Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Everything paranormal and unexplained. History of buildings old hospitals any haunted locations along with personal experiences. Famous murders in Michigan. Ufo and extraterrestrial. Urban legends of Michigan. Folklores witches and tribal tales. Horror movies and unexplained curses and deaths on set.
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Celestial Revolutions: Pluto's Aquarius Era, Demi Moore's Transformation, and Witchy Wonders Uncovered
What if the stars could guide us toward a groundbreaking shift in community and innovation? Discover how Pluto's monumental entry into Aquarius will shape the cosmos and our lives for the next two decades. We explore the intense transformation Pluto brings, spotlighting the themes of truth, shedding old habits, and embracing an innovative future. Alongside this cosmic journey, we dive into the 2024 horror film "The Substance," featuring Demi Moore. Moore's compelling performance is not just about acting; it's an exploration of societal expectations and the portrayal of female bodies, revealing the dedication and transformation she embraced for the role.
Prepare to uncover hidden ancestral fears and ponder the idea of being part of a modern-day psychological experiment. As we navigate spiritual awakening, we delve into recognizing empathic abilities, synchronicities, and more, encouraging personal growth during chaotic times. Additionally, we unravel the enchanting connection between tarot and witchcraft, sharing personal stories of friendship and mystical experiences, celebrating the joy of embracing our witchy side. Join this enlightening episode filled with astrology insights, spiritual exploration, and a celebration of life's mysterious wonders, inviting you to connect and share your thoughts with us.
On November 19th at 3.39 pm, pluto enters Aquarius for the final time. It's going to remain there for the next 20 years. For the last 16 years from 2008 until 2024, pluto was in Capricorn, and that's an area of your chart where you were probably going through a lot of intense highs and lows. Things were really really great and then really really awful. It also may have been a time when you were going really deep into that place then, to that house or into those Capricorn placements. Things in that area of your chart, and therefore your life, were just very intense during that time. Now, as Pluto leaves Capricorn for the final time, that energy moves on to the Aquarius area of your chart. This can be unnerving, but let's get ready for it. Wherever Aquarius is in your chart will now be going through those intense highs and lows extremes. Aquarius is in your chart will now be going through those intense highs and lows, extremes, depth, intensity a lot of change. At best, you're deepening your relationship to that house and to the people represented by that house. At worst, you're going through a lot of turmoil in that area as you strip down the things that are false, the ways that you've been influenced by society, and get back to what you truly need, want, like what you value in that house.
Speaker 1:But finally we are done with that Pluto and Capricorn era. It's felt like forever. It was 16 years of our lives and I made a video last year about how there may be things that you've literally never done without Pluto and Capricorn affecting those things, if you want to scroll back. But congratulations, you made it through that whole era and now we're moving on to the next one. There's so much changing in 2025. The world's going to look very different by 2026-ish. It's time for a new world. So happy Pluto and Aquarius to everybody. I have horoscopes up on the nest if you want to know more about what this means for your sign.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, welcome back, and it's your host, melissa, at Strange, strange Beyond Insane. So today is November 19th, aquarius Day, and I have another quote that I seen on Facebook that I love, and it says on November 19th, pluto, the planet of life, death, rebirth, renewal and all things transformation shifts back into Aquarius, where it will remain until the year 2043. It's so weird reading that Like can we even think that far ahead? I can't. With this ingress, we are starting a brand new cycle centered around community progress and innovation. So I did repost that and I added my own comment and I said this is the year of truth. Masks have came off and are still shedding, old patterns are gone and a lot of good to look forward to. So I'm hoping that's true. I do have a lot of faith in that. There is a lot about this in the age of Aquarius and I have been talking about it for the last couple months. So you can always look that up to yourself and to find your birth chart. I do want to pull that up, so I use a free app and it's called CoStar. You can literally put anybody's information in, or your own, and you can always find your birth chart. That way, I know that there's a lot of different apps that you can use. That's just happened to be one of my favorites. It's pretty straightforward Again, it's free and it's like easy to read, and they explain everything in the charts too. Okay, so I do want to talk about um.
Speaker 2:A couple episodes ago I was talking about the movie the Substance with Demi Moore, and I finally finished it last night and let me tell you it was extremely fucked up. Um, I was very squeamish. I didn't really know what to expect. I I didn't look up a whole lot on it. I had no idea that it was going to be like a whole body, double the substance shot that you take. I just thought it was going to be like a new and improved yourself and then I thought, maybe, like she would start progressively aging because it had like reverse effects. I had no idea that it was going to be how it was. I had no idea that it was going to be how it was. So I did look up, because you know I am very morbid. You guys should know this by now. Give me one second, all right. So a common question about this movie, because, of course, I had to ask just because, again, I'm morbidid and I'm weird and I figured, with the technology that we have today, I didn't think it would actually be her being fully nude, um, but AI overview, aka Google um, does say that yes, demi Moore is fully nude in multiple scenes in the 2024 horror film, the Substance Explanation.
Speaker 2:Moore's nudity in the film is part of a story that explores female bodies and expectations in a male-dominated world. Moore has said that she felt liberated by the role and that she was comfortable with the vulnerability required to, says the reception praise for her performance in the film, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May. She also said that she was sad to see shaming headlines about the nudity in the film. Demi Moore, 61 years old, talks about stripping down and burying all the controversial conversations about this, and more details are said that more has also said that she spent nearly 10 hours in the makeup chair for the film, which also involved a lot of prosthetics work. Okay, and I know she did talk about her having, I think, shingles during filming and some other health issues. So, um, okay, when you guys watch this movie, or unless you guys have it, oh God, um, the light that is on her when she turns into this like troll, like old witch goblin, if you will. Um, it was really fucking scary seeing her like that and she played every part, each part, so perfectly.
Speaker 2:Like I really enjoyed this, my rating would be I would definitely give this film an 8 out of 10. And the only reason why I wouldn't give it a straight 10, because I really did enjoy it that much, did enjoy it that much is because it really really, really kind of reminded me I want to see how I'm going to say this it was a mix of the Human Centipede and the movie Color Out of Space with Nicolas Cage. Color Out of Space is from 2019. And it reminded me of that movie because in this movie, if you guys have seen it, a meteoroid lands in the front yard of their farm and they find, you know, him and the whole family find themselves these like weird things happening and like the feds and cops and all them are trying to cover up like what was going on. But in reality, um, it was almost like a plague from the aliens that they left behind on the farm and they all became mutated like the whole family, and there's a scene where the mom is. I mean, she's obviously already taken over by this plague, if you will, this alien plague and her son morphs into her back and it was like such a creepy, almost comical scene and it was just like, oh God, it was like again squeamish, just like there was a part in Demi Moore's the Substance. When Demi Moore is actually morphed, her face is morphed on the back of this goblin thing, which why it turned into a goblin. You'll have to watch the movie. I don't want to ruin it for people that haven't seen it, because it is still newer. And then, of course, the Human Centipede. Everybody knows what that movie is about and how the bodies morph in together in a very disturbing way. Human Centipede the first movie was made in 2009. I know that there was a second one. I think I've seen parts of the second one, but I didn't see. But yeah, so basically that movie is a mix of both of those movies. So again, I'd give it an 8 out of 10.
Speaker 2:Okay, so some news that's making headlines today is basically, trump says that he will declare a national emergency to use the military for mass deportations, and people are commenting things like I think this happened in Germany once yeah, I believe it was 30s or the 40s. Another person says yes, it was horrible Living in a country right next to Germany. If this is coming to us, america will fall apart. Okay, then a friend on Facebook I'm not sure if he reposted this or if this is his picture. This was found in Troy, michigan, and this was not even a whole week ago. So the sign says someone obviously taped this on a post in the park and it says Trump won Illegals prepare for a ride home. Lgbt prepare to be added to the sex offenders list, which is absolutely fucking disgusting, and it's not even educated at all to even say that.
Speaker 2:So there's a lot of comments like that is someone who is misinformed about his policy, putting stuff like that up for everyone to hate on him? He comes back and says I love you, my sister, but I have to disagree with you. It was Trump supporter who posted the signs. Another person says looks like somebody made a sticker in the basement and now it will spread like wildfire. Gay rights, marriage isn't going anywhere. It's all the left propaganda bullshit. He comes back and says I hope you are right. And then the person responds with if he was going to do anything like that, he would have done it the first time. Okay, this person commented back. He didn't have the people in place to do so. He will now. He isn't fit for office. He is consumed with hate and his own best interests and we are all going to suffer. They are cultists. Scotty, the next four years will be hell for everyone. They will see what he does to them too. Hang in there.
Speaker 2:Someone says maybe you shouldn't waste your energy hating on people. Maybe you should find something positive to do with your life. Just because someone has different beliefs than you doesn't make them an occultist. Oh my God. So again, you guys, there's a lot of fucking false information that is out there. This is all propaganda and drama just to get everybody so separated again. And this, here we go again. Another fucking election. I'm just going to say it and I'm going to say it one more time, and that's it. Make sure that you have the right information and cross check your information to make sure that it's fucking legit. Don't spread shit like that. It causes hatred, hysteria, riots, people hating on each other, people killing each other Like this is just insane, and these are all fucking adults, okay. So another article reads Texas campus is in uproar after protesters hold signs declaring women are property on quad after Trump victory.
Speaker 2:So I found this fun fact to be extremely like, compelling. I mean, I, I, since I've seen this, I've been thinking about it over and over and over, cause that's you know, you guys know, I like to get into these rabbit holes. Um, so, this is what it says Memories can be passed through genes. So those weird fears that you have, it might just be something that was passed down through your genes from an ancestor who had a reason to fear it, which is equally terrifying, because we always say, oh, our fears are probably past lives that we have lived and that's what happened, that's how we died, that's why we're scared of them in this life and the next life, and you know, the pattern goes on. But this, this was crazy to read. I mean, I kept reading it over and I was like, wow, that makes so much sense.
Speaker 3:Chosen one. You're part of a sick experiment and you may not even realize it. Think about it. Why is it all of a sudden your family members, your friends, co-workers, people in the community all turn against you, all look at you weird, all do what they're told to try and get you to react, go crazy and just play with your mind. What if I told you you were in a modern-day Milgram experiment? What's a Milgram experiment, you may ask? Well, it was an experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram in the 1960s where 60% of participants shot a person to dangerous levels just because he was in a white lab coat.
Speaker 3:Now some say if you bring an authority figure with a badge in, that number shoots up to 90%. So this is why these people around you, who you thought you could trust, believe the lies that they were told about you and will do anything because they think they're helping you, they think they're doing something good for the community, when in reality they're helping. Bring you down and try to take you down mentally so you can do something to yourself or do something to get yourself in trouble. So they win. Chosen one. Do not let them win. Stay strong, stay prayed up, because you know who you are, and so does the most high. You are not a bad person. You never were. They know this. This is why they want you gone, because you have a purpose, and it is to bring them down, to expose them.
Speaker 4:Here are the four signs that you are spiritually gifted, and many of us have these spiritual gifts so prevalent, but don't realize that that's what's actually happening. Number one you have regular ringing in your ears and you don't have any medical condition that would cause that, but this ringing can come in either ear or simultaneous, but it happens often. Number two you feel others emotions, which means you're an empath, and when you learn how to regulate your empathic abilities, you become a superhuman, because when you can regulate your empathic skills, you actually have the ability to influence energy. And I have two more for you. But if any of this interests you and you want to go deeper into this area of your own spiritual gifts, use the link in my profile. I have a ton of free gifts for you that will help you along the path.
Speaker 4:Number three you experience a lot of synchronicities. Whether it's repeating numbers, or the same situation keeps happening over and over again, or the same song, or the same situation keeps happening over and over again, or the same song or the same series of words keep being spoken in your presence. This is a powerful sign. Now this last one, number four, is going to surprise you at how common it is, but we have been taught to completely ignore it, to think that it's just some random weird thing. And it is not. And if you have this, I definitely want you to go get one of my free gifts so you can join my programs so I can help you. Regular feelings of deja vu.
Speaker 5:This is one of the biggest days, tuesday, the 19th of November, that we as a universal people will have experienced for nigh on 240 years Pluto moving into Aquarius for the first time in 240 years. The last time this occurred was around the time of the French and American revolutions. So it is a complete and utter game changer and a gloriously positive one. So this day is all about effectively the collective working as one, having a humanitarian mindset, understanding that there is this great sort of collective positive reset. It's about enlightenment. It's about deconstructing an existing society and reconstructing society collectively, progressively, positively, positively, in a unification-esque fashion. Everyone working as one defines Pluto in Aquarius. So it's a glorious day. You've also got Sun Trine, neptune, mercury Trine, chiron the energy today is freaking glorious.
Speaker 2:This is Okay, you guys does that resonate with you at all. Do you get the point of all this information on this episode? Some of the hatred comments still people going on about the election, but today is the change 11-19-2024. So if you find yourself caught up in hatred and completely distracted by political bullshit and the outside noise, you should be telling yourself what really matters right now. What is important? What do I need to work on as a human being? How can I make my life better? How can my manifestations come to light? Am I giving myself daily affirmations? Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing? Just take care of your fucking self right now, Like, be truthful with you. Stop with all the bullshit, stop with all the hysteria. Start it today. Make changes, even myself practicing what I preach. Make the change today because today marks a new age, literally, as you could tell.
Speaker 2:While speaking there, you could hear like my throat kind of going in and out, because that is something that I have been working on is my throat chakra, how to express things, situations, how I react, how I perceive these situations and these people, and how I talk. And one thing I'm not going to apologize for is cussing. That will not be on my bucket list of you know, new year, new me. I don't do that bullshit, because there I go swearing again. And here's the thing People that cuss are more honest, and you can even look it up on Google AI says so. It says, yes, some research suggests that people who swear are more honest. They're more likely to express their true selves, they're less likely to lie. Higher integrity, and yeah, so I I mean you do got to watch me on public and, of course, at work, thank God, I work at a barbershop and most of the dudes swear too, and you know, even the women that we have come in Like this is the realest place that I've ever worked, like where I could be me, and that is one thing that I'm working on this year. If I'm working on any area in life, it's working on me and doing the things that make me happy and kind of like staying in my own little lane, okay. So again, you guys work on it Again.
Speaker 2:11-19-2024 is the day, so I do want to Kind of continue with this Whole, you know, spiritual day. I'm going to call it about tarot cards, okay, like tarot cards, affirmation cards, oracle cards, anything of that nature. So all of the above in that area, okay. So when I first started getting into tarot and oracle cards and all that, I was mostly just doing it for other people, right? Well, I very rarely pull out those any. I mean, I have a lot of decks I, off the top of my head, I have at least 50 and counting.
Speaker 2:I've learned to when, when, when my cards are calling to me, I'm like, okay, I'm about to go down to that basement or stay upstairs on my Playboy blue velvet couch that I absolutely love. Now we're coming into cold season. Paul has been making me some fires in the fireplace. We still have a real old school fireplace that you put fire logs into and I absolutely love it. It's my favorite room of the house besides the basement and it's kind of like where myself and all the dogs and the two cats lounge back there and I have been reading the cards just for me the last week and just kind of like being in the dark atmosphere with like ambient lighting from like the fireplace and like a couple little nightlights. Atmosphere with like ambient lighting from like the fireplace and like a couple little night lights, and it I'm telling you if you are drawn to this, even if you only pull out your cards once in a while.
Speaker 2:There is a reason so. Google AI says that people are often drawn to tarot cards because they offer a way to tap into their intuition, explore deeper aspects of themselves through symbolism, gain new perspectives on life situations and potentially find comfort or guidance when facing challenges, all through the imagery and the interpretation of the cards, essentially acting as a tool for self-reflection and personal exploration, rather than solely predicting the future. So the symbolic imagery each card carries rich symbolism that can resonate with different life experiences, allowing individuals to connect with deeper meanings on a personal level. Intuition-based Interpretation Tarot cards and their readings encourage users to rely on their own intuition to interpret the cards, leading to a more personalized experience. Psychological Insights the cards can reflect underlying emotions, motivations and patterns in one's life, providing a way to gain self-awareness. All right empowerment and agency. While tarot can offer guidance, it ultimately empowers individuals to take responsibility for their choices and actions. Creative exploration Choosing a deck with aesthetically pleasing artwork can be visually engaging experience, which is true because any deck and every deck that I have there. They are all different and I love that. Community and shared experience Tarot has dedicated community of readers and users who share their perspectives and experiences, providing a sense of connection.
Speaker 2:You guys, I was just listening to this recording and at 21, about 21.03 time on this, you hear something come over my microphone I don't know what it was doing, breathing while I was talking about my cards, calling to me. So again, it was like 21.03 or 21.04, but take a listen and pause it because I don't know what the hell. That was Okay, guys, and you know that tarot cards anything like that people automatically think you're a fucking witch and you know it was the witch trials. We can go back to that. You know if you did home remedies or if you, you know reach to the stars or the moon, for you know guidance. You know everyone's a witch. So I know I was definitely a fucking witch and I was burned at the stake many, many moons ago. But here I am living again All right. So let's go over this really quick.
Speaker 2:So, according to Google AI, people often associate tarot with witches because tarot cards are commonly used for divination, which is a practice often linked to witchcraft and popular culture, even though, historically, tarot cards were originally just playing cards and were used for divination and it was only that that emerged later that this association is further strengthened by the mysterious and symbolic imagery on the cards, which can be interpreted as having occult meanings. Key points to consider Historical misinterpretation While tarot cards were not originally intended for divination, the practice of using them for fortune telling gained popularity over time, particularly within spiritual and occult circles, which often included those who identified as witches. I don't mean to chuckle Symbolic imagery. The complex artwork on the tarot cards, featuring figures and scenes that can be interpreted in various ways, contributes to the perception of them as a tool for assessing hidden knowledge or spiritual insights, which is often associated with witchcraft. Again, okay, so the media portrayal is. Popular culture often depicts tarot cards as key element of witchcraft in movies, books and television shows, further solidifying the association in the public mind.
Speaker 2:So you know, maybe we are witches or we were. We were witches in other lives and we came back to this form. Whatever, I don't care, you can burn me. Um, you're not burning my cards. I love my cards. I have been drawn to them. Um, my first deck of cards that I ever bought was actually with Angie and it was at our old. Um, it was called like an antique country mall in Sterling Heights. It was, I think, 18 and a half in Van Dyke and that place was awesome and it unfortunately fell short and went out of business. But it was the Nightmare Before Christmas tarot cards that my sister-in-law actually has. I gifted them to her but I had told Angie. I was like I walked past these cards in this glass case and I'm like, oh my God, I have to have those Now.
Speaker 2:Angie's grandma was an avid tarot card reader. Angie's grandma's daughter, norma, which is Angie's mom I mean, they're a family friend, norma's kind of like another mom, another mama bear to me. Thank God I have those left here on earth because, you know, my mother is deceased. She has been gone for 11 years, so it's nice to have that insight from you know, mom momish, like I guess you will. You know women still in my life. I don't know how I was trying to say that, but I was trying to make it not sound weird, anyways. Um, so Norma will always tell me stories about Loretta, like when she was younger, growing up, like Loretta, which is Angie's grandma, was into Ouija boards and tarot card reading and I got to spend some time with Loretta. Um, I also used to do her hair too. I was her hairstylist. Um, but yeah, so Angie's kind of drawn to that too, and Angie is a Libra and I'm a Virgo Libra, um, so Angie and I have a lot in common.
Speaker 2:And I just want to give a shout out to Angie for, um, I can't remember if she did she show me that antique mall or did I show her? I think I found it years ago when I was still working at Eloise um in Westland, cause I wanted to find some, you know, vintage dolls and I had bought a couple from there. Um, but yeah, that day Angie was with me. It's like she even was like supportive. She was like you have to get those tarot cards. I'm like I have to. In fact, I owe Angie a long, lengthy tarot card reading. We couldn't get to it on Halloween because, of course, we were really busy with my family and all the kids and you know we were walking around with the kids and trick-or-treating.
Speaker 2:But when I think of Angie and like Christina, oh my God, there's a lot of us that grew up together but I always think of the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus, because when we're together we're like so witchy and fun, like, we're not like witchy bitchy, but we're witchy, fun, hocus pocus, like, and I love that we, we all bring that out in each other and you have to have those girlfriends in your life. You have to. I don't give a fuck if we're 70, we are still going to have fun, sit down with our tarot cards. We're going to tell witchy, scary stories. We're going to go do creepy shit. I am going to be like this the rest of my fucking life. I have been this way my whole entire life. There is no reason, no way in hell, that I will change. Anyways, you guys again call me a witch, call me whatever you want. I've been called many names. That's not even that makes that makes all the other names I've been called that. I'm still being called out there angelic.
Speaker 2:But if you guys want to get a hold of us and talk some more, you know you guys can find us on the email. I mean email us ghostsisters2124 at gmail. Again, that's ghostsisters2124 at gmail. Again, that's ghostsisters2124 at gmail. Strange, strange Beyond Insane is on every platform. You listen to podcasts on. We are also on YouTube. We are on TikTok. We are on Facebook you name it, you can find us. You can get a hold of us. You can listen to our episodes. You can find us. You can get a hold of us. You can listen to our episodes. Also, if you go on to Buzzsprout, there is a fan mail text message type deal link. We will get that ASAP.
Speaker 2:So I'm really encouraging our listeners to buzz us in and tell us what you love, tell us what you hate about the show, give us some ideas, tell us some of your experiences. Actually, in the middle right now, actually texting with Carissa, she'll be back on, I believe this month. Is it this month or next month? Did we already do this up in her episode? But anyways, we have. We both have kind of like conspired together and we have decided that her segment will be called Cannabis Chronicles with Carissa. So and she'll come on and you know, she'll tell you guys all about that.
Speaker 2:But also in the making of talking to one of our dear friends, jenny. Jenny has been an avid paranormal investigator and researcher for God I think, at least five years now. Um, so she also wants to start a segment and I again, like I told Jenny, like I tell everybody, and I'm goal is to have I mean two, three, four, five, 10, whatever 15 people on the show podcasting their own segments, doing their own thing on here. Okay, because I and, hey, anybody out there that's starting a podcast, that I know. Like I told Jenny, I will share the shit out of your content.
Speaker 2:I completely, 1000% support you. I am all for women podcasters. I'm for men podcasters too. It's a little different, I think, for us girls talking about you know the scary stuff, you know the true crime. There's a lot of competition, the true crime, there's a lot of competition. But I just want to support everyone and anybody that doesn't have the time or the means to hop on and just start a whole entire podcast show. That's why I'm putting the opportunities out there that you can have your own segments on the show, all on your own, and name it what you want, talk about what you want. It can be completely different than what we usually talk about. I don't care, because it will be a different, you know. Add on segment to the show. So again, you guys, thank you for tuning in. Happy 11-19-2024 day. Make it a good one. Make good decisions, think about what you want. Make the change. The change starts today. Tune in for some more.