Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Unexpected Hauntings with Kevin: Fort Wayne's Historic Mansion and Funeral Home Mysteries


What happens when a mix-up leads you to Fort Wayne instead of Detroit? Join us on a serendipitous adventure through a historic mansion brimming with paranormal activity and hidden stories. We were graciously welcomed by two wonderful guides who unraveled the fascinating history of a mansion built in 1893 by Robert Clarabelle, a notable natural gas investor. You'll get to hear about the exquisitely preserved ballroom, the intriguing third floor, and the eerie presence of spirits named Andy and Gail. Not to mention, the vivid tales of the mansion's original fireplaces, a male-only poker room, and mysterious light figures caught in photographs.

As our journey unfolds, we transition to a building that served as a funeral home from 1926 to 2018, layered with its own haunting narratives. Discover the Spanish-speaking servant spirit named Julia and the enigmatic grand mason spirit, whose apparition has been recurrent in photographs since last October. This hooded figure's peculiar attachment to one of the volunteers adds an extra layer of mystique. The episode also delves into eerie interactions with children spirits and the strange phenomena surrounding an old elevator. We wrap up on a light note, with a chuckle-worthy email misunderstanding, ensuring this episode offers a perfect blend of history, mystery, and a touch of humor. Come along for an unforgettable experience through the supernatural corners of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening everyone. It is your host, melissa at Strange, strange Beyond Insane, and tonight I want to take you on a full journey to the Fort Wayne, the one and only Fort Wayne historic site in Indiana. It's going to tell you in this recording, but Kevin and I thought we were going to Fort Wayne in Detroit. Fort Wayne and Detroit. Surprise surprise. We drove two states two hours past the time of check-in to still go, because we did not want to miss the opportunity. Now I'm going to play the recording because these two women at Fort Wayne were nice enough to give us the tour, even though we were late.

Speaker 1:

I do want to tell you guys that there is going to be some background noise because it was a public investigation. There was probably I think it was 10 total tickets, so there was eight more people there, but it is about 40 minutes, but I do want you guys to hear the history of this building because it was absolutely beautiful. All right, let's start. It's got to Fort Wayne, indiana, and of course, we messed up. We thought it was in Detroit. So they're going to give us a little bit of a tour.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, okay, okay yeah, it's in the stay away from the third floor during the summer. So you know the whole history, or even just a little bit, or ghost stuff or girl, whichever, it's really up to you. Oh, you're the history of it. Okay, so this building, this mansion, was built in 1893 by Robert Clarabelle and they moved in in 1895. Sorry, it's really hot in here. No, I understood it earlier, I couldn't really talk, like there's no air, nice, sorry, and the windows don't open in this room. So this is their ballroom area and the windows don't open in this room. This is their ballroom area. All of the furniture was donated to us. Angie and her family purchased the property at the end of 2020. And they were going to turn it into a bed and breakfast, but because of red tape and everything else, they kind of botched that and now we're a full fledged event center. Um, we do have a private overnights and all that, so that's why we kept the furniture.

Speaker 2:

The people do spend the night here, including the volunteers. Um, I have slept here. Um, I have slept up here. I've slept up here. There's a lot of activity that is happening. We do have a child spirit in here. His name is Andy. He kind of resides in this area. You'll see toys and stuff like that for him. He communicates more with uh, rempods and like the cat balls and stuff like that. Um, he very rarely will actually speak to you.

Speaker 2:

Um, like I said, the the trigger objects are more his thing is the third floor is the most active area in the house. This is the most original area in the house. Not a whole lot has been changed or altered in any way, shape or form. Up here You'll get walking, talking shadow figures. You name it up here. See Nice figures. You name it up here, yeah, nice. So you'll see fireplaces all throughout the house. There are all the trees throughout the house. They were ran off of natural gas. Robert was a big investor in natural gas. He's one of the reasons why Indiana, of course, ohio of course, and Chicago got natural gas money, so I can kind of stop it.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, it's okay, there's only a few things in there.

Speaker 2:

China the best. This is a bummer. Women were not permitted in this room at that time. This is strictly for men. They're really good. Yeah, I've been yelled at a couple times for being in here, but I'm right.

Speaker 1:

And Robert knows that I'm right.

Speaker 2:

So, like men, men at the table play poker. Robert will tell them to play poker. He kind of cheats and tells other people he can't, but I don't know what it is. He kind of. He kind of cheats and tells other people's hands, which I don't think is fair. What when he walked through my phone and he said that I was seeing through my phone and I'm like is he? Women sit at the table occasionally. They'll also be in touch or they'll hear, like it out, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Windows are original to the house, furniture obviously donated. That's really about it Paranormal wise in here. Okay, so the room across the way was the billiard room. The third floor was more of an entertainment area. So, yes, this was the billiards room. This is also Gail's room.

Speaker 2:

We believe that she was with the Nobles when they took over in 1904, 1905. We don't know if she was a family member or if she was like a caretaker or whatnot, um, but this is her room. She's kind of a protector of the women up here on the third floor. Um, we do have the closet door closed right now. She does not like the closet door closed. Why we don't really know, but whenever, whenever it's closed, she always ends up opening it for one reason or another. I personally had nothing, but we have gotten a few photos in here of light figures in the window. There is no ledge or anything over here, so there's no explaining to how we got the pictures or how they were even meant. So also, this is one of the original rooms in the house, nice, over here is a service quarters, so they would have between three staff servants at a time. The elevator was put in by the funeral home when they took over in 1926.

Speaker 2:

And it was a funeral home for 93 years. The funeral home left this building in 2018. So from 1926 to 2018, it was a funeral home. I do have a servant that resides in that room. Her name is Julia. She does speak Spanish, so if any of you know Spanish, you can go ahead and try to communicate with her. It's normal we do get children that play in there there are closets in there. You gotta walk in the closets Um you'll get knocking from the elevator.

Speaker 2:

Um that is the mason spirit that resides here. He's a grand mason. He's also a nice templar. Um, he got up here in October of last year and, um, I don't really know where he came from. Okay, we're still trying to figure that one out. We do have pictures of him. Like, if you take a selfie or someone's taking a picture or whatever, he will be behind you and he looks like a hidden figure With the old school hooded figure With the old school hood then.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I am very burpy. I am not me, by any means. He has attached himself to me for whatever reason. All the other volunteers like to joke and call him my boyfriend um, we're not here I don't particularly like the fact that he's attached himself to me, but it is what it is um, so that's really valued for that.

Speaker 1:

Um, okay, thank you guys. I really appreciate that. Oh cool, thank you guys.

Speaker 2:

I really appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

Hi, he's such a jackass. I'm like, having read the email, he's like it's Indiana, Fort Wayne. I'm like, well, it looks like we're going to Indiana.

Speaker 2:

Sorry about that. We should meet them. Yeah, they should meet. Oh nice, Is that a chapel too? Is that a chapel too? Yeah, that's just the embalming room. Oh, the embalming room. Oh, the embalming. That's the first place they ever did embalming in the house For the first time. I don't know where you were back then when they started getting a little more prominent. That's when they added on this room here, which is our second embalming room. That's the first one. You didn't hear this. Yeah, so the stretchers, the involving table, are all original to the funeral home. They left them here. When they left, this was for bodily fluids. It does still work. It does still flush All that good stuff. The gasket was donated to us. There is a spirit that is connected to the gasket. His name is Doug. He was also a mason. Robert Bell was a mason. William Noble was a mason. We have our suspicions that the funeral home director that was here was also a mason. So there's a lot connected with the masons to this building have you guys heard anything about rituals here?

Speaker 2:

no, but we have strong suspicions, okay, of it. Um, animals too. I just also think that that's what the third floor was used for, for, what was For their rituals, the third floor and all that stuff. Obviously, there isn't a whole lot that we can find out about Masons Very secretive, what they've done, but there's a lot of rabbit holes that I went down for a few years that involved the Masons. She's got some great stories. I didn't know that. Yeah, other, I'm just so interested, I love that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, turn on the video. Yeah, nice, yeah, I'm still digging into all of that history. So, hopefully, and I know a lot of active Masons, so I'm trying to like get information from them. So, did they run with you at all as well? No, okay, no, it was a completely different company. It is possible that they knew. Okay, like I said, there's so much that we're still learning um for 131 years. There's just so much information over with the bells and the noble funeral home and whatever it was in between any of that um no, we're masons known to be into the funeral home business too, okay.

Speaker 2:

We did find that one out by an active mason that we had come here. That was when we were trying to figure out what the lovely spirit was upstairs. There was a lot of information that I was getting from him. So we had an active mason come in, so we had an active Mason come in. So he actually asked him a bunch of questions that we weren't allowed to hear. Yeah, that's what they did to us, and he did confirm that he was a grandmaster and a nice Templar.

Speaker 1:

Did he have the Mason Holy Bible?

Speaker 2:

It's funny, you should say that.

Speaker 1:

We were actually doing an investigation.

Speaker 2:

Um, and they kept talking about a book that was hidden somewhere throughout the building. They wouldn't tell me where it was, um, but I had a strong suspicion that it was the masonic bible. Um, because I am a woman and I'm not allowed to be a Mason. They wouldn't tell me where it was at, so, and they kept talking about the Holy Grail and all that good stuff.

Speaker 1:

So we were helping a team in Brookston, indiana, the Masonic Lodge there, and one of their friends is a Mason and I took some pictures of the Bible upstairs because it was still up there and, yeah, they didn't like that. The spirits, yeah, I just wanted to get like a picture of it but it did something funky to my hand. I'll show you guys the pictures if you want to see them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a lot of the times if you're not an active Mason, especially if you're a woman, it's very woman, yes, to even look at the book, yeah, so I'm actually surprised you were able to get pictures of it um, they weren't very happy, but then they were okay with it.

Speaker 1:

And then there was another spirit, like later that night. That was extremely creepy and I was like, okay, like back off, like it's, I got, I get it, I got it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so he left the book up there, though, and it was so yeah, I'm actually surprised that they did, because usually they would have to put those away now there was also there the northeast.

Speaker 1:

is it the women's secret society of the Mason's wives? Have you guys got anything here about that too? No, how far is Brookston, indiana, from here?

Speaker 2:

Oh I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I would have to look it up. Oh, I think it's Brookston, indiana, it's only. It's like four miles back. It's a very tiny town, I think it's almost four hours from us.

Speaker 2:

What year did you say this was added on? So this was added on in the 1930s.

Speaker 1:

Two hours.

Speaker 2:

Around there, around the time that they added on the yoga studio and what is our entertainment area downstairs?

Speaker 1:

Oh, 1903,. You said right.

Speaker 2:

When they started adding this on was in the 1930s. Oh, 1903, you said right. When they started adding this on was in the 1930s.

Speaker 1:

Oh, 1930s, and this building was established.

Speaker 2:

They started. Robert and his wife started building in 1893. 1893, okay, 1895, right, yes, clara sold off the property to the nobles in 1905, 1904. And, um, yeah, well, we couldn't find any of the deeds or anything. So we have a strong suspicion that it was gifted to the nobles. Oh, um, because he was a mason. And um, I'm starting to put two and two together, I feel like there's a long history between the Bells and the Nobles, before they even moved to Indiana. Okay, yes, interesting story. Yeah, yeah. And then Homer Van Meter. He was John Dillinger's right-hand man. He was shot 22 times coming out of a drug store. He was brought here because he had a family in Van Wert, so this picture right here was on that embalming table there. So during his funeral service they actually hid him on the third floor because they were afraid someone was going to steal his body. So after his service and everything, they took his body and they buried him at Lindenwood Cemetery Lindenwood, I've been there. Is that a cell phone? Yeah, is there a person under that grave? There is.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we'll have to do an overnight here with everybody.

Speaker 2:

This is a beaver, so this was kind of what the servants would provide when they didn't have to work. Yeah, when the funeral homes took over, they actually turned this into an office area. They would have the family come in and talk about what they wanted to do for their loved one, and then they would actually come into this room here Now our yoga's taking off, but they have caskets set up in here. The family would come in here Smells like a funeral in here, pick out what they wanted, what casket they wanted for their family member. Smells like a funeral, yeah, and then they would go into this room here.

Speaker 2:

And that's where they kind of finalize everything, Obviously this is our yoga studio now, but we do get activity in this room. We get children that like to play in this room. So if you have any trigger objects REM pods- stuff like that we kind of just lay it out.

Speaker 2:

They like to play hide-and-seek, they like to tag all that good stuff in here. So if you guys want to try that, you can. My kids love it in here. They're just like watching them all go off. We are going to let you two stay until at least two, since you guys came late. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome. We really appreciate that, thank you. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome. We really appreciate that, thank you. So you guys have more than enough time to eat and enjoy yourself.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, ladies, so much.

Speaker 2:

This is an office area. This was an add-on to Clara's room, so if you come this way, bring you into Clara's room.

Speaker 1:

We'll come on this way. Clara was. Clara was Robert's wife, robert's wife so this is her room.

Speaker 2:

So you'll see above the doors here and above the fireplace, these are Masonic symbols. We found that one out we were told that they were family crests. Um, but I'm like, well, that doesn't make any sense. Uh, there's more questions than answers. When we had the active Mason come in, he did verify that these were Masonic symbols and that symbol there is for the Knights Templar.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Um here's her closet.

Speaker 2:

She has a closet, and then she has a big closet, so she has a closet within a closet.

Speaker 1:

Wow, this is beautiful. Oh, that's her dress.

Speaker 2:

That one was donated to us. There are actual pictures of what she looked like.

Speaker 1:

You guys are welcome to look at those Cool. I love all the mirrors. Do you guys ever have to cover the mirrors? No, no, no Cool.

Speaker 2:

So this room now is our bridal suite because we do weddings here, oh nice. And then this is her balcony. So when the building was built, none of this was here, right, clara, she was a big painter, she did pottery, she founded St Francis and the art museum All of this and this building in behind here is St Francis, wow yeah. And behind here is St Francis, wow yeah. So they kind of everything that they help found or they put money into is kind of surrounded their building, gotcha, and there is a lot surrounding their building involving the Mason's Law. Just down the street is the Masonic Temple.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's not very far. What number one is that? That one, I don't remember. Okay, yeah, indiana has a lot of that, right? I think there's at least three main temples here, isn't it? Yes, yes, that's cool.

Speaker 2:

Now this one is the main lodge, the main lodge, and then they have like smaller ones inside the lodge. Okay, what was your question Like?

Speaker 1:

the marks on the windows. Is that something significant?

Speaker 2:

Oh no, we were just cleaning the limestone. Oh okay, he's getting excited. Yeah so this building was built off of limestone. Yeah, that's awesome. So it is a big conglomerate for a paranormal.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, man, I wish I would have brought my dowsing rods.

Speaker 2:

It's just a volunteer.

Speaker 1:

All right, you guys, there is a lot more of that, but I will let you go and do the tour and get the whole entire thing. I just kind of want to give you like the gist. And again, those ladies were amazing. They're super precise and nice and very, very kind for working with us, since we were, you know, two hours late, excuse me, okay. So now I do, I want to start my playing my TikTok, okay.

Speaker 1:

So, first of all, there is so much activity at this place, a lot of activity. Now, when I bring Kevin back on here, you know, we'll we'll kind of like recap about this trip because we are planning on going back. I'm thinking more like in the winter, the cold months, because they do have heat, then you know, they have working bathrooms. So I try to go to places like that in the winter to break up our Michigan winters and um, but anyways. So the it's very, very active, but it's like quick hits, you know. I mean there it's like a lot at one time it's actually like super intense and then it's like done. So you're about five minutes in and then done until you go to like a new area. So I did sorry about that I did um, post a TikTok video on. I got to get out of here. Okay, on my profile Now, I usually don't put captions on my TikTok videos, but I saved my videos from GhostTube to my phone and I, you know I had uploaded them to TikTok.

Speaker 1:

Now the captions it is insane because nobody is like talking and it's showing like sentences, right. So I'm like holy shit, it's like so much we didn't pick up on, so let me start this. Trash Okay. So hold on a minute. Okay. So my app says trash right Now, before it even talks, it says beg to differ, sir, which nobody was in this room with us. Me or Kevin are not talking really, and if we do, it's not that Trash. Okay. Now again, me and Kevin are not talking really, and if we do, it's not that Okay. Now again, me and Kevin are not talking. We're just sitting here and the captions on the video pull up, which means that there's this picked up on audio that we could not hear. Then it says we started the game. We never got to finish. Remind you, the poker room is across from us, the poker room. They do not like women, so that was crazy.

Speaker 2:

What's trash?

Speaker 1:

Okay. So when I say what's trash, it comes back on this caption and it says play for blood. Remember, remember. And nobody said that. Like nobody was up with us, may I lay on your? So right here I'm saying may I lay on your chase? As I'm talking, the caption comes up with I was just fooling about Chase, and then it says I wasn't longer. I don't know if they meant because. Then I say something like oh, this, I hope this chase doesn't break and it was a very long old chase. So maybe they're just saying that they weren't long, they were short. I don't know. But again, I don't know where this audio is coming from.

Speaker 1:

Clara are you. So when I said Clara, are you here as I'm talking, it says let's do it here. Then it says say when? Again, nothing of this was said on this video. Then it says come on, right, as I put the video, like looking at Kevin, it says come on, I'm sorry. Sorry, it didn't say that. I'm saying that the words on the captions are coming up. Everything just went really quiet. So that person that said I can hear it. And right after I say wow, because nobody is up there with us, no other woman's voice should have came through. Wow, this is the poker room. I guess they don't like ladies here. So, as kevin says someone's walking up here, when I said is someone up here, there was nobody. So now I'm gonna walk across from this room down the hallway to the stairs to just check. Right, hello, someone up here, someone up here investigating. And then something just said shh, you can hear it. Hello, hello, I'm not sure. Hey, kevin, checking every room up here. So it said deranged. And as it was saying that, let me go back, it showed up on captions someone up here investigating. And as it was saying that, let me go back, it showed up on captions. So before it said deranged, like before there was any talking. The caption comes up as to rain, yeah, to rain, yeah.

Speaker 1:

If you're with us, can you touch that bear or touch these balls to show us? Oh, thank you. Can you do that? Thank you, okay. How many children are here? You can use the bear to tap it so many times to communicate. Is there more than two children? Okay, there's one. How many more children are there? Good, you're a good kid.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so my understanding is that there's only one child in this room right now. Are you older than 10 years old? Remember, we can communicate through these toys. Do you want me to put the bear by your little hiding cupboard over here? Let's try to do that. Let me bring you we here. Play with Super Bear. Do you like Super Bear right there? If you like it there, can you please touch Super Bear? So I know, guardian, you got a guardian with you, nice. Can I ask the guardian to allow the child to touch the bear please? So I know that it's okay, right there. Do you want me to move the bear again? Where did you go? Did you go hide and help? What? What's wrong? What's wrong, is it?

Speaker 2:

that health, I don't know. Sometimes I just feel myself right now.

Speaker 1:

You can't feel yourself. You feel like you're lifting. I just don't feel like myself. Oh my God. Oh my God, this is so true, that scared the shit out of me. All right, you guys, so I'm going to leave it there because I have a ton of more evidence and remind you. We didn't get like a full overnight investigation. We got a lot of intelligent responses, so I am going to save a part two episode that I can do with Kevin so that Kevin can get on here and really, you know, explain like what he felt and like what he witnessed there. But again, thank you guys for tuning in and you can always find I'm sorry. Well, you can find me when you look up Strange, strange Beyond Insane. You get a hold of me on here from fan mail through Buzzsprout, you can email me at ghostsisters2124 on TikTok, facebook and anywhere you listen to podcasts at. You can either listen or download any of the content from this podcast. It's on all platforms. Again, you guys, reach out, let me know what you think and give me some ideas. And, again, this episode will be continued when Kevin is home from vacation. All right, you guys, we'll be chatting soon.

Speaker 1:

All right, you guys, I want to hop back on here and add I was listening to the beginning of this episode and I heard some glitches, like my voice just kind of like vanishes for a second, like a split second. So across from me is Chatty Cathy. She was a doll, I believe, either from like the late 70s or early 80s. Michael got me this doll at a antique shop. This doll was with its former owner. Since it has, you know, came out, been released. She has had this doll and this doll is very, very fucking creepy. Its eyeball is really messed up. She looks like she might have been in some type of fire, I don't know. But when you look up my, if you look up Strange, strange, beyond Insane, and you find my TikTok, you will see Chatty Cathy laying on the bed next to the Annabelle doll that Teresa got me and along with Super Bear.

Speaker 1:

Now, the reason why I wanted to hop on and add a little, you know, minute two minute thing, is that I kept telling Kevin that night that her messed up eye like it moves. And when I started this episode I was, my chair was tilted towards her and I was looking at her and her eyeball came down and then like went back off and when, like I said, when I was listening to this and I glitched out for a second, I'm like, ooh, that's creepy, so I did want to add that. So, again, if you look up strange, strange, be insane and you get onto my TikTok, you will see Chatty Cathy along with Annabelle and Super Bear, and you guys, let me know what you think of her. She is extremely creepy. I love her. She is creepy, though, and again, thank you, michael. No-transcript.

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