Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Toxic Tides: Betrayal, Near-Drowning Dramas, and Ghost-Hunting Conflicts


Have you ever found yourself doubting the health of a long-standing friendship? Join me, Melissa, on Strange Deranged Beyond Insane as I unravel the complexities of toxic relationships and friendships that have gone awry. From a bond that began over fishing trips in 2009 to a life-altering ice fishing incident in January 2020, I share the red flags and pivotal moments that led me to realize the toxic nature of a once-significant friendship. Learn the harsh truths and invaluable lessons about recognizing when it's time to let go of unhealthy relationships and how to foster personal growth from these breakups.

Experience the gripping tension of a near-drowning incident at Beacons Cove marina, where a friend's fall into the icy waters resulted in a chaotic 911 call and a dramatic rescue. The emotional aftermath, including the distress caused by leaked body cam footage, adds another layer of complexity to dealing with life-threatening situations and the media's impact. This episode also dives into the heartache of betrayal, as a close friend’s relationship with a personal trainer spirals into troubling events involving substance use, dubious fame, and multiple appearances on Dr. Phil. The manipulative behaviors and fame-seeking antics serve as a stark reminder of the importance of surrounding oneself with genuine, supportive individuals.

Finally, I invite you into the world of paranormal investigations, a passion that has forged deep bonds and tested friendships within our investigative team. From childhood ghost hunts to high-stress investigations, we explore the interpersonal dynamics and conflicts that arise in such intense environments. A notable incident of accusations within our team highlights the strain of maintaining harmony. Through these stories, I emphasize the importance of channeling anger into creativity, prioritizing mental well-being, and handling disputes with maturity. Stay tuned for exciting new segments featuring Carissa, Kristina, and Theresa, and remember to embrace your authenticity and grow from breakups with toxic relationships.

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Speaker 1:

You can't fix stupid, you can't heal toxic. Loving people harder doesn't make them love you back, and over-explaining yourself doesn't mean you'll be understood. The day you realize this, you'll be free. Hey, everyone, welcome back. It's your host, melissa at Strange, strange Beyond Insane. So this episode I would like to name a funeral for some friends. Now, through our lives, you know, we have friendships that end, friendships that crumble, friendships that you know end abruptly and it's not good, right, and we live and we learn and, again, using the word growing pains, that's kind of how you grow and you become wiser. Now there's a couple of friendships that have ended in my life that, have you know, had impact on me and I have really came out stronger from them and I've learned a lot, all right. So, something that I haven't shared on here and I don't really talk about it a lot, it happened back in January, in 2020. So my husband and I got a fishing boat I want to say like in 2018, maybe 2017. Like in 2018, maybe 2017. And one of our friends, her dad, has belonged to this marina called Beacon's Cove, and the only reason why I'm saying the name is because it is public knowledge where this happened, and obviously there was. It was all over the news. So, anyways, we get to this marina. We love it. The amenities are awesome. There's a pool, there's a jacuzzi 24 hours, um, secure you know, 24 hours security there. You can come in and out. You know, we love the fishing there. You know, um fishing from the grounds of the marina and then getting, obviously, into the boat. And you know, fishing on the lake. This is, uh, lake St Clair. And um, this is in Harrison Township.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so in 2020, I took one of my then was one of my best friends. Well, hold on, let me. Okay, so I've been a hairstylist since 2007, and I want to say, in about 2009,. 2010, I believe, is the first time I met this old ex-best friend. Okay, so I was, I think, 20, and at the time she was maybe 17. I could not stand her. She was super fucking annoying. She used to come in all the time and she always wanted me to do her eyebrows, excuse me. So I decided to finally give and I do her eyebrows. And then, next thing, I know I'm her hairstylist and, you know, through the years she was kind of like a little sister, if, if you want to say, like I wasn't super close with her. But you know she always had all these young you know it seemed like young girl issues right that I had already went through and we always kind of kept in contact and you know, I know she had like a lot of bad relationships with men. So I was kind of just there.

Speaker 1:

When you're a hairstylist or a barber, you're usually someone's therapist, right, just like a waitress and like a bartender, same thing. So as we got older, we became, you know, we grew closer. She got a lot more mature, she moved out on her own, had her own apartment, you know, was working full time, and then I think it was maybe like a year before, maybe two years before the pandemic we started hanging out a lot and okay. So here are some red flags right now that I've learned. And this is like a personality disorder and somehow some way I fucking attract these people disorder and somehow some way I fucking attract these people. When you have a friendship, okay, and you have your own set of hobbies that you like to do, but your friend is like super interested, which is cool, right, you bring them along, you show them how to do it. If they've never done something, let's just say fishing.

Speaker 1:

So I taught her how to fish. I gave her equipment, let her use poles. I've been fishing since I don't know dinosaur times, right. I grew up up north, every summer when I was younger, at my grandma and grandpa's place up in Gladwin Michigan. That's what you did. You know you fished and you know you just hung out outside and went on my grandpa's pontoon boat and went on my mom's jet ski with her, and my older cousin used to take me on her jet ski. So that's just kind of like what I grew up around.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, teaching this girl how to fish, and all of a sudden she claims to be a pro fisherman, fisher woman. Sorry, um, she's obsessed with it, she's gonna be the next bass, you know, bass pro fisher woman. And then all of a sudden, like, her identity changes into like fishing. I mean, she becomes super obsessed and I'm like, okay, so my husband and I get her some of her own fishing gear and then she wanted to do this ice fishing thing. Now, I've never done ice fishing. So the first time I went out I went out with my husband and him. I actually I think he caught like most of the fish, maybe like four or five little perch. I think I caught one or two. And then I took my godson Ryder out and yeah, of course, I did not let him walk down into the marina on the ice. Um, I went first and I said, let me go see how the ice is, I come back, I get him, we fish for a while, go home. So now she wants to go. Okay, fine, I make it a day. Now.

Speaker 1:

This is January 20th and the day started out. The whole day was just messed up, right, right. First of all, I forgot the sphere thing at home to punch the hole in. Um went, picked her up and then I was like how are we going to? How are we going to get through the ice? Right, I was like let's just call it a bus today and we'll do it another day. No, no, no, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go. Okay, so come back home and get the little auger. And my husband left a drill at home. You know, you put, like your little drill, electric battery operated drill on the end of it so you can poke a hole in the ice. I don't think that was working. I couldn't. I was too short, I couldn't get a hole through the ice from the dock. So then I went and bought another poker stick, put the poker stick through, I drop it through the hole and it goes right underneath the ice and I'm like, okay, this is not the day, like we just need to go home. No, no, no, she wanted to stay. Okay, fine, need to go home. No, no, no, she wanted to stay. Okay, fine.

Speaker 1:

So we meet these two fishermen and, um, you know, like older gentlemen the one guy just retired we're bullshitting with them, yada, yada, yada. So I'm like all right, girl, I'm ready to go home. Um, let's pack up and go and remind you, it was a pretty warm day for January 20th, a lot warmer than it usually is here in Michigan. Okay, so, as we're packing up and going, we stop at the boat docks where you launch your boat, and there's like three or four docks and I was like, yeah, you know, let's drop our poles in really quick and see if we can get anything. We'll just sit at the end of the docks, okay.

Speaker 1:

So, as we're walking down this one dock, this girl, um, which I'm gonna call girl, because a young woman would have listened. First of all, she had cowgirl boots on because she just thought she was so stylish and wanted to look good for camera and, you know, take pictures and videos, blah, blah, blah. So she's standing on the shallow part in the ice, the shallow part of the ice, and she's, like you know, playing with danger, playing with fire, dancing with the devil, you know, trying to see how far she can take it before the ice breaks. I screamed at her. I was like absolutely not, do not fuck around and find out. And she's like, well, it's shallow right here. I said I understand that.

Speaker 1:

But then the drop off cause that's where the boats launch at, and obviously I'm here all the time with Paul and I know how deep it gets. Please do not do that. If you go through that ice and you slip under and you go down, you're a goner. Don't do it, okay. So she's kind of like, wow, you're being an asshole. And I'm like I don't care. You know, like you cannot. This is very, very dangerous.

Speaker 1:

So we get through that and I'm sitting on one dock and she goes. I'm going to go over to the next one. Okay, sitting there, just in peace. You know, watching my pole, dipping it back and forth, up and down, and all of a sudden I hear something like this, but louder, you know, like a, like a splat, and I look over. She's got one knee down on the ice, like so she's clearly off the dock and it looks like she's like on this little floating utopia of ice. And at first I'm like, oh God, I yell over to her and I'm like do not fucking move. I'm coming, do not move. And you can tell she's scared, right, how this happens, who knows.

Speaker 1:

So I run down the dock. By the time I get halfway down that dock I don't even see her head. So I'm like, oh fuck, she's in so, oh, it's so hard going back to this day because it literally still petrifies me, even like thinking about how this all went down. So now she's clearly in the water, okay. So I get down on my belly on the dock and I'm I got my arms underneath of her arms and I'm like, okay, you need to push yourself up, you need to help me get you out. And each time I'm doing it, I'm getting into the water with her now and I'm like, fuck, if I go in on top of her and we're both in the water, this is gonna be bad. So I'm just trying, trying, trying. Nothing's working. So now I'm getting scared and I'm screaming, scream, scream, scream.

Speaker 1:

There's no workers around at the marina and I I mean by the grace of God I had seen the one fisherman that we spotted earlier walking and I'm screaming at him across, like, across, like the lake part, you know, in the mar, the marina, and I'm like, hey, hey, I finally get his attention and he's looking at me and he's probably like, why is she laying on the dock? Well, it took him a good few minutes to realize. So he got his buddy, his other fishermen, and they come over and they're making very light of this and I'm, you know, I'm thinking, oh, my God, this is serious. Like I can't get her out. My face keeps dipping into this cold ass water, my arms are wet, I have all these layers on. She's freaking out, she's starting to cry. She said that she hit her knee on the way going down. She cannot move her leg. And now she's saying you know, now I can't move either legs. And I'm thinking, okay, thank God, these guys are here for help. So I kind of felt a little bit better.

Speaker 1:

So time goes on, time goes on. We're trying every single thing to get her out, to get her out. She's like dead weight, she's not helping us. And then, of course, the jacket that I had on or I didn't have that one on, I'm sorry. I got a really cute like dark green winter coat and it it, you know, had like this fuzzy hood. She copied off me, got the same coat. She was wearing it that day, so she had jeans on, she had leggings underneath, she had cowgirl boots on, she had, I think, like a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie on, plus that coat.

Speaker 1:

So now time is going and we still can't get her out, and from the two men pulling on her and me pulling on her because her face is going down, like she's going to give up, and I'm like what the fuck are you doing? So I pull her head back and I'm like you need to not do that. That's like, that's not cute, like I need to see your face, I need to make sure you're breathing. Your head cannot go underwater. If your head goes underwater and you slip under, you're done Like we're not going to find you, we cannot all get in with you, like we have to figure out how to get you out.

Speaker 1:

So now it's getting scary. All of her coat strings and her hoodie strings are getting entangled around her neck, the coat's choking her. At this point, like I'm ripping clothing off of her and I'm like, oh my God, you know, the one guy, the one fisherman, starts crying. He's out of breath. He's like, oh my God, I thought we would have had her out by now. This is bad.

Speaker 1:

And now we're going on like 25 minutes that she's been in this water. So I'm freaking out, freaking out, and I'm grabbing all my coat pockets and you know, of course I have layers on and I'm like where the fuck is my phone? Okay, so I don't have my phone, great. So now I got to run all the way back to where the truck is and I get my phone. Of course my phone was inside the truck Because, again, we were getting ready to leave. We decided to walk down the docks.

Speaker 1:

So I get on the phone and I call 911 and I'm heavy breathing, can't breathe, I can barely hear them. I'm like listen, we are at Beacons Cove, marina, I need your help. My friend fell in blah, blah, blah and of course dispatch was keeping me calm. They're like there's already somebody on their way. Okay, so I just drop the phone somewhere on the dock and just run back down to the two guys and my friend Make sure she's still alive and her head's out of water. And I see the patrol cars drive by all the way across to the marina on the other side, like where the point is, and I'm like fuck, they're in the wrong. Oh my God, oh my God.

Speaker 1:

So I don't realize that my phone is still on and like, very, very freakishly, lucky dispatch heard me screaming they're on the wrong side, they're on the wrong side. I got, I have to take my truck and go get them. So she must've singled them in. They show up, it's a couple of sheriffs must have singled them in. They show up, it's a couple of sheriffs. The sheriff's like okay, you know, you move, everybody move. Um, blah, blah, blah. He's like how long has she been in? I'm like I don't know, it's been a while. Blah, blah, blah. So, um, I have one boot on, one boot off. I don't know where my other boot went. I'm just freaking out. Right. He finally grips her up by her iPhone watch and he just gets her out and she just flows.

Speaker 1:

I mean, she, it's like she, I don't know, like someone pushed her, some force like pushed her up over and she just came, splat right down on the on the dock and I'm thinking, oh, thank God, I was so relieved. But let me tell you the emotions that I went through seeing her face, her crying, looking at me and telling me don't let me die, I don't want to die like this. And I have never in my life been that fucking scared. Um, even watching my mom pass away, um, putting animals down, you know, to the, going to the vet and watching you know life just leave out of their eyes. I've never seen something so painful. Because I'm sitting here like she is going to die, she's going to go under this ice and we're never going to see her again. And this is my fault. It's my fault because I didn't really feel like doing it that day and everything was bad right and she kept pushing to stay there. So now I'm blaming myself. So she's out of the water. They're taking her to the hospital.

Speaker 1:

The sheriff asked me to hang out in my truck for about 10, 15 minutes. He's like I don't want you driving. He's like your adrenaline is going crazy. He's like I don't want you driving. He's like your adrenaline is going crazy. Um, he's like this was scary for everybody. He's like I want you to chill out before you drive to McLaren hospital. I'm like, okay, cool. So I go in there and I see her and she's doing better. And they got her in this like incubator fan, heat fan thing, um, so I knew she was going to be okay.

Speaker 1:

So then I'm trying to like do this the shorter version, because there's a lot of layers to this. So, um, the next morning, or, I'm sorry, the next afternoon, she calls me, says she needs help, she doesn't want to be alone at the apartment, she doesn't feel good, her leg is bruised. Um, I guess she had, um, uh, frostbite on a couple of her toes and blah, blah, blah. So I said, okay, I'm heading over, I'll come over and hang out with you. For the day she gets a phone call from the sheriff's department, um, first of all seeing if she's okay and then asking her if she cares, if they take that footage from the body cam from the day before of her almost drowning and if they can use it at learning, like sheriffs that are learning about the water and what to do, you know, in Harrison Township.

Speaker 1:

And she looks at me and she says I don't know, what do you think? And I said I don't know, chris. So what do you think you know? So I can't remember if I talked to the lady from the police department. I, you know this is almost five years ago, but okay. So I said, whatever you want to do, you know, if it's there, if it's for helpful purposes, you know, because we were not on the ice and I don't think I said that in the beginning we couldn't go ice fishing because ice was not thick enough. It was very warm, but we were just fishing from the docks. You know, obviously there's several docks in a marina, you know. And I told her, I said that's good because for educational purposes, like anybody could slip off a dock and fall in the ice, you know. So she agrees to it, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know how long it takes, but I want to say I don't know how the video leaked. I'm going to say that it's body cam footage. Um, from the video leaked, I'm going to say that it's body cam footage from the sheriff department. I don't know if she gave rights to somebody else. I don't know how this works, but within 24 to fuck 36 hours, there's videos already being made of her calling her Shamu because she was larger than you know, like she's kind of a big girl, and you know making fun of her and saying, oh, look what they pulled out. They pulled out a monster. Look at this whale that they pulled out. I mean just fucking mean shit. Okay, and she was really upset and it obviously bothered her and I understood that.

Speaker 1:

So the first interview she wanted to do with the news um, I was actually in the shower and you know I sometimes I bring the actually in the shower and you know, sometimes I bring the shower into the phone to. You know, because I have a speaker, like everybody else, I need music and you know I switch my songs from the shower while I see her calling me and I didn't answer and she had called right back and I was like shit, what if something's wrong? So I answer she's like hurry up, get over here, get ready, we have an interview with Channel 7, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like I'm not coming over there for that and she's like please do this with me. I said, okay, fine, whatever, whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

But when I got there before the newscast came into her apartment, I said listen, don't make this about people making fun of you. Make this about, like, how you can help other people out there. And you know how it's scary to even be around ice, not even if you're not on the ice physically fishing. You know, just turn it positive. That's kind of been my thing, this whole disaster that happened with her. Just turn this into positivity, you know. So, you know we do this interview and blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

So now the marina that Paul and I belong to is pissed. Okay, because it's all over the news. And now all of the you know, men and women I guess they put a hold on the ice fishing there. I forget, I think it was for a couple, maybe like two seasons. So everybody's pissed, you know, and I'm thinking, okay, well, at least she's alive. So then, you know, it seemed like it humbled her. She was like, hey, I'm happy to be alive. Blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

And then all of a sudden, within a month, boom, she did like a like a whole fucking turnaround about like she's, she's doing this newscast thing, she's going to do this, she's going to do that and she's going to do this interview and she's going to, you know, travel around and do all these interviews. And I'm like, okay, you know. Then my husband was like, hey, you're not getting paid to do this and obviously you have an apartment with a roommate. You know, I don't think it's wise for you to take off all that time off of work, like, why don't you just like start like a podcast or start your own YouTube channel, you know? And she was like no, no, no, this is what I want to do. And she was like no, no, no, this is what I want to do. So one day she talked me into letting her pick me up in this limousine and we went and did this interview. It was downtown in Detroit. I forgot what news station it was for, but you know, even at that point I still believed in her. Um, you know? And even at that point I still believed in her.

Speaker 1:

And then it turned into her having online battles with people and you know she's trying to prove something. Okay. So this gym reaches out to her and they're like hey, we've seen your story, we're intrigued, we want to help you. Blah, blah, we're giving you all the training for free. She was getting like CrossFit for free. She got like, fucking blah, we're giving you all the training for free. She was getting like CrossFit for free. She got like fucking free trainers, all this shit and I was like, wow, this is great for you, like you've been wanting to lose weight.

Speaker 1:

And her MO was like I'm going to show the world, I'm going to show these bullies how strong I am, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And just was you know making it just up, this whole drama fest? And I was like, okay, you could do that, or you could get fit as fuck for free, and then, when it warms up, we can have you turn around on that dock, like facing the other way, not the water One of us can tap you in and you fall into the water and then pull yourself up on that dock and get yourself out and show people like, hey, I worked, I worked for it and I learned how to pull myself up and I learned how important upper body strength is and how you got to keep moving your legs and you got to move your body when the water is cold Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then you can make like this whole you know segment of you know, hey, even if you don't want to be a gym nut, at least be, you know, mindful and somewhat healthy enough to get yourself out of water, whether it's ice, cold water, whether it's just cold water, I mean anything and she did not take my advice. So she gets this trainer that she calls her testy or, I'm sorry, her bestie with testies. This is her best friend. Okay, cool, positive, no one's bitching.

Speaker 1:

The next thing we know Kevin and I are getting text messages that she got a message online that an associate or whatever a worker from the Dr Phil show wanted to meet with her and they're interested in her story and blah, blah, blah, and she's flying out to Hollywood. So, first of all, kevin and I, being, you know, the elder friends I guess, you know, three years older than her or whatever we're like hey, make sure this is legit, you know, make sure that this is real and it's not a scam. And of course, that pissed her off and we're like okay, we're just looking out for you, you know. Next thing we know she flies out to fucking Hollywood. She takes her bestie with testes, so he skips out on work at the gym that she's going to for free. He doesn't. He lied to the boss man at the gym instead of just telling him straight up hey, this girl asked me to go out with her as her trainer. And blah, blah, blah. Nope, he lied um and then humiliated in the gym, you know like, with these posts about how shitty that gym is and he's gonna start his own. You know online, you know gym, whatever thing you know like online fitness. So now they come back from Hollywood, all glitz and glam, like there's something special, and he gets fired, of course, naturally right.

Speaker 1:

And I'm on vacation with my husband and I get a text saying like you from her, like hey, you won't believe what happened, blah, blah, blah, blah and for whatever reason. I just said, hey, you're fine, you're dating somebody. I feel like you met somebody and she's like I did, and you know him. And I said, oh, I know him. She said, yeah, it's, you know the name, my personal trainer. And I was like, oh, okay, cool, like that's cool, you know whatever. And you know she's telling me how she's head over heels and she's in love and this is the one, this is her soulmate. On these text messages I said, all right, girl, you know we'll talk when I get home. I'm happy for you, be safe, see you soon. Remind you, this was her bestie with testes, that's.

Speaker 1:

You know, saying oh, and she was on online, always being like this is my brother. This guy's a brother to me. I love him. That's a brother to you. You guys are, we're okay, whatever. So, kevin and I, um, we're just like okay, anyways.

Speaker 1:

So she starts dating this dude. He moves in with her right away. Um, we know that he's lying to her. He moves in with her right away. We know that he's lying to her. He's using his apartment as a backup for an online fitness shit. If you have that much money to just use your other apartment for that. No, kevin and I knew he fucking didn't have money and he was freeloading off her and he had to move in with her. You know we weren't gonna tell her that. Fine, whatever, do what you gotta do. The whole Kevin and her story will come after, but I'm gonna finish this one. So I was like all right, um, so now all this shit is all over the internet. It's all over the news, like my pictures with her are everywhere.

Speaker 1:

I'm known for the dumbass girl that went with the other dumbass that came out of the water half naked. How was she half naked in the middle of fucking winter? Why did she have cowgirl boots on Bunch of dumbasses? Not knowing what they're doing? Not knowing what they're you know doing. I got fishermen coming at you know, even me, like through her messages saying you, you girls, had no business being out on the ice, you knew it was too thin. Okay, we weren't on the ice.

Speaker 1:

So this is like naturally what I was trying to tell her. I'm like tell the fucking story the way that it happened and tell people how you're going to make a turnaround. Don't try to get fucking famous off this. Okay, like you have to be real with people. And no, she was like I'm going to be famous, I'm on Dr Phil, I'm going to have this, I'm going to have that, I'm going to get sponsored by fucking Bass Pro Shop and I'm like what? So again, red flag, addictive personality. She splits. You know, whoever she's around is who she is. And again, I attract people like this, I don't know why. Very naive, I just think that people have the same heart as me and they don't.

Speaker 1:

So time goes on and she's not coming around and we're like something's going on with this girl, like she doesn't want us to know something. And you know, we had a meeting with her at her apartment and, kind of like a little intervention, we found out she was using substances. Um, I'm not going to say illegal this. These companies have been sued. We looked them up because she does. She did have a heart condition and we were like why is he feeding you these stupid supplement substances when you have fucking heart issues, like you're not doing it naturally? You know, like this is not good for you and you know, of course, we were the villains he's posting all over his social media. We're about to be famous, we're the famous couple, we're the famous couple in Hollywood, hollywood, this Hollywood.

Speaker 1:

That and I mean, like I said, it was just a complete spiral decline. I didn't even recognize her anymore. You know she lost some weight and that's not why I didn't recognize her. It was just complete, completely changed since she went on Dr Phil and then she went back on Dr Phil and then she went back on Dr Phil. She never once mentioned any of us that helped her. She never once, like you know, asked hey, you know, are you okay? You know, are you okay with me? Putting you know the? You know, just like the marina and like you know your personal information out there, like that with me, like she never asked me any of that, you know. So when I think of her, the song that comes to mind it's like already playing in my head is Deftones like I watched you change. And that's literally what I watched, like completely a shell of the person that I had met, and I just was like, yeah, you know what, like we're done right.

Speaker 1:

So Kevin was originally her bestest friend and, um, now this is like where the red flags come in. So I would always hear about Kevin and how her and Kevin went to the drive-in. I'm a person that wants, like all my friends, to be friends, I understand, in a perfect world, you know, that's great, but it's not going to happen, you know, because people have, you know, you know how people are. They have their feelings, um, and their different personalities, but I just always felt it that it was so weird that I had never met Kevin. And it's like, you know, as time went on and then Kevin and I met, we realized that she was keeping us from one another. Um, she let us hang out a couple of times and then, like for her birthday, um, you know, she was pissed that he came over and got his haircut before he went and picked her up from my house. Um, just like all these red flags, and again, you know, being a dumb ass that I am, I've just, you know, I let it slip. Let it slip until I finally am like, okay, I'm done. And then I see everything for what it's worth.

Speaker 1:

Since we haven't talked to her, she has been on Dr Phil again before the. I think the show's canceled now. Dr Phil, I don't think it's a thing anymore, I think it's just reruns. But keep in mind that when she had nowhere to live, when she had nothing and Kevin was struggling and dealing with demons of his own, he fucking moved her in his home. He took care of her like a mother and a father. He did her laundry, he made sure she got up for work, he fucking fixed her car all the time, anything that that girl needed. He, he was like a dad that she never had. So this hurt him really bad, you know. And and they haven't talked either Like, um, I don't think we've talked to her in like three years and she still has not been honest with, like she never even told me like what happened on that dock, for all I know, she was fucking around and thinking she was a hard ass and she thought she was gonna win, but the ice almost did and um, yeah, I'll never know and obviously the marina has cameras, so I'm sure that they could roast her on that, but they chose not to.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how the fuck she fell in when she was sitting on her butt, I don't know how that even happened and I'll never know the truth, but it completely altered, you know, her life in a negative way and it altered my life in a negative way, because this is like someone that I looked out for, like I said, was like a little sister, did nothing but try to help her. My husband helped her all the time, I mean even like financially sometimes. Like you know, we, we looked after her. You know, like you know that term like you break bread with somebody, like they're in your home, a lot, you know so, yeah, so, uh, if she ever happens to listen, um, I have seen some shit online and I have seen yet another online interview that you have done and you have failed to tell people, like I guess you want to quote unquote say the truth, and the truth to me matters. It's a principle for me. But anyways, moving forward, all right.

Speaker 1:

Another friendship that has ended abruptly that changed me, and it changed me for the good, and this is someone that you know really broke my heart Because I looked at him as like an uncle, right, and I looked at his wife kind of like, you know, like they just, it was like that uncle aunt vibe, you know I used to do his wife's hair. Um, she's very non-trusting with hairstylists. She had a lot of dingbads, you know, fuck up her hair and just not be consistent with her and not show up. You know, for her to do her hair, so again, um, her to do her hair, so again, um, I thought we were like family and, um, I met this person probably in like 2017. Um, and just to put it out there, since you know, this person likes to post things on social media like they all do. They're all cowards, everyone's a keyboard warrior. At least I have the fucking balls on my chest. To come on to my podcast that I work hard at and that I pay for, to tell the truth and to say, hey, you know what? Here's the thing you can't fix, stupid, right? You know this person claims that he taught me everything in the paranormal world and everybody in the paranormal world that I know is because of him.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's back up and reset how I got to Eloise, the St Asylum in the first place is actually from Kristen Kiki, if you're listening. Thank you that night for inviting me out to go do this. You know, ghost hunt, paranormal thing. I have been doing paranormal stuff like my whole life, mostly since I could drive. We used to go out and find haunted places. You know, we hear legends. You know Troll Bridge, this place in Fraser that was haunted, the slide where the little girl you know died. We went to, in fact, the other night that our team was out. We were just talking about when me, christina, her old boyfriend, my old boyfriend, found a cemetery out in the middle of nowhere and her old boyfriend started to sink because the ground was like squishy. It was a very, very old farmland cemetery. So anyways, paranormal world and the horror stuff, the scary movies, all this, this has been a part of my life, like since I've existed, right.

Speaker 1:

But yes, eloise, I met this person at. I met a lot of people through Eloise. Did this person teach me some things? Of course. Did I teach him some things? Of course. Now, over the course of years that we have been friends, this person has had a? Um, has had eye damage, um, a lot of it's irreversible, right, it's getting worse with time as he gets older.

Speaker 1:

And, um, I really took, I've always been nurturing. I I helped take care of my sick grandma, um, when she got sick, um, I helped look, you know take care of my sick grandma when she got sick. I helped take care of my mom up until her last breath, helped take care of my grandpa, because my grandma was gone and my mom was gone. Anytime my dad's been in the hospital. But I also have those people for me too right, have those people for me too right, like my sister-in-law, my husband, my brother, you know, my dad still, I've had people around me to help too.

Speaker 1:

But I think I've learned to be nurturing since I was little, from my mom and my grandma, for sure, you know, and I just took a loving to him and just wanted to help him and I always felt bad that he couldn't, you know, see good. And then, you know, things changed just over a year ago for me, when I had a rare cataract in my eye that they can't explain how it got there they usually see it in 86 years and older and supposedly it's been there my whole life and it's a congenital thing and when I couldn't see when that eye went bad, I felt even more for people that have vision problems. So and I can say that personally like dealing with that just in one eye made me even more sensitive to his. You know medical issues. So, like I said, I looked up to this man. We drive him everywhere, we take him places, took him on a trip with us, couple trips, whatever. Yeah, of course you know us girls. You know we're bitchy by nature. You know we're PMS-y, we have hormones.

Speaker 1:

On these paranormal trips that you take with you know your friends and your paranormal teams or whatever you do fight, you get pretty hasty at times. You know, think about having a hangover without fucking drinking. That's why they call it paranormal hangover. You're tired, you're up all hours through the morning like you're not getting a lot of fucking sleep. Like, yeah, people get testy, people get tired, people. Um, something that happened in January on our trip. I blamed on Christina. I thought Christina, I woke up to like a hot stabbing pain in my back. I thought she kicked me and flipped out and she was like no, it wasn't me. Then obviously that's on an episode and it tells that there's no way she could have did that with the way I was laying and the way she was laying, it was impossible. So it was definitely paranormal, but like things like that will happen right along the way.

Speaker 1:

However, when you have a group message going on in a paranormal team and you know something is said let's say, about gas money oh, I don't feel like you give enough gas money and the next person flips out and blah, blah, blah, blah, and then everyone you know, then this person says hey, I apologize for that statement. You know I'm tired, I worked all day and I'm just. You know I've had a bad week. You know I'm tired, I worked all day and I'm just. You know I've had a bad week. You know, disregard that.

Speaker 1:

And this person that's almost 60 years old runs with that text message and just fucking goes off. And now he's calling my, my best friend, a young woman and alcoholic, and how she's a piece of shit and this. And that Now his wife is taking his phone to text message in our group, our paranormal group chat, and then is also texting me privately saying put your bitch in check or I will. First of all, where I come from. That's what those are fucking fighting words. Don't sit here and make threats, don't sit here and be like, hey, I'm you. Better put your bitch in check or I will will, because, like I said, those are fighting words and you don't know what's going to come from that. The fact that you're 20 something years older than us, okay, is completely just again here, just like in the beginning, you cannot fix stupid right. So, of course, I'm driving home from work Now I'm fucking pissed. Now I'm like, okay, what the hell is going on? Okay, whatever, let it sit, it'll go away. Nope, it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

So every day, for weeks and weeks, this man in our group that I looked up to, that I called an uncle, that I loved, that I literally loved and probably would have died for out in the field God forbid, if something would have happened and I had to like, help him, I would have, definitely would not have thought twice about it Is now texting our group mess, our group message. You know our chat over and over and over, knowing that all of us are at fucking work just making a spectacle on how much pieces. You know that we're pieces of shit and that you know me and christina are fake and this and that and we're phonies and blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like don't you have anything better to fucking, do you know? It's like jesus. So, um, it goes on and on and on. So we finally bite him back and we're like listen, this did not need to be in the group message. You're a grown ass man. If you had. Everything that blew up is like what told me, is that his hatred, mostly for me? And I'm like so, every time that I ever annoyed him that he didn't tell me. It's like it all came out in this like diarrhea, explosive text messages over the course of like three months, right, wow, okay, so we just started ignoring everything.

Speaker 1:

And another you know lady that I'm, you know, I'd say pretty close to, you know, semi close to I met at Eloise years ago on a paranormal gig. I had to call her about something with this podcast and she was really short with me on the phone and I'm like, well, that's weird. And then finally I asked her. I said what's wrong? Like did something happen? And you know, you seem to be kind of pissy, you know. And she says, oh, you know, with all this drama, put me in the fucking middle. And I'm like wait what? Now remind you, this is like a 50 year old woman. Okay, I'm 36. I just turned 36. 36 years young.

Speaker 1:

This man that I look up to is like 56. I'm like, well, wait what? And you know, she goes on and on, she goes. Oh yeah, he won't stop messaging me and he messaged every single individual person in my paranormal group, going off about you and Christina and trying to stir up a bunch of shit. And right there, and then I was like wow, like I never, ever, would have, never would have expected that out of him. Him, you know, maybe bitching to her, you know, just having a listening ear, venting, okay, fine, whatever you know. But going to every single person in her fucking group and like dogging my name, like what the fuck did I do to you to deserve that? And at that point I was in such a angry, just hurt, betrayed mood I was like I need to put my ass to bed. I'm pissed. I am so pissed Couldn't go to bed.

Speaker 1:

So my friend Christina and I the one that he went after, the one that he started bullying we tried calling him three way, three-way calling, like we texted him. We're like let's squash this, like why are you doing this? You know, and that's one thing you don't want to do in the paranormal field. There's already enough fucking drama. Like you, first of all. You are embarrassing yourself to the fullest because these people that you're messaging first of all, all of them were like we're not getting involved. What the fuck is going on? You and her, me, meaning me, you guys are so close, she takes you around, you guys are together like all the time, like doing paranormal stuff, like what the hell is this? So they probably just thought, hey, he had a bad night, whatever. Nope, didn't stop there. I have.

Speaker 1:

I was told today that he went to my friend's boyfriend trying to blast me and this guy is well known in the paranormal. He's been in like three or four books. He basically just put up a stop sign and was like nope, nope, I'm friends with both parties, I'm not going to do this. So then let's see, last week was it Thursday, so Thursday was it Friday. Hmm, I want to say Thursday.

Speaker 1:

I wake up to these text messages. I wake up to, hey, I need to call you. I don't want to piss you off, but I think you need to know about this. And I'm like okay, so I get this phone call and you know, my, my friend is going off. She's like dude. I cannot fucking believe this. This old bastard is just trying to demolish your name on fucking Facebook. Now remind you, he deleted me and Christina already on Facebook. We're like OK, cool, whatever Her, and I don't post anything on Facebook. That's negative. I would never do that. I'm way too old to sit there and be like. This person did this to me. No, no, no, I just leave it be. You know, and I'm you know she's bitching saying how nasty this post was about me and I'm like okay, well, fuck him, I can't see it anyways.

Speaker 1:

Whatever 15, 20 minutes goes by, I'm getting you know screenshots of who is this bitch threatening you and I have all screenshots of this. If anything happens, three, four people are telling me this. I got my girlfriend on his Facebook page being like grow up, this should not be on Facebook. You're old enough to know that. And then the fact that another woman threatened me you know they're like threatened Melissa openly on Facebook and said that they know where I live and they're going to pay me a visit, that they've been here before. I've cut their hair, which was this person's wife's friend cut her hair one time, was very nice to her. She was very nice to me. So she, she obviously knows where I live, right, and she's putting this on Facebook and she's like making it very known that she's going to pay me a visit. And you know, she's again almost 60 years old and all these people like are just saying, oh my God, I can't believe this. And you know, this was a person before June, before he he, you know, went off the deep end in June.

Speaker 1:

Um has even been on my podcast. You know, someone that I was very what I considered near and dear, right and um, you know. So that's that's the two that stand out to me the most. But I'll tell you this, like I used to think oh my god, like, if you have fallouts with, like people really close to you, it's like your fault and it's like for me it's like shameful, it's like embarrassing, right, but what I've learned into my I'm still gonna call it my mid 30s I've become a lot calmer.

Speaker 1:

Still going to call it my mid thirties Um, I've become a lot calmer. I've learned how to deal with my anger. I've learned how to calibrate it into my creativity. I've learned to really tackle on that storm and just make it a calm, like. Calm it for me because that's the only thing that matters, like my sanity, my peace. Protect my peace at all costs. Protect I don't. I don't need to fucking protect my name. You know nobody out there, none of you, should feel like you have to protect your name. The only thing you need to protect is your mind, your heart and how you react to things. Right, but I will tell you this. But I will tell you this jealousy, envy, that is the root to evil.

Speaker 1:

And when people, when people make comments, because, like for me, everything after something like this happens, I kind of like backtrack over months and I kind of like relive and I like hear things back and like when people openly put you down, like in front of other people and he was, he was so known to do that Like, oh yeah, melissa is one of the most famous ghost hunters, blah, blah, blah. And that was his joke because I left another paranormal group this was like years ago. Um, just because there was too much drama, it was all women. I was like, yeah, no, thank you, but that was his way of saying that. That was. That was him putting me down the last time he was in my husband and I's home for his wife to get his haircut.

Speaker 1:

He's in my basement saying, oh, must be nice to live in a mansion. Must be nice to live in a mansion. We wouldn't know what that feels like. And I said really, cause I don't know what that feels like, cause I don't live in a fucking mansion. What are you talking about, dude? Um, must be nice, must be nice. Those my husband and I talk about that all the time. How many people have come into our home that we have treated with respect and love and have fed and done what you should do Welcoming, like you think that you're there, you think that they're your friends or whatever the key words and the key things to look for.

Speaker 1:

Not that you should like, look, you shouldn't have to really look into friendships that bad. But when you see those red flags and you hear them, know that that's really how they feel about you. And, like I said, envy and jealousy is a terrible, terrible disease and it is a very self-destructive disease. I call it a disease because I think people don't know how to deal with that right and it just shows how it can crumble a foundation. If you let it crumble you, it will crumble you, but if you sit there and you just observe and you go on with your happy fucking life and you take that anger and that sadness and you recreate in like a creative way. You watch and see how many people around you fall, and those ones that fall, those are the ones that stick out.

Speaker 1:

But you know what, though, like at the end of the day, I know I'm not perfect and I know I've made many, many mistakes and there's shit, there's still stuff I regret. Right, everybody says, oh, no regrets, we all have regrets. But the one thing that I will not regret is showing love and the people that I have told that I loved, that aren't in my life anymore. I did love them at a time and I don't anymore, and it's okay. It's okay to have breakups with friends and even family, it's okay to go on your own ways. You know to go divinely, you know just separate. But what's not okay is to sit there and bash somebody's name because they have what you can't have or that you want so bad.

Speaker 1:

And that's being authentic, that's being real, and I've learned that getting older, that like because I am super authentic, like I don't know how to fucking be anybody else, I don't know how to act like somebody else, because all I know how to do is be me. But when you have that, people desire that, and it's your energy that people desire, not your looks, not your money, it's your energy. Energy cannot be bought. Like, how you know, I'm going to continue in this paranormal field. We still have a team and you know the rest of the team members were extremely, I'd say, disappointed. They were just like wow Over one text message about gas. And again, these are all adults.

Speaker 1:

But I will tell you this, though there is a lot of drama in the paranormal field and anybody out there listening that either wants to get into it or is in it or whatever, know your people, know that there. There are people out there, just like the first story with my old friend, there are so like the problem with society today is that everybody wants to be fucking famous, everybody wants to be famous, everybody wants to be rich and famous, but at the end of the day, nobody wants to put in the work and like nobody knows, nobody wants to put in the work and like nobody knows in their head, like those kind of people they don't even know who they are. You know and like for me why I do this podcast. Why I, you know, spend the time doing it and I spend the money, you know, to do this is because for me it's a slow burn, and I've always said that I know that this is a slow burn.

Speaker 1:

I have researched this, you know, two, almost three years before starting a podcast. I think it's therapeutic for me. I love having guest speakers on here. I love learning new things. I love sharing experiences with you guys when we're out in the paranormal field, things that happen to us. I even like to share recordings and, at the end of the day, I don't care about getting famous. In fact, that's not what I asked for. I would never ask for that. I know what comes with that but one thing is that I can look back on all these episodes and see how I've grown as a person and you know and see our work and I say our cause, all of us together. You know, my team and even just other friends how our work has paid off.

Speaker 1:

And you know and I just the other day seeing that, um, I am now on um, imdb, um, and for any of you guys that don't know what that is, um, that's give me one second, I'm gonna pull it up for you. Um, okay, so I do have to claim this, I do have to go in and put some pictures in. So it's a like a movie and like a show database. Um, I've always used it to look up database. I've always used it to look up, like you know, new movies coming out. But when I seen that that my episodes made it to that to this website, that was like wow, that's really cool. I still remember calling Carissa and being like, oh my god, in like after like our fifth episode, looking up our um, strange, strange Beyond, insane podcast and it coming up through Google, and I was like, oh my God, oh my God, people actually are listening to it.

Speaker 1:

So we are now on Apple. We are on Raphonic, podbay, imdb, player, fm, podchaser, apple Listen Notes. Of course, you can find me on TikTok too. We are on YouTube. I haven't updated YouTube a whole lot. We're on Deezer, we're on Amazon Music let's see. We're on iHeart, ivoox, I think it's I-V-O-O-X and I think there's a couple more Listen Notes.

Speaker 1:

We're on um, hmm, I think that's it for right now and, of course you know, on Spotify, and we have a lot, of, a lot of new changes coming to the podcast this year, carissa is going to hop on here and do her own segment and I know Christina wants to do some stuff on here. I got Teresa that wants to hop back on here. So again, you guys, make sure you guys are emailing me at ghost sisters 21, 24, at Gmail. Again, you can find me on Tik TOK. You can find me on Facebook, youtube, and you know, hop on here and be a co-host with me and you know, and even if you just want to write to me and tell me your experiences so I can talk about them on the show and tell me your experiences so I can talk about them on the show, but again, you guys, stay authentic, stay weird and forget the haters and remember that you can always grow from breakups, whether that's with a romantic partner, friendships, even some family members.

Speaker 1:

You know you've got to leave behind sometimes because they're toxic and again, you cannot fix stupid. All right, you guys, stay tuned. We'll be chanting soon.

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