Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Digital Divides: Android vs iOS Personalities and Spending Habits Uncovered


Why do Android users tend to be more introverted and financially savvy, while iOS users lean towards being extroverted and adventurous? Join me, Melissa, on Strange Deranged Beyond Insane as we unpack these fascinating distinctions, inspired by a riveting conversation on Joe Rogan's podcast. Expect a deep dive into market share dynamics, where Android's 72% global dominance contrasts sharply with iOS's 27% hold. We'll explore spending habits, app usage, and income levels, uncovering why iPhone users often earn and splurge more on premium products. This episode is a must-listen for anyone curious about how our choice of smartphone reflects deeper personality traits and lifestyle preferences.

But the intrigue doesn't stop there! We'll venture beyond the paranormal, embracing a diverse array of topics that spark engaging debates and insightful conversations. I’m passionate about bringing a co-host or guest on board to share their unique perspectives, aiming to create an inclusive space where everyone’s voice matters. Whether you're an Android aficionado, an iOS enthusiast, or simply a fan of thought-provoking discussions, this episode offers an enlightened and entertaining exploration of the digital divide. Tune in for a blend of tech talk and eclectic topics designed to captivate and enlighten.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, it's your host, melissa at Strange, strange Beyond Insane. Tonight I have a debate for you guys to think about and to chatter about amongst each other and even give me some feedback about this. So you know, joe Rogan the great Joe Rogan has a podcast and he did do a special on Android versus iOS users, like personality traits and the difference and um, so I'm going to play a video of him speaking on this and then I'm going to come back and talk a little bit about you know what you can see on google and um, I'm going to kind of talk about my opinion too.

Speaker 2:

Okay, here we go that was done to find the difference between people that use iphones and people that use um difference between people that use iPhones and people that use Androids. This was actually a crazy study and I feel like people are going to be very upset when they hear this. So New York Times posted a study and they found that Android users are actually more introverted and iPhone users are actually more extroverted. Right, but they did. They did another study and they found that Android users are actually the extroverted right, but they did. They did another study and they found that Android users are actually the more honest and nicer people and iPhone users are actually people that lie a lot.

Speaker 1:

I would have to agree.

Speaker 2:

But they're more adventurous and they're more curious. But what's crazy about this study is they found that Android users are actually the ones that are smarter with their money, because they found that iPhone users actually spend the double the double of the amount of money per day on their everyday life.

Speaker 1:

Wow, are you guys hearing this? This is so interesting. So I was watching this and I just I had to flick this on this episode, like, obviously I wanted to hear Joe Rogan talk, because I really do enjoy his content and I just thought this was really interesting that they actually did a study on this and there are facts.

Speaker 2:

And Android users and overall iPhone users are just on their phones more than Android users. They even found that iPhone users actually send twice as many texts per day and take twice as many pictures per day. So this is a study that was done to find the difference.

Speaker 1:

All right. So, speaking on that, if you look on Google, all right, so it says. According to the latest stats from StatCounter, the global market share looks like this Android users has a whopping total of 72.17% and iOS is at a 27.16%, and that was of seven days ago. All right, and here's another fact. Again, like Joe Rogan said himself, ios users spend more on clothing, cosmetics and even tech products as compared to Android users. Android users give more preference to apps belonging to the utility, performance, media, productivity and other similar categories. They will spend more than iOS users on apps belonging to these categories. So, according to iOS users a study that they're more iOS. Apple is more extroverts and Android are rather more introverts. Political preferences iOS is more liberal and Android is more conservative. Financial behavior preferences iOS spending money, android saving money no-transcript, okay. Emotional component iOS highly emotional, android more reserved behavior. I'm sorry you guys, this is so funny. So this talks about the key differences. All right, let's see. All right. So this is an article by NetGuru and it says New smartphones are released constantly, sparking debates among consumers about switching platforms. From a business perspective, there's a lot to learn, not just from the pros and cons of these devices, but also from the consumer profiles of iPhone and Android users. So they're talking about, each has, like, a different persona.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let's see, let's get right into an Android versus iOS market share. Android and iOS have a dual like a dual purpose over the global mobile operating system market, with Android accounting for about 70% of market share and iOS at around 29%, and that is of the fourth quarter of 2023. The percentage of iPhone users versus Android users in Europe as of 2023 doesn't differ much, at 32% and 67%. Google Play offers around 3.55 million apps for Android users, making the App Store with the most available mobile apps as of Q3 2022. Ios users, meanwhile, can choose from about 1.6 million apps in the Apple App Store million apps in the Apple App Store. However, while Android prevails in the number of users and apps, ios is ahead when it comes to mobile app revenue globally. Figures from market intelligence firm SensorTower indicate that consumer spending on apps from the Apple App Store reached a whopping $43.7 billion in the first half of 2022, while spending in the Google Play Store amounted to $21.3 billion. So iOS obviously makes more money in their App Store.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we don't need to get into the software. That's boring. So, demographics and behavior iPhone versus Android users. Okay, it's difficult to say whether one consumer segment is more likely to be an iPhone user or an Android user. These things vary by country, change over time and depend on many other variables. Based on recent publicly available global data, here are some key takeaways on the differences between Android versus iPhone users.

Speaker 1:

Iphone users generally earn more than Android users. Iphones tend to attract premium or higher income customers. In a 2024 survey from US-based e-commerce platform Slickdeals, iphone users reported an average annual income of $53,251 and $37,040 for Android users, so it's like a $20,000 difference. The same survey also reported that iPhone users spend more on clothes, beauty products and technology-related items than Android users. Premium and ultra-premium consumers prefer the iPhone. It's a good thing that Apple leads the market in the premium smartphone segment. According to a 2022 CounterPoint report, defined as smartphones with a wholesale price of at least $400, with 57% global market share. Furthermore, iphones dominate the ultra-premium segment of $1,000-plus devices, with 78% market share. Of $1,000 plus devices, with 78% market share.

Speaker 1:

Younger users prefer the iPhone. Older generations prefer Android. In a December 2023 survey, the percentage of iPhone users 44% only outnumbered Android users, 30% and the 18 to 29-year-old age group, android users lead iPhone users in older age groups. This appears to sync with the US demographics, as iPhones lead among 39 to 49-year-olds with a 48% share compared to 43% for Android. Older generations among US consumers prefer Android devices over the iPhone. Generations among US consumers prefer Android devices over the iPhone.

Speaker 1:

So I mean to really top this off. I've always been an Android user. I have myself too thought many times to switch platforms. Now we do have a lot of new changes coming to the podcast. So just kind of getting into a little bit like a gist of this, we are redoing our basement when we come back from vacation. We will be gone on vacation this year for about two weeks, so the end of summer into like the middle of September, and I am going to redo a round table so I can have a round table down here for groups to come over for podcasting. There's just so many more ideas that I have and I kind of have them distilled in my brain, my memory, right now, and written down.

Speaker 1:

With that being said, the point of telling you this is that I was talking to the husband and I was thinking about also getting an iPhone too. So Android and iPhone, and the only reason for this is for content and like different things I can do on the iPhone. The problem that I'm running into is like, how am I going to do both and have you know all my accounts up at one time? So then I thought, okay, um, I already have an iPhone or, I'm sorry, an iPad, um that I don't use, um because it is getting older and I we do pay for a line, um through AT&T. So I was at micro center with Paul, you know my husband uh, just over a week ago, and I did see the newer iPads and they do have a really cool little iPad, not like a small size of, like a smaller tablet, you know, not the huge one, not the medium size one that I already have, but like a smaller one. So I'm like, okay, maybe I'll do that, because with a different setup and with the round table and with like all of my mic, you know my microphones out, and I'm pretty much going to be like surrounded with screens, I definitely think I could use a little bit of that.

Speaker 1:

Ios too, now, I am an Android user. My husband has always been an Android user. Most of my friends are Android users my, my brother, sister-in-law, all them. They have iPhone. I really just think it's a preference. Now, kristen, aka Kiki, that has been on this podcast excuse me, kiki, if you're listening she has been a salesperson, a sales rep, in the cell phone business, I'll just say, for years now, and she told me I think it was like last year when they changed the iPhone charger to like the C type, which can fit Android or iPhone. She said that one day she thinks that Android and iOS is is going to merge, and I think that would be really, really fucking dope, honestly, because both, like softwares, are awesome in their own way. I just prefer Android because I've always had Android, but, believe me, there has been many, many, many times that I have thought about switching over. So I don't know. It's just kind of like food for thought, right, and it's like a nice table conversation.

Speaker 1:

So I just wanted to hop on here and talk about this. I thought it was very interesting and, again to any reason, to bring Joe Rogan and um listen to his stuff. I I do love his content. I think he's great. Um, I know people either hate him or they love him. I happen to love him, but yeah, so I thought this was. This was really interesting. So you guys, please um after you listen and, of course, I hope you're liking it, you know downloading it and sharing it. We are at almost 4000 downloads. This is a slow burn and I knew that going into this. This February will be two years that we started this podcast. I can't believe how fast it's went by, but yeah it's, it's definitely growing. It's like I said, it's a slow burn. I am extremely grateful. I feel very blessed. You know, three, four years ago I never would have thought I could hop on here and do this. So I'm having so much fun and I hope you guys are having fun too. And again, please get a hold of me.

Speaker 1:

If you look up Strange Strange Beyond Insane, you can listen to these podcast episodes on any platform that you listen to podcasts on. Also, if you look up the name, you will see me on TikTok. You can always, you know, give me a follow or message me. You can find me on Facebook. And then again, you guys on Buzzsprout. If you go on to the actual Buzzsprout site and you look up Strange Strange Beyond Insane, you can go in and you can contact me and it's called fan mail and it's basically you're like texting me. You know we can like text back and forth. You can also send me an email at ghostsisters2124 at Gmail. Again, I always want to hear from you guys. I want you guys to hop on here.

Speaker 1:

I did ask one of the TikTok users to join me on a podcast episode soon. I have had her voice on here before so that I'm not even going to say her name because I want it to be a surprise. And she told me to message her so we can, you know, get some stuff set up, um, but I love having guests on. I love, if someone wants to be a co-host To me, the difference, at least on my podcast, being a guest, um, being a guest, you're just kind of like hanging out, adding to the narrative. You know whatever we're talking about, which you know we all have squirrel moments on this podcast. So it goes.

Speaker 1:

It's very wonky. You know this isn't just paranormal. You guys know that by now the people that have been listening for a while. I talk about all different subjects, but the cult like a co-host is, you know, come, hop on here and run the show Like I. I love that. Actually, I don't want to just listen back at my own voice. I want to hear anyone and everyone on here and talk about their experiences or whatever their topic is. So again, you guys, get ahold of me and thank you again so much for listening and tune in for more.

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