Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Surreal Journeys Through Dreamscapes and Spiritual Connections


Have you ever wondered if your dreams hold deeper meanings beyond the bizarre and surreal? Join me, Melissa, your host of "Strange, Strange Beyond Insane," as we unlock the secrets hidden within your nocturnal visions. This episode takes you through a labyrinth of dream symbolism, starting with the intriguing concept of receiving gifts in dreams. Discover what these dream gifts might reveal about your personal growth, achievements, and self-worth. I'll share my own vivid experiences, like the emotional encounter with my grandmother urging me to wake up and seize the day, and a dream where I magically improved my drumming skills, reflecting my real-life aspirations.

But that's not all. Prepare for a surreal journey where shape-shifting wolves and coyotes lead to profound spiritual insights and reflections on significant life events. From an unexpected visit by Aunt Connie triggering memories of past dreams and real-life injuries to an emotional dream encounter with my late mother, we'll explore the possibility that dreams might be portals to different realms. Plus, I'll share how some of my childhood predictions about societal shifts have astonishingly come true, from cultural trends to mainstream discussions about the afterlife and UFOs. Tune in to uncover how these once-taboo topics have become part of our everyday lives and what it all means for your waking world.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, it's your host, melissa at Strange, strange Beyond Insane. So we have a lot to catch up on and you know, of course I always take a little siesta, a little break in between episodes. But this episode is about dreams, their meanings and receiving gifts in your dreams. So dreams about receiving gifts are actually quite common. These dreams can symbolize various aspects of your life, from personal growth and achievements to relationships and self-worth. As we dive into the possible meanings behind these dreams and what they might signify for you on a deeper level, I have had some crazy dreams. What's new? I'm not dreaming often like I normally do, but I'd say I'm having very vivid dreams, probably twice a month, that I can remember All right.

Speaker 1:

So the personal growth and achievements part, so dreaming about receiving gifts can represent the recognition of your personal growth and achievements in real life. These could be material rewards or simply acknowledgement from others for the hard work you've put into something. In some cases, it may indicate that you need to give yourself more credit for your accomplishments rather than seeking validation from external sources than seeking validation from external sources. So self-worth and confidence is another interpretation of you know. This dream that you have about that or something like that could signify a need for self-validation and increased confidence. The act of receiving gifts in your dreams might symbolize the recognition you desire from others but may not be receiving in the waking life. This could serve as a reminder that true happiness comes from within and that you shouldn't rely solely on external affirmation to feel good about yourself. Okay, moving on so, symbolism of abundance and prosperity. Dreams involving gifts can often symbolize abundance and prosperity in different aspects of your life. It could represent an upcoming period of wealth or success, perhaps related to career advancements or financial gains. Alternatively, it may signify that you are already experiencing a sense of abundance in areas like love, health or personal fulfillment. Okay, so unexpected blessings. I really like this part.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, dreams about receiving gifts can indicate that good things are on their way to you unexpectedly. This could be anything from sudden windfalls to meeting the right person at the right time. The key here is to stay open-minded and receptive to these positive surprises when they do arrive. Another one that is very common is overcoming fears or challenges in your dreams. In some cases, dreams of receiving gifts might symbolize overcoming fears or challenges in the waking life. If you've recently faced a difficult situation, dreaming about getting a gift could represent your ability to rise above it all and come out stronger on the other side. No-transcript. So, in conclusion, dreaming about receiving gifts can hold various meanings based on the context and personal interpretation. It's essential to consider how these dreams relate to your current life situation and feelings at that moment. By doing so, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the message behind this common dream and possibly gain insight into areas of your life where growth or change might be necessary.

Speaker 1:

So, the first dream that I actually want to share with you guys when Paula and I first moved into this house, it was in 2012. God, I can't believe it's been that long. It was in 2012. God, I can't believe it's been that long. Um, I know my mom had just passed away and I was still working at Vantast exams and I had just I can't remember if I was telling him or someone else that I had not had a dream of my grandma in a long time.

Speaker 1:

My grandma passed away when I was 12. And so, anyways, um, I was struggling at work, obviously with my mom being gone, and I had gotten written up, um, cause I was, you know, younger, um, being late, you know, tardy to work, like always, and, um, I had had this dream. It was so weird. I it was me seeing myself sleeping and I hear my grandma's voice and I don't see her and she's like Melissa Ann, you know, grandma is telling you you need to wake up, you need to wake up, you need to go to work. And I kept like, I know my grandma's voice. Right, that's something that you never forget. It doesn't matter how young you are when someone passes, I mean, unless you're like three or four, you know. But I was 12 and I was literally like my grandma's right hand, right or right arm, if you will. So I was with her a lot and, um, anyways, the weirdest thing was is that, again, I did not see her, but I kept hearing her voice and I'm like walking around the front room, like looking at myself, and all of a sudden I hear the back door open into the garage and she said she, I can't remember where I ended, like where it was, but she told me exactly where my toothbrush was. And I woke up, went straight to my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth and I like just realized I was like holy shit, my grandma just came into my dream and woke me up to tell me, like, get the fuck up and go to work, like you cannot be late, all right.

Speaker 1:

So the most recent dream this is Well, this isn't the most recent, but this is about receiving a gift. So this was during the winter and I believe it was in. I want to say it was like the end of or, I'm sorry, the end of, december, early January. So this is where I definitely received a gift. I was actually just telling my coworker about this a couple of weeks ago and she was like, wow, you know, you, you got to have a gift in your dream, all right.

Speaker 1:

So, um, I was basically it's about achieving a transition on my drum set, that um, basically being able to play at the same time. You know, obviously I'm right hand dominant, so, um, it's about playing right and left and transitioning onto the different pads. So the dream was in my basement and I could only see my hands on the drum set. There was a cloudy haze through the area and I was literally transitioning perfectly and swiftly with no issues. Then, boom, I woke up because the beats that I was like playing in my dream they literally were loud enough to wake me up.

Speaker 1:

So this was just after 3 am which is kind of weird because it's witching hour, right, and it's like again, like the toothbrush, and I literally woke up. I ran down the basement stairs I was still half asleep and I turned on my set and my amp and I tried it out asleep. And I turned on my set and my amp and I tried it out and I literally could not believe that I could achieve this after all these years of being so frustrated that I never could do. I mean, I would get so pissed off. You know that I couldn't play with both hands and transition those beats, you know.

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So the next night I was banging on my drums while my husband you know he's just sitting upstairs quietly, you know, playing on his guitar, because I wanted to kind of test him out and see if he could hear me and I mean the beats were just flowing smoothly and I mean I'm just like a cat in a candy shop, right, I mean it's a small things in life. It definitely did not take him long to run down and he mentioned he was like wow, that sounds awesome, it. It's really clean, like I've never heard you consistently play like that, you know, with the beats. So I basically told him about my dream the night before and he just replied with how awesome of a gift that was to visual, visualize it while sleeping and to hear it, you know, and that's what woke me up. So, just like again, to some this may be a small gain, um, or even far fetch, but this for me was a sign from the universe and I still feel very grateful. Like it took me a long time to be able to do that. Okay, so now my my next.

Speaker 1:

This is a dream that just happened, um, maybe about two and a half weeks ago. Okay, so recently I had quite the vivid dream of a strange but beautiful scenario. I'm walking through an underpass of a freeway with endless overpasses above me and cars zooming from all directions. I'm greeted by a middle-aged man that I've never seen, with a hat on, and he literally came out of nowhere. He says miss, I choose carefully where you walk because there's a lot of mean dogs around, and I thought mean dogs. And again I'm dreaming this. So I continue to ignore this guy and I I just walk forward. I'm like whatever right.

Speaker 1:

I glance up and I see what looks like huge wolves standing and staring at me like I'm a piece of raw meat, but weirdly I was not bothered or scared. As I approached them closer, they seemed to shrink and look more like coyotes. Some of them appeared to to be young, some old, some bigger and some were even smaller. None of them in this dream were trying to harm me at all. Some were coming right up to my face and howling, and I even started rolling around on the ground with them and playing like I would my dogs at home. But I do remember one of these creatures so clearly because the closer I got to it it started to morph Its face, the fur, the size, everything. It actually reminded me of the dog in the Never Ending Story movie. Now, that's a blast from the past that I haven't thought about in a very long time. The Never Ending Story, oh my goodness.

Speaker 1:

So now here's where the dream takes a strange and almost scary turn. I'm now in some type of flat that I don't recognize and there's a knock at the door. I'm watching myself go answer the stranger's door because again I have no idea whose place I'm in, and my aunt connie appears and says hi, honey, did I wake you up? I shoot up from the couch, not even remembering that I laid down for a nap and my phone makes a fart noise. Lol, it happens to be my notification sound Again. I talked about that on last episode. My notification on my phone is funny. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So I see that I have a ring alert. You know the ring app with your ring camera, so I open it up. No shit, it says there that there was a coyote spotted at a nearby park, about three miles from my house, and I do have a screenshot of this. Everyone I promise I am not making this up. I about peeled over like what are the chances of this?

Speaker 1:

I ran out to the garage and opened the door. My heart was beating through my chest fast and I was waiting for this coyote to walk up to me. As I finally came to it, I felt this urgent, sad and almost, I guess, scared feeling. So I sat down for a moment and got myself together and proceeded to make a cup of coffee. As I sat in silence, I tried to make sense of all this. Of course, I began researching this dream meaning. So basically, there's multiple explanations. The most common sense one is danger could be near or approaching. Also, dreaming this can remind you to use your mistakes as learning experiences to enjoy the good things in life and that you need to learn to adapt. Interesting that I also read on the god. Now help me out with this, hugh.

Speaker 1:

Hugh Coyote can be represented by the coyote or share many characteristics with the trickster coyote of North American tribes, including storytelling and choral singing like Aztec deities, I think, singing like Aztec deities. I think this god is also known to be dualistic in his exercise of good and evil and was perceived as a balanced god. Dreaming of a coyote could mean that it is your true spirit animal and it teaches you deep truths about yourself. The coyote teaches you to be brave, adaptable, cunning and to follow your own path. Seeing coyotes in your dreams also signifies aggression, fear, power and to look out for potential danger but also remain vigilant. A coyote in a dream can also symbolize a reminder to seek guidance both from the physical and the spiritual realms. Somehow a lot of my dreams are tied together.

Speaker 1:

After I burned myself in a grease fire years back at our house, I was pretty much on house arrest. It felt like I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't do anything because I was at high risk for infection, and anyone that's been burned or knows about burns you know. You know this. I had many signs and even blessings that night of the fire and even after, but one particular afternoon I fell asleep and dreamt of being at my aunt Connie's and my uncle Bob's house. My mom had already passed away at this point, but I kept hearing her contagious laugh from afar. That's kind of makes me sad. Um, I'm like visualizing this dream again. And but anyways, um, aunt Connie was just staring at me and she was asking me what was wrong. I was crying in my dream and I just kept saying I didn't want anyone to know that I accidentally started a fire at our house because I was embarrassed. It was totally my fault, by by the way. Luckily, everybody's okay, we're all alive and the house is still standing. I was trying to walk closer to her, but I couldn't. Then I see my mom appear behind her and she started to walk out in front of her and she said to me Melissa Ann, let Aunt Connie help you and stop trying to go back to work. You're hurt very badly and that you need to rest. Shortly after I woke up and, boom, my Aunt Connie is calling me. Of course I'm getting a little choked up, because that was a really cool dream. I wish I could put it into your, all of your brains, to like visualize it. It was definitely real, I know it was. It was not just like hey, I'm just like having these thoughts right while I sleep because my Aunt, connie, literally called me. So of course I'm explaining to her and my uncle what happened. But in reality my mom must have sent my aunt a sign to call and check up on me.

Speaker 1:

My lucid dreams are always factual in some way. There are so many vivid dreams that I've had over the years, since I was little, that always held true. My mother must have known, because she was always buying me dream books when I was younger, from the book fairs and even her school that she taught at. I often think about this theory a lot now that I'm growing older. What if our dreams aren't dreams at all and they're different portals that we slip in and out of? What if our loved ones aren't dead but living through another time and space? All the what ifs and unexplained. But one day, as technology advances, we will be blessed with much more insight and maybe even answers into the other side and our dreams.

Speaker 1:

I hope I live long enough to see these studies successfully pan out, although it wasn't that long ago when I would jokingly get nagged at by my girlfriends for riding my brother's boy trick bike, I replied one day that it will be cool to do this and that they will make girl boy bikes.

Speaker 1:

And guess what it held true Swear to you, swear on anything. I used to tell them it would be cool and it will be in one day for girls to have girl boy bikes. And it happened. Or, like how I've mentioned before, how my mom would be so scared and weirded out with how obsessed I was with the afterlife and aliens and UFOs. I also used to reply with well, mom, you know, one of these days it will be, it will all hold truth and you and everyone will see that it will be normal to talk about these subjects at the dinner table and people won't fear death or the unknown anymore. Well, here we are in a whole different world and mindset. Who knows, maybe I dreamt of some future plans back when I was younger and that's why I always talked about strange deranged beyond insane. But anyways, you guys, that is all for this episode. Thank you all for listening and stay tuned for many, many more.

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