literally levitating up towards the ceiling. My legs are wonky. I can't feel my legs. My arms want to like go up but they're not. I'm tingly. I got really hot, then I got really cold and then there was a point where I kind of like held on to their countertop in the kitchen. I was like, oh my god, I'm gonna go down, like I'm literally gonna fucking pass out.
Speaker 1:Now most of you would listen to this and be like, okay, it's high blood pressure, it could be a stroke. And immediately I thought, stroke. Okay, because that's what my mom passed away from even though she had cancer. Okay, because that's what my mom passed away from even though she had cancer. Initially, what took her out was this the you know, the stroke. Um, and then all of a sudden, like I was okay. And then his dad came in, bill senior, to cut his hair, and I was like, oh, I'm kind of feeling weird again, but I'm okay, but mentally I was fine. So so anyways, I, you know, we, you know hang out for a while after the haircuts and talk and I start to drive home.
Speaker 1:Now, the minute I leave that house and I get into my truck. I'm still feeling a little wonky, but I feel I feel a little bit better, I feel a little relief. And then I'm on, I don't know I think I had just got on, shainer, and I'm about, you know, five, six miles from home, and I called my husband and I'm like, hey, this is what's going on. I don't know if, like, medically, something's wrong, I don't. I mean, I don't feel like it, it's just freaking me out. And he's like okay, well, take your time getting home, stay on the phone with me. And I was like I think what's happening is that I'm having physical anxiety attacks, or not even mental. And he's like well, that's kind of good, I guess, but that sucks that you're feeling like this. So I'm telling him all my symptoms and he's like yeah, you know, that's strange. So I get home, he is out there right away to greet me. I get out of my truck and he looks at me and he's like are you OK, let me grab? And I'm like yeah, you know, I feel okay, I feel okay. So I get in the house, excuse me, and normally.
Speaker 1:So, first of all, I want to say I have not had anxiety attacks since COVID and the what brought it on. See, there's that wind again. I just felt it on my face. Strange, okay, and there has been some weird things going on down in this basement, but of course I'm sure I'm stirring up some energy, but anyways, okay. So I got sidetracked, squirrel moment.
Speaker 1:The anxiety wasn't brought on by the COVID issue. It really just stemmed from having to do like any kind of grocery shopping or go anywhere, and people were very radical, you know, and it was always really busy anywhere I went, and that's kind of like where it started. Now. I've had anxiety my whole life. I've been very good about controlling it. I'm not on medication for it, I'm very headstrong, so I can usually talk myself through it or I will, you know, tell somebody hey, I'm having an anxiety attack, this is what's going on. I just need you to like be chill around me and just keep talking to me and you know, I'm very, very, very good, like I'm self-aware, like I know how to deal with it. I will never fucking be put on medication for it. Like I am such an advocate against it because you need it for the rest of your life and it triggers all these other issues against it because you need it for the rest of your life and it triggers all these other issues. Okay, so I have not knock on wood, I'm going to knock on wood for myself. I have not dealt with anxiety since COVID times, so now this is happening, so you know anyway.
Speaker 1:So I'm in the house after I get home that night from late night working and I keep telling my husband I'm like I'm, it's so weird, I'm fine, like I don't feel sad, I don't feel mad, I don't, I'm mentally, I'm okay. But it's like my body, like I can't explain it, like all these, like weird things are happening. And he's like, okay, well, maybe you shouldn't take a shower, because normally you're not supposed to take a shower when you're having an anxiety attack, because it can actually make it worse. But I was like no, I'm fine, I'm shouldn't take a shower, because normally you're not supposed to take a shower when you're having an anxiety attack because it can actually make it worse. But I was like no, I'm fine, I'm going to go take a shower, I feel fine about it. And I was, I was fine.
Speaker 1:I took, you know I did a little bit of hot water, some cold water, to get my breathing down, get my heart rate down, and I had Reiki music on in the background. You know like Reiki healing music and it and it helped me. So I come back downstairs and I'm kind of like pacing around and I'm like God, I just I feel better, but I feel like it's still working its way out. And my husband literally looks at me and he goes the way that you look right now. He's like your eyes. It to me, it tells me that you are, your body is in a fight or flight, but your mind is not. And I was like what do you mean by that? You know, I know what that means, but I'm like what do you mean by that?
Speaker 1:And he's like I think whatever's going on, this like weird energy thing in your body is just like trying to work its way out. And he's like and you're doing a good job with mentally like being coherent. But he's like your eyes, because I kept saying like my eyes felt puffy, excuse me, they feel blurry and um, when I finally looked in my makeup mirror, um, my magnifying one with like the lights around it, I was like, wow, my eyes look crazy, like not crazy, like opposite of manic, like almost like like depressed. And I and I looked at Paul and I was like I'm not depressed, I'm not sad. And he's like I know you're not, but the physical energy that's attacking you is like literally putting a war on your fucking body. He's like I can, I can almost feel it off of you and I was like I'm, you know, I of course I apologize. He's like do not apologize. I'm like I know, but this isn't like me. And he's like I don't even he said he goes. I don't know what the fuck is going on. He's like it's just, it feels really weird lately.
Speaker 1:Okay, so Teresa has had the same fucking symptoms. A girl I work with has had the same symptoms, like and you look up this stuff and literally like people are going through it right now, and it's not even like, it's not like. Everyone's like wah, wah, wah, I'm sad, I'm depressed. You know I have anxiety. No, it's like we can't explain these symptoms, all right. So I want to talk about okay, right here, all right. So I have been seeing a lot of videos and it, you know, here's just some like um, like PowerPoints on what's happening.
Speaker 1:It says that you'll start noticing synchronicities everywhere Mirror hours, repeated numbers, feathers or butterflies appearing out of nowhere, seemingly without no reason. Okay, so the weird thing is, before my anxiety attack started at work last week, there was a random feather on the floor in the bathroom and I remember looking at that and I was like that's weird because I had just swept the bathroom. I'm like did a bird come in here? So there you go. Okay, it says.
Speaker 1:You'll become incredibly analytical and observant. You'll question absolutely everything you know. You'll come to understand that light and shadow must coexist. Heaven and hell are not places, they're states of consciousness. Your relationship with food will transform. You'll naturally gravitate towards fresh, whole, unprocessed foods. You'll understand that your body is the vessel for your soul and caring for it will become second nature, which is even crazier because when I thought I had COVID, like back a month ago, which I still think I may have, that's kind of like when I and I have a great relationship with food. I love food. I love going and trying new things too. Like I'm always exploring new restaurants and that's like all of us around here are pretty much like that people that I know. But like lately food has not been agreeing with me. I don't have like a taste for anything.
Speaker 1:I've been using the bathroom a lot more than usual not to put it out there disgustingly, but they do call that like a body cleanse and even like a purge, and I have had a lot of purging moments and even unfortunately, coming up the other way like throwing up. That has happened. That happened a few weeks ago. I got really sick one day out of nowhere and I dry heaved for like four hours. So this has all been in the making, like this has been going on for probably like two months.
Speaker 1:But I'm just it's like I was purging my old self and everybody that feels this Okay. So even not just me, like you, like generally you You're purging your old self, you're rebirthing yourself. Your body is just now catching up to your mind's timeline, but your body and your mind were you know, I guess they're two separate things, if you will when you're coming to your higher self or like when you're jumping timeline. So it makes sense that that's why I've been like how I've been for a month at least a month this has been going on and I know like my menstrual cycle was a lot worse than it ever is this past month. And then there was, I want to say, at least three full moons, or two full moons in the last month and a half full moons, or two full moons in the last month and a half, and, um, it just like it all makes sense and like, of course, you know, a month or two ago you're not going to like make sense of anything until all this comes on all at once. So if you guys out there, if you guys are feeling the same way, know that you're not fucking crazy, and medically I mean you should still get checked if something else is going on right, but a lot of this is energy, all right.
Speaker 1:So it says the journey of awakening isn't just about enlightenment, it's about your transformation. Are you ready to embrace it? So, pretty much what we've been saying. You'll stop going to the places that you used to. You'll stop watching the same shows, reading the same books or consuming the same content, which is so true, at least for me. Lately You'll realize the importance of stepping away from these habits, and letting them go will feel effortless. A sense of solitude will emerge. Many people will drift away from your life, but you'll find peace in this, your circle will shrink and you'll feel content with this intimacy and the only song that has really, really resonated with me in these past. Like four nights is um Comfortably Numb.
Speaker 1:And I say that because I'm a person like when anyone has ever like walked out of my life or, you know, we've gotten into like I don't know, like a blowout, I'm always like the one that's like oh, our days are numbered, are numbered. We can't stay mad, blah, blah, blah. And you know I will say this and I mean I'm not proud of saying this, but like in the last, like I don't know six months, my circle that I've, that I've had for a long time has dramatically shrunk and for once in my life, like hey, I wish them well, I'm not mad at anybody. Like the circumstances that just happened, not even well almost a month ago, were so bizarre and crazy and like this other party thought that like I was really mad but I wasn't and I was just trying to like enjoy my weekend and I wasn't. I had no trying to like enjoy my weekend and I wasn't. I had no hard feelings and they almost made this like huge thing.
Speaker 1:Like you know, it's almost like they had to get mad at me because they thought I was gonna be mad at them and that's not the case at all and I was so calm about it, like even my bestest friend, christina, that's known me forever, literally that's always on here, aka Harry, you guys know her. She was like. She even said to me like the last several I don't know weeks, she's like I'm like so proud of how calm you've been, like you're not overthinking, you're not obsessing over like things that have happened. You're just kind of like it is what it is and that's literally like I can't even like really remember these people in my head, which is like really weird. I mean I can, but I can't even like really remember these people in my head, which is like really weird. I mean I can, but I can't.
Speaker 1:And I feel like I honestly can say that I know that those people either were never meant to be in my life or they're not meant to be in my life right now, because I am on a different wavelength timeline, I'm in a whole different realm and I'm like literally I'm not even focused on what the fuck they're doing. I don't care. Okay, I am in my villain era and it's not even a bad thing. I'm more like hey, you want to talk about me negatively? Cool, join the fan club. You want to be my friend Cool, join the fan club, like I don't care, I don't have energy for these old habits and I used to like hold on to like a lot of anger and I would get really sad and then I would like try to like make everybody happy and that's the one thing that I know this year, the last few months, I am done people pleasing and I think I am shifting so quickly that like my brain is still trying to process it and my body is trying to get right with this new timeline and I'm okay with that.
Speaker 1:And I know I'm, like most part, I'm healthy. Of course I'm dealing with some like agonizing allergies right now because of the mold and it's been super wet here in Michigan, wet and cold, but other than that, with a little bit of cough and you know, just having to take Claritin. I'm, I know, relatively I'm healthy. So I know what's happening to me. I wouldn't say it's supernatural or it's, you know, taboo or it's oh, you're just, you know, a hippie dippy tree hugger. No, like I know this is happening and it's happening to a lot of fucking people and if you're one of them, just watch the videos.
Speaker 1:Do the three. What is it like? The three on three exercise. Like your, you know, name a thing, a place, a person. Try to ground yourself, do the seven second breathing techniques.
Speaker 1:I mean listen to the Reiki healing music. I actually got myself a pan drum. The real pan drums are really expensive and I didn't know if I was going to like it, so I got like a cheaper, smaller version, absolutely love it. It's like wind chimes and like a drum from the rainforest, like mixed together. And I was down here playing it last night and my husband literally came flying down and he was like wow, I love that. That is so calming. You know, I'm going to pay you to put me to sleep. I'm like pay me to put you to like. He's like. He was like just so over the moon about that drum. He was like that is the coolest thing and he heard it from all the way, like two floors up. So, and it has really helped me too, music will help you.
Speaker 1:I mean, there's so many things you can do and please practice these things, because I know it gets really hard and, like I said again, we are jumping timelines, but you have to take care of you. You got to put you first. Let the changes happen, embrace them, be happy that you are one, that that's happening to you, because you don't want to be stuck right Like you don't want to be in like 2D when you can be in 5D, okay. And it also says, perhaps most importantly, you'll learn that your mind has the power to heal you from absolutely anything, which literally again what I just was talking about what they don't tell you about spiritual awakening, the importance of self-awareness will become crystal clear. You'll begin to look inward and discover that the answers you've been searching for were always within you, not outside. You'll realize that before manifesting the life of your dreams, you need to heal your wounds and completely rewire your mindset and your subconscious beliefs and your subconscious beliefs.
Speaker 1:So you know again, you guys, if you're out there and you're doing any kind of paranormal investigating or paranormal researching, paranormal spirituality, even in some cases, religion, aliens, ufos, other beings, ets all of these things, other beings, ets, all of these things they coexist separately but they also merge together and we don't always know the connections of everything, but we know that somehow they're linked and we know that every person that we know in our life today is someone that we knew from another lifetime ago or someone that's always been with us through every lifetime. Some of us are on our last life and it's okay. Just try to meditate, try to close your eyes, try to think why, why is this happening? I know, for my own reasons, that there are unresolved issues from before COVID that I was dealing with and now they're kind of like slapping me in my face again, and now I'm more calm about it. I'm like, oh, this wasn't even that big of a deal, why.
Speaker 1:But maybe, like some people might have already expanded themselves before the COVID thing or even after. Like for me, my mental, subconscious, spiritual, higher self really didn't completely start to levitate until after COVID. That's kind of like when I shed my own skin and I like my own and old skin, I should say and I like rebirthed myself, and now I'm kind of like I feel like I'm halfway into like a new rebirthing of my spiritual being that you know I have inside of me, but I feel like I'm already there too. So I'm like kind of like upgrading, um, and, like I said, the more you talk to you know your people, you know your tribe, and the more you talk to everyone, you're going to see that a lot of people have a lot of similar feelings okay, and not everybody's on this new timeline thing again, and if you're not, that's okay too. Like it doesn't. It's not a bad thing, it just means that you're not, you're not ready to jump that yet, like you're still, you know, gaining every, all the tools that you need to get to the, you know, finish line.
Speaker 1:So, talking about this new frequency that we are in right now, I've had and I don't know if you guys can relate, but I've been having like the weirdest shit happening and it's I'm not even scared, it's like it's just those moments where you sit there and you say to yourself is this really happening? So some examples I can give you guys is in like the last, I don't know, I'd say, just a week, like just last week, and even now, like today, it's happening. You know, in the basement we have our laundry room in the back and the dryer door is popping open for no reason, and every time that that's happened in this past week that I'm doing laundry, I swear to God, it's the same fucking sock that gets spit out in front. Nothing else falls out, no other laundry, and I'm like repetitive, repetitive, repetitive.
Speaker 1:And then so my husband got this awesome new, it's like literally brand new, this coffee machine from his amazing customers. This coffee machine, um, it starts with a j. I don't feel like leaving the mic right now to go look, it's right in the back. But it's a really expensive coffee machine. It's like three thousand dollars. And they ended up.
Speaker 1:His wife wanted a new one and again, this one was only like a year old, so he literally gave it to paul. He's like, yeah, you and your wife, enjoy, had all the instructions. It's super cool. It grounds its own, um, it grounds the coffee beans. Oh God, the coffee is so good, you guys, it's like that's what coffee's really supposed to taste like. Right, and it can make like cappuccinos and it can do this. And it's got this milk glass thing and this steamer and this foamer. It's like all fancy.
Speaker 1:But anyways, that has randomly been turning on and trying to ground beans, but there's no beans in it and then like it will just turn off and then it will turn back on and you'll hear the frother start going off and I'm like, what is it with that back room? Well, there's gotta be some kind of residual memory back there, I think, just for me, and the only thing I can think of is that all of my paranormal stuff was back there, like my dolls, my tarot cards, all my books, all of my equipment, um, the shelving, the metal shelving unit that I had back there. Well, now it's out in the front because, you know, like I've said before, my husband made me a new podcasting station and I love this, I absolutely love this. But something back there is unresolved. Like I had feelings, negative feelings, or maybe even positive feelings, or some type of memory is stuck back there and it's like just hitting me in the face.
Speaker 1:Every freaking week um, I mean because this is week two and then, like three weeks ago, back there, the refrigerator door kept opening on its own and I was bitching at my husband. I'm like you need to make sure that the fridge door is closed and the freezer. I'm like stop doing that, we're going to, you know everything's going to go bad. And he's like I haven't even been in there and I was like what the hell? So, and here's the thing too, we moved the fridge back there and the fridge was always in the front. So we kind of like flip flopped everything because we're still in the middle of like redoing the basement and I the basement and I guess I never realized how much energy I hold in like all of my equipment and my dolls and, you know, my tarot cards and just everything, and maybe I don't know.
Speaker 1:Like the energy is mad and it's like telling me put the stuff back how it used to be. Well, that's not happening. So, anyways, they're just. And I've been having like really crazy peripheral vision and it's I'm not sitting here telling you guys, oh, I see shadow people or I see, you know, you know someone or even something moving, but it's like it goes off on the sides of my vision and like I know something moved and I'm like, and I'll look over and I'm like I don't see anything that moved. And I'm like, but it's not driving me crazy, I'm not like paranoid or anything, and that's the weirdest thing, I don't feel scared, I don't feel intimidated, I don't feel negative, I'm just like, oh God, it's just been weird. So, anyways, if anyone else is experiencing that, please let me know.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I found this theory the other night and I really like it. It says I find it likely that time already ended and we are all in the afterlife, collectively experiencing either heaven, hell or purgatory, based on what our frequency and our karmic debt is at this current time Crazy. I actually sent that to a couple of friends the other night and one responded to it and the other one just kind of looked at it. But the one that I got the response from said holy shit, they're not lying. And I said don't tell me which one you're in. I do kind of feel like this is purgatory lately, um, and not even in a bad way, more in like a boring, like repetitive way, um, so again, I think it's part of the new shifting now, um, this, this woman made a video on TikTok and this is what's crazy, because a lot of people, including me Now, look, I always I randomly have ringing in my ears.
Speaker 1:I do not have tendonitis. When I was younger I had to see a children's psychiatrist because they thought that my one ear I was deaf in, and back then you just seen, you know child psychiatrists with a doctor and one ear I was deaf in, and back then you just seen, you know child psychiatrists with a doctor, and I remember being in this really dark room having these big ass headphones on and then doing like, then playing like all these like frequencies in my ears One ear, which would be my right ear, has always been better than my left ear. And I think they did talk about putting tubes in my ears because you know, of course, I was a sick kid. I had, you know, asthma and I had allergies and I was allergic to everything and I had pneumonia and the fall time was the worst time for me, which it still is, um, but no, I've never had like, they didn't not. Um, they said that my ears were pretty much okay and, if you know, my mom wanted, my parents wanted, to put tubes in my ears for the drainage and blah blah. So in my adult years I have found out that I've had extra teeth in the back in front of my wisdom teeth, so I've gotten those removed with my wisdom teeth, which has helped my sinuses teeth, which has helped my sinuses.
Speaker 1:But the last three weeks, I want to say I have had the craziest shit happening, like I was saying earlier in the episode. But the craziest, most scariest thing for me is that my right ear I was just telling a coworker this Saturday, my right ear, like if you're talking to me and I'm listening, right, and then boom, my right ear completely goes out and my left ear gets this high pitch like ringing, where it literally like, oh my God, it is like agonizing, and then it fades and then it goes away, but it's all in like a like, maybe like three seconds, and then I get that like that wonky feeling and then I'm like okay, my heart rate. So I know it's anxiety, it's physical anxiety and I, but I don't know why, I'm having all these symptoms. So, getting back to this video, she captioned it. Do you guys hear it too?
Speaker 1:This person says I don't hear frequencies, but I've been waking up at 3am for no reason the past couple of months. And this person says same, me too, same. And then other people are saying like I've been getting really bad ringing in my ears and, um, you know, I haven't felt good, I've had really weird physical symptoms, but my mental seems to be okay, exactly. So we can't all fucking possibly going. We can't, we can't all be paranoid and being tree huggers out there and being you know, you know how people call us tree huggers and hippie dippies. I don't care what anyone says, and even if you guys think I'm crazy in here, that's okay, cause I am crazy, but I'm. I like to say I'm the good crazy, but it has been really intense lately.
Speaker 1:Now, signs that you are healing, you're, you are observing more and you're not judging as much. You're responding more, but you're not reacting More self-love, less self-sabotage, more boundaries, less resentments, more inner peace, less outer chaos, more clarity, peace, less outer chaos, more clarity, less confusion, more being less doing, more faith, less fear. And I think that's really important to keep that in your mind, because all of these things that are happening, there's a reason, and we are all I think a lot of us are healing, and it happens all different ways. Now here's a quote that I've seen that I love too, and this goes with this episode. It says I learned that every mortal will taste death, but only some will taste life.
Speaker 1:So even when things are out of character and we can't understand why they're happening and things get depressing too, you have to remember that we are on these frequencies for a reason. We are healing for a reason. We are going through these things for a reason and, um, you know, and just stay positive and just kind of. I know it's hard when you're having anxiety, like and we all know what that's like Most of us do. And if you don't have anxiety, bless your soul. I would love to know what it's like to be normal, but then again, nah, that's overrated. Okay, so this is another quote that I've seen and this is what I'm standing by.
Speaker 1:I have learned three lessons this year To leave people where they are, accept situations for what they are, and not every action needs a reaction. So I think we all need to practice that, because it's been a crazy year, wild year, a lot of chaos, where our bodies are really responding to it, our minds are responding to it and we don't want to go backwards. But anyways, you guys, thank you for listening and please, again, always foremost, email us at GhostSisters2124 at Gmail. Again, that's GhostSisters2124 at Gmail. Also, on Buzzsprout's site, I do have the links up to our Facebook page and our TikTok and our Twitter X page. Unfortunately, there's no link on there for TikTok to put a link on there, but you guys know you can you look up Strange, strange, beyond Insane and you'll see my TikTok. Thank you, guys again and tune in for some more.