Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Eerie Experiences in Theresa's Haunted House


What happens when an ordinary New Year's party turns into an unforgettable supernatural encounter? Theresa and her niece Vanessa share a spine-chilling story about Vanessa's interaction with an enigmatic girl sporting a rainbow-colored bob haircut, who mysteriously vanished from all recordings and social media profiles. Hear Vanessa recount her puzzling conversation and the baffling realization that no one else recognized this spectral guest.

Is Theresa's home a hotbed for supernatural activity? Strange events like a wine bottle popping open on its own and an ornament flying off the Christmas tree during a video call suggest so. Melissa's dog Miley leads her to an air vent cover that mysteriously popped off, adding another eerie tale to the collection. From sightings of a spirit-like lady at the kitchen table to an impromptu ghost investigation on a chilly November night, there's no shortage of spine-tingling experiences to share.

Join us for a night of spooky tales and ghostly encounters as we reminisce about a spontaneous ghost hunt that yielded relevant picks from spirit boxes and mysterious activity. Vanessa captures eerie images at a grave, and David's PlayStation turns on by itself, adding to the web of supernatural occurrences. With stories about a Frankenstein figure in a tree connected to a late family friend and other creepy items, this episode promises to leave you intrigued and eager for more.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening everyone. It's your host, melissa, at Strange, strange Beyond Insane, and tonight we have a bunch of guest speakers. We're going to start off with the mom Teresa. She's been on here quite a bit, and all of her kids well, her niece too. They have a story to tell and it's very, very creepy. So I will let you start, teresa. Go ahead and introduce yourself again.

Speaker 2:

Hi, it's me Teresa once again.

Speaker 1:

Hi, it's me Teresa once again.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so who you want to start with the story, teresa, how it started. Yeah, I can try to explain it a little bit. I mean my niece can tell you better than I can, but I'll start this off. Sorry, everyone, if you hear a little bit of background noise my son, he just wants to be on the podcast too, so there's a little bit of distractions behind us, but that's okay, all right.

Speaker 2:

So last new year's we had a little party here at my house. Um, it wasn't, I don't know. There's maybe about what 10 to 15 people tops. So anyways, it's usually the same people I always invite over, just family, friends, things like that. Well, we're here and we're having this party and it was a fun night. I didn't start drinking till later. I did huge knock to borrow my table. I had this little ring game going and everything.

Speaker 2:

Well, it wasn't till recently that I found out from my niece on one of the nights she was here. We're just sitting around talking. She had asked me who this girl was that was at my house and I was confused because I didn't know who she was talking about. So I asked her to describe this girl to me and she described a bigger girl with short hair, like a bob haircut that was like rainbow, different colors, and I was trying to think and I'm wrecking my brain trying to come up with who this girl could possibly be because, honestly, I don't have any friends that fit that description.

Speaker 2:

So after sitting here thinking about it, thinking, thinking, thinking, I couldn't come up with anybody because I know everybody who was invited to my house that night. So she said at the end of the night, one of my friends, tab, she decided she wanted to do a funny little TikTok about us doing this weird little dance to some music. So everybody was in my kitchen just dancing around, goofing around, and my niece brought it to my attention, vanessa, that the girl was also in this video. So I had to search and look up this video and I came across it finally and that girl was nowhere in it. She also spoke to my niece too, but I'll let her tell you more about that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, okay, I'm excited. Let's welcome Mariah, right? No, this one's Vanessa. Oh, vanessa, vanessa, is she ready?

Speaker 2:

Yep, she's ready.

Speaker 3:

Hi, I'm Vanessa and I'm going to be telling you about the lady I saw in my aunt's kitchen. Hey, Vanessa, how old are you? I'm 11 and turning 12 on October 28th.

Speaker 1:

Oh, nice, Okay. So yeah, we want to hear it. Let's hear it Okay.

Speaker 3:

so I sat down at the table, me and David, and we were eating some buffalo dip. And I look over and there's this girl messing with the ring toss game Aunt Teresa was talking about. And she looks over to me and she says who are you? To Teresa? And I said I'm her niece. And she said, oh, that's cool. And she had a short haircut like a bob. It was either red or rainbow I'm pretty sure it was mostly rainbow, though and she was wearing a light orange orange and a white striped shirt and black pants. And then, like when we did do the tiktok, we were uh, me and Deva were going downstairs and I saw the girl. She was dancing along with everybody in the TikTok, like in the back.

Speaker 1:

But when Aunt Teresa showed me the video. That girl was not there. Wow, how old would you say this woman? Was she like a girl or was she like a woman? Like older, like younger?

Speaker 3:

So I would say she was, you know, tabitha, right, yeah, yep, she was maybe around Tabitha's age.

Speaker 1:

Wow, so she was younger, or like almost 30, maybe but and she talked to you Now did you feel strange about her, Because you obviously had never seen her before.

Speaker 3:

Not really, because I thought maybe she came in with some other guests and some of the people I didn't really know, so I thought we were just getting to meet these people because I'm not really around Aunt Teresa's friends. But yeah, I thought she was a friend so I didn't really feel that weird.

Speaker 1:

Wow, and she talked to you. And is that all that she said to you that night?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she also looked at me a couple times, but that was it.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that night, yeah, she, she also looked at me a couple times, but that was it. Wow, I got chills because your aunt Teresa doesn't, uh, doesn't have any friends, that look like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we looked through all the Facebooks, we looked through all the TikToks. She wasn't there, but I remember seeing her dancing in the back between people wow, wow, that's cool.

Speaker 1:

So now that you didn't see her in any of like the pictures or the videos, do you feel some type of way about that now?

Speaker 3:

yeah, like when I mentioned it and she, uh, aunt jesa was confused. I was confused because because this girl was talking to me too, so I was confused and david also saw her too yeah, but I remember when you were in my kitchen sitting at the table eating the chips or whatever you were eating.

Speaker 3:

I don't recall seeing you sitting with anybody or talking to anybody at all, and I was in the kitchen most night getting a nacho bar ready wow, that's wild um, but I thought david was next to me because we were sharing the dip and then he went to go get more vanessa right, yeah, would you say this um young girl, young woman, um would you say she's a ghost honestly I don't know, but probably that would be my only guess. Or a spirit wow, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

So what do you think? If she's a spirit, ghost figure, um, what do you think she was doing at your aunt theresa's house? You think she was confused?

Speaker 3:

I think maybe she, I think maybe she was looking for somebody else, because my aunt, tresa, isn't wasn't the only homeowner at the time, like she wasn't the only homeowner. What are you talking about? Like, okay, so other people, other you. You bought the house, yeah, so maybe this woman maybe thought her family was there and but didn't she say my name to you?

Speaker 2:

yeah, she said who are you to Teresa wow, that just gave me chills, teresa, because all those pictures that you got before you moved into the house yeah, yep, but I was seriously going through all the pictures at night trying to find figure out, because there was a picture taken with all the females in the house that night. My husband took it and she's nowhere in any of the pictures, like I don't even know anybody that fits that description. I gotta shake.

Speaker 3:

You got her shaking. Yes, she was playing with the little ring toss thing.

Speaker 2:

I would hear it click it go which is also very weird too, because when I put that game on my table, nobody even looked at that game. And then I set the box for that game on my chair, right in front of the table where this girl was supposedly sitting, and then that night, when I went to go put the green game away, the box was still in a chair.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, so I mean she would have had to sit on it or move it at some point, and my table was full of nachos wow yeah, I just it don't make sense because, seriously, I've wrecked my brain and went over this a million times trying to think, hey, did somebody like invite somebody in my house? But my kitchen ain't that big and it's very open, right, so there's no way somebody could have been sitting at my table, especially talking to my niece and my son. She wasn't talking to David. She never talked to me, yeah, but you saw her, I didn't. This is something only the kids seen.

Speaker 1:

David, you want to hop on here and tell us your description of her. Thank you, Vanessa, for coming on.

Speaker 3:

Wait, the podcast is still running right.

Speaker 1:

Yep, we're live bud.

Speaker 3:

All right, what up. What up people. My name is David, I'm nine. I'm pretty sure y'all know that. Oh, you got a text message All right. He's nine going on 20. Yeah, so wait, what am I supposed to tell your description of what the lady looked like? Yeah, so she was wearing an orange like long sleeve shirt, like white and orange stripes long sleeve shirt. I remember her wearing black pants too. Um she, she had like rainbow hair.

Speaker 2:

But you, being my son, you know everybody that I know pretty much and you're always around to see who comes in and out of the house. Is this a lady that you've ever seen before in our home.

Speaker 3:

No, never, Never, have I ever Just like that one day. Never have I ever Um so Um she I did see her dance in the back next like all the way in the back next to nobody, but when I see nobody in that video, I told mom that I'm kind of stuttering right now because I don't remember what I said, or so. No, you're not stuttering.

Speaker 1:

You're just you're trying to visualize what you've seen. Bud, that's fine, Just take your time.

Speaker 3:

I remember that game being open too, that ring-tossing, and you know how Vanessa described that. We were heading downstairs after that dance. So after the dance we went back up and she wasn't there. Nowhere, she wasn't nowhere.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So, David, do you think that she was a ghost?

Speaker 3:

Probably a spirit looking for somebody.

Speaker 2:

I wish you would have asked, or I wish Vanessa would have talked to her, you know and asked well, how do you know my Aunt Teresa? Yeah, that would have been cool, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now David.

Speaker 3:

Because it's not very often that you can hear a spirit, and I'm pretty sure she's the spirit that's been talking to me in my room. What? Yeah, that's what I was going to ask him about.

Speaker 1:

Teresa, have you had any weird little ghost stories that have happened at the house? Because I know when I was over that one night your friend was over and what's that boy's name In the neighborhood? The long hair? Oh, robbie, robbie. You guys all came out and said that there was a ghost in the front room and we thought you guys all came out and said that there was a ghost in the front room and we thought you guys were teasing us.

Speaker 2:

Well, my daughter has a story, Hope that she wants to tell about a milk carton. Okay, let's hear it. Hey, Hope, Come on. Hope, it's your turn, baby Come on.

Speaker 1:

Hello, hey girl, how are you Good? Okay, why don't you tell them your name and how old you are?

Speaker 3:

I'm Hope, and I'm turning 11 on October 25th. I'm 10 right now, though.

Speaker 1:

Nice, Another Libra huh.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Okay, so tell us your story, let's hear it.

Speaker 3:

So me and Vanessa were sitting on the couch one day. We were just we just got done watching like scary videos or something and we were hiding under some blankets but then we heard a loud bang noise and then we went to um check what it is, but there was like there was like two milk cartons, um we we saw one that flew across the room, but they were both laying on the ground and the windows and doors were closed. Wow, do you think it's that lady? Yeah, probably.

Speaker 3:

You do. Yeah, the wine bottle. Wine bottle too. Yeah, the wine bottle. There was a night that the wine bottle cap flew off and then Flew off the table. No, flew off the bottle and then the next day mom told me it was tight and on really good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was a wine bottle that was. I've had this wine bottle in my house I'm almost embarrassed to say this for quite a few years. It's collected like it's just for sure, and it's one of my favorite wines too, which is kind of surprising why I haven't drank it yet whatever it's cute and it looks cute on my little wine shelf.

Speaker 2:

you've seen it before, melissa, it's on my wall. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, and it's been up there for quite a few years now, and one night, me and Hope were just sitting in the living room chilling. You were sleeping, I was not sleeping. Yeah, you were, and I woke you up. No, because I remember hearing it pop, remember.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because you got woke up. So anyways, there was a loud pop noise and the top of the wine bottle it like popped off and this is the type of wine like I should go get it to see what kind of wine it is. You have to peel it open to get it to pop off because I thought maybe it could be pressure or something. But if that was the case, the moment the rest of them pop off, there's like three or four bottles up there. That's the first time in all the years that that's ever happened before and you would have to physically, manually, manually open it.

Speaker 1:

It's not just gonna pop off on itself damn, that's crazy, because we did a little investigation on your porch just for shits and giggles that one night and we seen that ghost car yeah, there was a lot going on that night.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that night, I'm not gonna lie, it kind of creeped me out a little bit with everything, with the saying my name, and my name isn't a lot on a lot of stuff, and I have that silent h, so don't my name's never anything like. I go to the store to buy a keychain guess what? They have t-e-r-e-s-a, but they never have the h and that came across with the h of my name and I've never seen my name come across an app or it say anything like that I know that was crazy yeah, and then it said light when you turned on the flashlight.

Speaker 2:

Well, there was a lot of spiritual activity going on that night.

Speaker 1:

Teresa does have. I mean, she definitely has abilities and it's weird because we haven't really been able to go out together. She does have six kids, but anytime her and I are talking on the phone, something crazy either happens at her house or my house. And she got me a raggedy and doll. Um, I don't know like what era it is. I mean, it's definitely used and abused. That that's what I like about it, because it's got character. And, um, she was talking to me about this doll before she gave it to me from one of her friends that works at like an antique shop and, um, literally, I heard remember, mercedes, oh, my god, I always call Miley Mercedes. Damn it, I've been doing that. Sorry, miley.

Speaker 1:

Um, that was my other dog that she reminds me of, but remember, I was doing my makeup, I was talking to you on the phone and Miley came down to get me and her butt was scooting on the floor. She was scared and she made me go upstairs, remember. And then the air vent, the register cover, the metal one popped off. It was in the middle of the floor, so she took me right to it and all three dogs were just sitting there staring at it and I'm like and that is right above where I was talking to you. So I'm down in the basement. It was the floor in that room right above me. Wow, that's creepy too. Well, you know, a lot of stuff goes on when you and I are talking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's every time we're on the phone together. Yeah, almost every time actually. If you think about it, there's always something happening. You're going, oh my God, or you know, or I'm like, oh my God, what's happening?

Speaker 1:

Well, I remember you sent me, wasn't I on? I was on Facebook video with you when Hope was sleeping, when Hope was sick, because you wanted me to see her poor little chapped hands. And remember the thing flew off your Christmas tree and I'm like it literally looked like someone like took it off, like this ornament, and just threw it across the room and I'm like holy shit.

Speaker 2:

Right, and nobody was even near the Christmas tree for that to even happen.

Speaker 2:

And if it would have fell, it would have fell straight down or rolled or something. No, that thing flew across my room. That's crazy. Yeah, flew across my room. Wow, that's crazy. Yeah, I had just walked past it and I was standing in the kitchen in between my living room and my kitchen and that little walkway right there, and like not even two minutes later it came flying right off and the kids were sleeping. So I know it wasn't them messing with it, and Rocky looked at me like what the hell is going on. So I know it wasn't my dog shaking the tree or anything yeah, that was great.

Speaker 1:

Well, I was on video with you. I seen it. I was like what the hell?

Speaker 2:

yeah, creepy every time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you've got a lot of activity.

Speaker 2:

I think it's you that brings the activity I don't know though, because it's usually when I'm on the phone with you that the most activity happens, or if you're at my house, because other than that I don't really see or experience much here or feel anything like even that lady. That lady whoever the heck she was I really believe she was a spirit sitting at my kitchen table. I never saw her. That's crazy. My kids were the ones that seen her. I didn't know who they were talking about to this day. I still can. You know? I went through all the pictures. There's not one picture of this lady that they just like orange and white. You'd think you'd remember somebody like that, with rainbow hair. Like that's not the average description of the normal person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah no, I don't ever recall you. I don't ever see any pictures of any friends with you that have rainbow bob. Actually, no one you hang out with has a bob cut.

Speaker 2:

No, that's the thing either. I mean, I know a lot of people but I have very few friends. My circle's very small and it's always the same people I invite to my house and they don't usually bring other people with them. No, so for them and for them to ask my niece who she is to me and say my name. Obviously they know something. But I remember okay when Tabitha did that TikTok it's so stupid. I gotta show you this video. She walked around and she had the camera, her phone camera on everybody and recorded them separately doing this dance, and at the end it was all of us in there doing the dance, even myself too. It's pretty funny. And they said that she was in there in the background dancing, but it's not in that video. So that's what creeps me out the most. Wow, it makes me wonder if my kids are picking up on this stuff, because I swear I didn't feel nothing, I didn't sense nothing that night and didn't even see her. She was actually speaking to my niece.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's wild. I mean, maybe she was just attracted to the energy that night and she might have just passed on. Or maybe she was just waltzing through and seeing these lively, fun people and the kids and said, hey, I'm going to walk in and you know I want to, because you know I'm sure you would crave to be alive again, right, and to be seen and heard you would think that she wouldn't want to be in this house.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you know six kids. There's a lot of bitching and a lot of loud screaming going on in this house. State the house to haunt.

Speaker 1:

Oh, her house is so fun. I love it's like it's great it's great.

Speaker 2:

I tell everybody, you know they won't haunt my house as much as I bitch and I scream and these kids are driving. Drive that spirit crazy, like if you're staying in my house you ain't staying for free. I got enough kids, okay? I would think that that would attract the spirits. Yeah, maybe with all the kids they got big personalities too. But you either clue my toilets or you're paying me, right? That's right, that's right, I take care of enough shit, right, right.

Speaker 1:

If you're going to live there, at least do something.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I'm going to haunt this house. All the kids.

Speaker 1:

Well, teresa has had quite the interesting life and we are going to do we're going to probably need like a three-four segment on that. So I mean there's a lot you've seen and dealt with, you know, through the years. This isn't new to you. Yeah, I think you're the hot spot and I think you know things happen. I mean I'll never forget you guys' episodes back. This was last year. What month was that when I was at your house when we did that little investigation with your cousin? What month? It was like November maybe, when I was at your house when we did that little investigation with your cousin.

Speaker 2:

What month. It was like November, maybe I don't know, but it was kind of chilly outside because I remember you had your hoodie. It wasn't in December and you flipped up your hoodie and that's why I was laughing, calling you a thug because you just walked up to that car like nothing. I'm like Melissa, man, it's like 3 in the morning and it's dark as shit.

Speaker 1:

Here you go, run it up on this car, get over here. Yeah, just to recap. Just to recap, you guys, this is real life story and there's so there's three witnesses, including me. So me, teresa and Angela, and we were running spirit boxes. The girls were playing around with equipment, you know, because they wanted to see. You know what was in my little magic box.

Speaker 1:

And we're just sitting on the porch hanging out and the way that this car pulled up, you remember and normally I wouldn't go charge, and I can't believe I went charged at the car. It was like I was drawn to it and you're like what are you doing? And I'm like what is this guy doing? And I I'll never forget I walked up and to the window and he was staring down and then he had facial hair, he had like a goatee. Um, he looked at me and he looked like he just went pure white. He was super confused and he just like drove off randomly. But it was like the way that it happened it. And then we went and remember I went, walked around the block to see the car. The car just disappeared yeah, I remember that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was. That was a crazy night, for sure, and we had a lot of it. That's the same night. We had all that activity too, and we were supposed to go out ghost hunting but something happened. It was just, we were all feeling kind of off so we just decided to sit around on my porch you know, make it a girl's night got a bunch of snacks and we're sitting there just chilling and playing with the equipment and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere here it came, and the way that car turned the corner though, that was a creepy thing. That's not something that usually happens, and I'm a corner house so I see a lot of cars in and out of here, but mostly it's people who live in this neighborhood. I've never seen that car in this neighborhood before and I've lived here about eight years, and I'm not saying that was impossible, but there was something about that car, the way it just came, and it's not like the car. Just I don't know, I can't describe it.

Speaker 1:

It was so weird well, we were getting some action, like we were all like the physical spirit boxes. The apps were running and it said man. And then it said light. When I turned the light on, it said your name Teresa spelled perfectly.

Speaker 2:

It was talking about the car too. A car?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it said ghost car.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and then, next thing you know, here came that car, and the way it came around that corner, though that was not normal.

Speaker 1:

And the way the guy was so confused I mean, he looked, it's like he morphed, you know what I mean? Like like he looked dead, but he didn't look like that before, and then poof, the car's gone and I'm like, uh, even my dog was scared like Rocky he was.

Speaker 2:

Even you weren't even concerned. He yelled at my dog get on the porch. Yeah, because I didn't want enough to him. I'm like, oh my god.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, it was so weird. I just I don't even know like it. Just something told me go look at this guy. But he, he was completely puzzled. I mean he was like lost. It's like he. Maybe he had recently passed away and he was just lost. I don't know, it could be residual because he was in his car. Maybe he was in his car when he died. I wish I could remember what month that was. I want to say it was like November.

Speaker 2:

You know what it could have been, but it was like chilly out and then I remember I passed out on your porch. I didn't even remember falling asleep yeah, I remember that I woke you up and you're like, how long was I sleeping?

Speaker 1:

for um two minutes, yeah and I went to that cemetery in my dream yeah, I was talking to you.

Speaker 2:

Me and Angela were just sitting here talking away and then next thing, you know, I look over and your eyes are closed and you're sleeping. I'm like Melissa, are you okay? You looked at us and then next thing, you know, you jump up and you're like oh man, I'm sorry, how long was I out for?

Speaker 1:

Not very long Two minutes, a whole two minutes. Yeah, that was a weird night.

Speaker 2:

It was, it was. It was a fun night, though I had a blast that night. It was so fun yeah, it was fun. We gotta do that again yeah, I'm glad we didn't end up going out, for whatever reason it was. It was nice just to hang back and, just you know, not have a whole bunch of people around and go to the same spots again.

Speaker 2:

I mean we could just find evidence just sitting on my front porch yeah, yeah definitely, and we weren't even looking for nothing, we were just playing around, just messing around because you had all your equipment, because we were supposed to go ghost hunting. So I mean, it's not like we intentionally said, okay, we're doing this tonight, this it was just like a last minute decision, like, okay, I'm just going to go to the gas station pick up some stuff and stay here because you didn't want to leave me, and that's what happened and that's like one of the best nights I had in a really long time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was fun, we got to do that again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we had a good time. We were laughing. You went live for a little bit. That's the first time I ever got to play with the dousing rods.

Speaker 1:

Well, ask all the kids in your house. We got future paranormal investigators.

Speaker 2:

I think so. I think, oh, my niece wants to know if she can tell another story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's hear it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm going to hand you back over to Vanessa.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Okay, so me, hope and David went downstairs and this is about ghost people in Aunt Teresa's basement oh, so what happened was we took my phone and we turned off the lights, because I don't remember what we were playing, but we were playing something and we turned off the lights and we were taking pictures. You could see this girl. I don't have the pictures anymore because I was so scared. You could see this girl. Oh, it was either on mine or David's, I probably did both, but you could see this outline of a girl. So we flipped back on the lights and we were really scared and then we flipped them back off, took more pictures and you could like see people. Wow, yeah, and you could like see people, like you could see their arms, you could see their hands. But we were so scared we turned back on those lights and we didn't take any more pictures, were they?

Speaker 1:

did they seem to take any more pictures? Were they? Did they seem to be like? Were they younger?

Speaker 3:

honestly, I don't know, because it was dark and all you could see was outlines and like arms, and yeah, there was faces everywhere. Wow, we told you, did you. Can I tell one more? It's really short? Yes, go ahead, tell us. Okay. So we went to the cemetery to me, my mom and my uncle this wasn't with Aunt Teresa and my friend so we went to go take pictures by his grave and didn't I show you those pictures, aunt Teresa, the one with the ghost in it? Yeah, we took pictures and right where the grave was, there was a little face wow, whose grave was this it was my uncle jimmy's mom right here, actually, I'll send you that picture, melissa yeah

Speaker 3:

and um and then and then next to us was a tall figure like on the side no, not next to me, it might have been next in my dad's photo. I think it was with my dad and I was looking at them. I was like, oh, I like these photos because my mom sent them to me. She's like try to find something in here. And I found the little face in the person.

Speaker 1:

Wow, Did that scare you Not really, because we were already home at this point, and once you actually experience those things, it doesn't really bother you as much as it would.

Speaker 3:

What You're very, very wise for your age. Thank you, I can't show it to you.

Speaker 1:

Can David talk? Yes, come on on, david, let's hear you.

Speaker 3:

So you have like a niece or something or you know a nephew. Yes, do they play the PlayStation or the Xbox?

Speaker 1:

Ryder plays PlayStation. Oh, actually, you know what he plays both he's got an Xbox and a PlayStation.

Speaker 3:

You know how you have to push down that little button in order to turn it on. Yes, One time I was in my room. I was just chilling laying down it was at nighttime my PlayStation randomly turned on out of nowhere Did it scare you. No, I just turned it off.

Speaker 1:

You just turned it off. Do you think when you're older you want to go out to do some ghost hunting?

Speaker 3:

Yes, sir. So do you think when you're older you want to go out to go do some ghost hunting?

Speaker 1:

Yes sir, yes sir. And then, david, why don't you tell them how you like all creepy things, all this stuff you got in your room?

Speaker 3:

Oh, how I got it.

Speaker 1:

No like tell them about what you have. You got the um uh.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I got an old toy, an old Ghostbusters toy.

Speaker 1:

What about the hand that you got the hand? Yeah, with the claws coming out.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that one. Did you get rid of that one, Mom? What is it? The Freddy Krueger one? No, I forgot it. Oh, can I see it? Yeah, I still have it. Oh, can I see it? Yeah, I still have it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you like all the blood and guts and stuff. You got all those fake knives for the Halloween costumes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but also I want to add on to what Vanessa said about that basement story.

Speaker 1:

Okay, tell me.

Speaker 3:

So you know how we turned off the light and took pictures. Yeah, there was like something or someone in the roof when we turned on the light.

Speaker 1:

There was nothing there like the roof, like the ceiling in the basement uh-huh the whole.

Speaker 3:

Where the punching bag? Was it the whole?

Speaker 1:

Was it like a dark shadow? Did it scare you?

Speaker 3:

It was like looking at me right, it looked like this. It was looking at me kind of yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow, do you have a feeling who it is?

Speaker 3:

No, no, hmm, wow, do you have a feeling who it is? So you guys like all the scary movies and everything too, don't you? You did.

Speaker 1:

Uh-huh, you think it was Raggedy Ann.

Speaker 3:

I mean she was in the closet but I kept hearing banging on the sunroof.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, like kids are, like, more susceptible to seeing this kind of stuff because you know, as you get older, society tells you it's not real right, but when you're a kid usually is when you see the most.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but no one was downstairs either, though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I believe you. I believe you bud Believe me. That's why we go out and do the stuff we do.

Speaker 3:

I believe you're, that you believe me. Hope, do you want to?

Speaker 1:

go Aw, David, you're so sweet.

Speaker 3:

Hi, hi. Okay, this is Vanessa, because Hope said she don't have one, okay, what else do you got, vanessa? Okay, so it was during December and I was spending the night at Aunt Teresa's and I was sitting on her couch and did she ever tell you about Frank? Yes, yep, I've met Frank.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've caught his hair before he's a very very nice man.

Speaker 3:

I was sitting down on the couch and I realized a Frankenstein in the tree. She still has the Frankenstein. We're packing it, we're bringing it.

Speaker 1:

There was a Frankenstein in the tree.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and um yeah, he died that november and this was the following, and this was december yeah and uh, I was looking at the trailer.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's cute aunt tree. So you got a little frank, you got a little frankenstein in the tree. And she goes what are you talking about? I don't have a frankenstein tree. And I grabbed it and I showed it to her and she's like what the heck and up on um her. You know where she has all the pictures in the little glass. Yeah, frank was dressed up as frankenstein, wow oh, frank was such a sweet man and I and I showed her she's like what the heck yeah?

Speaker 2:

I forgot to tell you that's fair. I'm gonna show you that you, that little Frankenstein, sometime.

Speaker 1:

Aw, frank, see Frank's still watching over the house. Well, maybe Frank's bringing visitors.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, possibly Tell her about that. On WordCamp, my kids will never stop talking now.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're going to have to do another podcast session.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sorry, my husband's going to bed.

Speaker 1:

You guys have to come up with more stories that you guys have, write them down and then come on the podcast and tell us about them.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you should have seen it, melissa. It was the cutest thing in the world. It was so funny. When you told them they could do the podcast, they all three sat down and started writing, story after story after story. They had a whole book going on for you about different stories that they could not wait to do your podcast and talk about. Oh well, I want them to come back on Jacob. Well, actually, vanessa came over to spend the night tonight purposely because the podcast because she wanted to talk on it.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, I want them back on, but you know we got to leave room to talk about you know, so we have more episodes, so we'll have plenty of time to talk on here, you guys.

Speaker 2:

I'm so happy that you all came on. Thank you, you're welcome. Sorry they're trying to fight each other right now.

Speaker 1:

I loved, I loved every single one of them, and you know what.

Speaker 2:

You guys can all listen to this when it, when it's um done hope will listen to it sometimes with me at nighttime when we're laying there and I actually have time to listen to something or some time to myself. I'll try to listen to one of the episodes and she likes them.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's awesome, I got to get them shirts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you have kid fans too out here.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, I want them to come back on very soon, so they'll have to think of some more stuff they want to talk about. It doesn't have to all be paranormal, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Right, but my kids like spooky stuff. I know so nine times out of ten. It's going to be something paranormal that they're going to tell you.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I love it. Bring on more. Yeah, they take after mom for that. Thank God. What's your question?

Speaker 4:

Real quick honey because Go ahead, do you like?

Speaker 1:

pizza. I love pizza, I love pizza. It's my favorite food.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, they're back to fist fighting now.

Speaker 1:

Oh good, Tell them that the winner goes against you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, I'm going to get off here because it's getting very noisy, so All right, well, you guys have fun.

Speaker 1:

Thank you guys for coming on. I can't wait to have you back on again.

Speaker 2:

All right, marla, so I will call you later. All right, and thanks for allowing my kids to be on my podcast.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Let's do more.

Speaker 2:

Thank you everybody, it was nice to be on here again as well.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, guys. We'll talk to you soon, all right, Bye.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, you guys. So while Teresa was telling me this story today, she wanted to tell me first, before the kids hopped on here. But this reminded me of a story that I seen on TikTok last year and I'm going to play it for you, and it does hold to be true. So, and after I told Teresa about the story, she was like my god, that's like what happened at my well, it didn't happen at her house, but the woman, this like random spirit woman that showed up and, um, this story is about an uninvited guest.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so I'm gonna play this for you guys this is why you have to be careful who you let into your Halloween parties. So this is a photo of who police believed was a guest at a Halloween party in Rochester, new York, in the 1940s.

Speaker 1:

The party was being thrown by Jack and Amelia Leighton, and they actually noticed that this guest was outside of the party watching the guest through a window.

Speaker 4:

The report claims that Amelia believed the guest was her friend Jan, who tended to go above and beyond for Halloween, creating very scary costumes. So she let this person in believing it was her friend Jan. But then 20 minutes later Jan shows up and that guest could not be found anywhere. So Amelia starts running around the party asking everyone if they knew who that guest was, and no one had recognized that person. So she goes into her daughter's room, who was playing while the party was happening, and the police report states that the only thing there left of Amelia's daughter was a bloody shoe. Four other reports of this guest being at parties that night were called into police and all of them resulted in missing children's cases. The identity of this person has never been found and none of the kids have been found either. This is why you have to be.

Speaker 1:

All right, you guys. So that's a creepy little story to add on to what Teresa and the kids were talking about, but that's all for tonight. Thank you guys for listening. You know how to get a hold of me on the actual Buzzsprout's site. You can go to fan mail and you can actually text me. You can go to fan mail and you can actually text me. You can find me on TikTok under strange, strange band insane. You can also email me at ghostsisters2124 at gmail. All right, you guys, stay tuned for more. Thank you you.

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