Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

EVP Echoes and Apparitions in the Indiana Masonic Lodge Shadows With Dawn Founder of Ghost Whisperers


Step into the shadowy realm of the paranormal with us, as Dawn Martin of the Ghost Whispers team guides us through spine-tingling investigations and spectral encounters. Joined by this fiery leader, we traverse the haunting world beyond Michigan, delving into the chilling tales of the Haunted Masonic Lodge in Indiana. Feel your pulse quicken as we recount intelligent hauntings and EVP recordings that might just convince you of the unseen. 

This episode isn't just a series of ghost stories; it's a trip through time where the echoes of the Civil War era reverberate in our modern-day quest to connect with the other side. From the storied Brookston Masonic Lodge with its historic ties to Adela Bostic, to the intelligent spirits that interact with our team, we're peeling back the layers of the past. Join us as we share an inside look into our paranormal encounters, the startling clarity of EVP captures, and our dedication to respecting the legacy of these hallowed grounds.

As we wrap up, we dive into the more unnerving aspects of our investigations, sharing experiences with shadowy figures and inexplicable hostility that challenge even the bravest soul. But it's not all bumps in the night; we also explore the collaborative side of these investigations, the balance between the intrigue of the unknown and the solemn duty to preserve history. Our journey reveals the importance of our work in documenting these tales, ensuring the whispers of yesteryear are not lost to the silence of forgotten memories. Tune in to our latest episode for a truly paranormal experience with Dawn and the Ghost Whispers team that will leave you both enlightened and looking over your shoulder.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening everyone. It's your host, melissa at Strange, strange Beyond and Sane, and tonight I have a co-host with me the best, my favorite, redhead. Go ahead, hello.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone.

Speaker 1:

And go ahead and tell them your name.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I am Dawn Martin. I am the owner of the team the Ghost Whispers here in Southeast Michigan, but we are a more traveling team, always going out on spooky adventures out of state. We have been together for a few years. We were another team and our owner of the team had just moved out of state. So I took over this team and I added on to it and I felt a really great team that will go out and do these crazy adventures and experiments with me and not question me. And we have been digging and diving into some great things this year and been very busy ever since.

Speaker 1:

Awesome Dawn. Can you say one more time about the owner of your group? I think my mic cut out so I don't know for sure, but I want to make sure people hear that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, we were on another team called High Heels and Hauntings and our owner of our team, Michelle, just was leaving state, moving to Florida. So I took over the team that we were on and just formed a new team out of it. We added a few more members and we became the Ghost Whispers and we've been a team now for a year and a half as the Ghost Whispers, but we've been together for three years investigating as a team.

Speaker 1:

Can you let them know on your social media what they can find you on, because Dawn has some really cool merch. I still need to get a shirt from you, but go ahead and tell them everything that you're on and like your name, so that they can find you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we're the Ghost Whispers on Facebook or you can follow me for Dawn Martin on Facebook. I post a lot of my stuff on my personal page. Also. I'm on Instagram as MyPastories and theghostwhispers on Instagram. We're also on TikTok as dawnmartin, myparastories and theghostwhispers. I share all of my more spookier my EVPs. I'll put on TikTok versus Facebook. It's easier to upload my videos there and we just started a new YouTube page and putting up longer videos and things that we don't share on other places. Cool, so it's Ghost Whispers over on YouTube, Cool.

Speaker 1:

So it's the Ghost Whispers over on YouTube. Yeah, you guys, dawn. I met Dawn back at Eloise when it was in its original form.

Speaker 1:

I'll say Well most original in modern time, let's say, and that was in, was that 2018 that I met you? Yes, yes, dawn was cool right from the get. You know she's got. We, her and I were just chatting before we hopped on here and, of course, you know we could probably talk for 25 hours and you know, squirrel moments, anything fun, ghosts related, alien conspiracy, whatever, um, but you guys, dawn has like mega amount of passion for this field and, um, without saying too much, too much um, because I don't want to really talk too much like details about this location that she found um, actually, the person came to you right like on tiktok so I actually found out about our new location.

Speaker 2:

I can talk about it now that I have an agreement with the owner. It's free, we're all good. I have something set up now. We've named it the Haunted Masonic Lodge. It's in Brookston, indiana.

Speaker 2:

We found out from one of our followers over in Japan and I was contacted by another follower in the UK. They said there's this great location. He's asking for teams to come out there. He believes it's haunted and nobody's going out there. And I'm like, all right, well, that sounds weird. I know there's a lot of Indiana teams. I was curious why nobody was finding him. But he had did a personal TikTok page and they came across it. So I contacted him. Really great guy. His name is Mac. I talked to him on a Tuesday. I went out there on a Saturday Tuesday. I went out there on a Saturday. I knew that one guy came in there before I did a paranormal investigation. He stayed for about four hours. The owner was with him the whole time. So we were the first team to go in, stay the night and start collecting mounds of evidence like we have.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, you guys. Dawn is so fucking deep in this place, okay, this place. You know, there's certain locations that speak to you without words, right, if that makes sense. This location has just called Dawn. I mean, we were there, christina and I went there one night. Dawn invited us out and the mega response is intelligent. I mean, just over and over, just crazy amount of names. And they kept calling Dawn on my UK spirit box Adela. Because I would point at Dawn, I'd say name, and they'd say Adela, adela, adela. And would point at Donna, I'd say name and they'd say Adela, adela, adela.

Speaker 2:

and I was like no, that's not Adela what was crazy was the night that you were with us and it was calling me Adela. We were able to get a last name for Adela for Bostic. So once we got the name Adela Bostic we thought let's Google this. There's no way that we're going to make the connection, but we're still going to see if we can find a death for her, and we were. We were able to find out that Adela Bostic was one of the leading members at this lodge for the order of the eastern star. She was also one of the founding members of the town when it first became a town. So it was great connections. And then we were able to contact her husband, joseph, and he was one of the grandmasters of the lodge when it first opened. And then we went a step further and found their grave, and that was like a full circle moment for me confirmation.

Speaker 1:

Yep, now we did do a podcast episode on this place. Um, I did get get dawn's permission, and you know ron, and um dor too, because you know they were going to be on there. Just, you know, we were chatting when that scream of yours happened.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, with the big growl in my face, yeah, yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead. I was just going to say before we go on with that, because I want you to talk all about it if you want. You know, like whatever you want to say about it. But yeah, maybe can you give our listeners like a recap of like, um, like the gist of the history of this place yes, so the haunted masonic lodge was built in 1848 over in pittsburgh, indiana.

Speaker 2:

Then it was moved to Brookston, indiana, for the purpose of the lodge in 1856. It became lodge number 66. It belonged to the city there. They built this city around a railroad track which the lodge sits right in front of. So the first townspeople were all members of this lodge and conveniently, this lodge was there for two wars. I mean not close by, but in this town just right within five miles miles. There was a war of 1812, but the battle that was there was in 1813 and that was known as our indian war. Um, and then we had the civil war that was fought there. So we're getting a lot of these soldiers and time period people coming through.

Speaker 1:

That's insane. Now, when was I'm sorry again the Masonic Lodge there in Brookston? When was that established? What year?

Speaker 2:

1856 is when it became the lodge for Brookston Wow, brookston wow, and it served as a lodge for many, many years. Um, after it quit being a lodge, it became a storage place for a paper factory, and they literally just stored newspapers in there until the current owners bought it for an appliance business. So it's a place that sat empty since it was a lodge for many years. But it served as a lodge for over 200 years.

Speaker 1:

Wow For the Freemasons right?

Speaker 2:

Yes, for the Freemasons and the Order of the Eastern Star, what's that? And that would have been what's that? One? That would have been the wives of the Masons. They had their own order there, so they, they had their own rituals and it was just like their husbands. It was very secretive, but they had their own purpose there. Also, just not in the ballroom area, oh.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know that. The women yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was something I've been covering more and more in our research. So that's where Adela comes back into the picture. She was one of the first women to establish this for the women there. She was the leader for them, wow, yeah, so it just made a lot of sense. Yeah, and we are covering more and more bigger things about the lodge, covering more and more bigger things about the lodge.

Speaker 2:

I don't have solid proof to back up every single theory I have yet, so I won't even go into what my ghosts are saying to me, but we are getting a lot of Civil War era responses. I just got an EVP the other day that said something about the re. It's either die, the republicans die, or die to the republic, which would have fit into the time period of the civil war where they were. It was very political then. Wow, and you know as well as I do, I think it's a residual haunting between the hours of 2 and 5 am. Yes, we're hearing a lot of conversations. Yes, and I think that's what we got on a recording. Yep was part of that.

Speaker 1:

You that you know I'm gonna, um, I'm gonna come in here really quick and say this. So when we got there, christina and I, um, of course we got there late, what's new? Um, I was fighting the stomach flu. I mean it was. It was, I wasn't contagious, but I was still having like the issues. Afterwards. We don't got to get into that, but anyways, um, the soon as we walked, like we pulled up to the place and I'm like, oh, this is cool. Soon as we walked in there, I was just like I don't. It was like wow, okay. And then we, we got to talking to Ron. Um, doris and Dawn and Ron was playing some recordings. That's on that, um, recording that I have. I have done that.

Speaker 1:

I played on that last episode. Yes, dawn had went to go see because we were hearing like mumbling, like talking. At first I didn't hear it. Dawn heard it, christina heard it, I think Doris heard it. Me and Ron were like, oh, we didn't hear it. And then right, and then you left. You and Ron were like, eh, we didn't hear it. And then right, and then you left.

Speaker 1:

You went through the door. Oh, the door slammed. We heard a door slam and then Dawn went to go check it out or go see if her kitty was over. You know the cat that rolls through there. You'll have to tell them about that. And then we hear Dawn scream and I didn't hear it until, I think, three or four times. I played it back. But where I'm getting at this place is that all the recordings that I had got from there. It's like when Dawn would talk, a disembodied voice was like talking with her, and as soon as she was done, like that, that voice was done and if you listen to it, like not so much with Doris and then like not so much with Ron or me or Christina. But now, when Ron was snoring, sleeping, because you know all men snore, I snore too. If you listen to those, I gotta still send those to you. I have them as a lodge, or did I send them?

Speaker 2:

You might have, but I didn't put them in my file that I keep them in. I did hear them on the podcast and it's almost like you can hear because we'll put in there full disclosure. We had a heater going because it was freezing cold. You went with me on my second time ever out there, so it was still fresh, brand new. We were still uncovering everything and, even though we could hear the heater, you could hear the talking.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, in that clip. That's where I was getting it, because respectfully, I'm going to say this, respectfully put it in the universe, because you guys are going back there a lot. Those fuckers there are extremely, extremely intelligent and they are very timed. They are very timed that is one thing I I noticed going still back through these recordings. They would talk while Ron's snoring and then they would stop. They would actually use some of the noise to like talk. Well, then you hear these footsteps. Now I kept telling my husband because I was playing them out loud one night and he was like that's fucking freaky and I'm like right, and then I was like oh, that makes sense, because those dudes were probably like in dress shoes or something. But now that you say with the women, because that was downstairs, I'm like, because I kept saying that I felt like I heard heels, like a lot of heels.

Speaker 2:

And that makes sense because that one recording I have you can hear something walking up on my teammate, ron, and then you can hear the talking. So we have another EVP that I didn't post yet because I'm still listening to it over and over to get the wording right, but it sounds like gonna get you, gonna get you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I think that they this might sound weird coming from me, but like I'm just, I'm just going to put it out there yeah, I think they like all your teammates, I think they they're probably entertaining people coming right. But from what I've heard and seen, and like everything that you've like sent to me, I feel like they're very possessive with you. So I don't know what the connection is and that's why I told you I come out. When is that June? When are you guys going? June 1st, june 1st. You know I'll help you. We are. I just want to take videos and recordings of you and, like you know, ron and Doris too, but I really want to to help you like figure out what your connection is there, because I don't even you don't know yet. But is something there, someone, a number of spirit, I don't know, like it's like they just it was like destined for you to be at this place, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean you're drawn to it right, um, also circling back to the Adela story. With you being there, adela was we believe it was her using my voice to come through your spirit box with my voice. Yes, and that is something that everybody there heard, and I think we got that on a video too, and I got that saved because we were like that's your voice and that is something that continues to happen every time.

Speaker 1:

Now do you want to tell them how you have equipment missing all the time?

Speaker 2:

Every time I go there I, like any investigator, we have our bags, we know what we're bringing. Um, some of us have cases where they have slots. I have a couple cases and I got a backpack because I like to be mobile with it, so I make sure all of my equipment is in my case. There ain't no missing spots. I will double check that place. Everybody walks through at the end make sure that their equipment's gathered and we are turning off lights. By the time I get home there is always something left behind.

Speaker 2:

So, whether it be while I was there, one time my AirPods Apple AirPods came up missing off of the desk. I had them laying on top of my Ouija board, but they came up missing and it wasn't until three days later they were found underneath the desk in plain sight. Another thing was a pair of wired headphones. There's a very large loft attic with I don't know like a 30 foot extended ladder. I'm afraid of heights. I would have never went up there, but my headphones were up there and my last time, two k2 meters were found in the basement and a rem pod.

Speaker 2:

I'm I'm not a this basement. It's not somewhere. I would have went down there and left my equipment on purpose, because I wouldn't have wanted to go back and retrieve it alone. So I know I didn't bring it down there and I know we didn't investigate that place that night either. So it's things like that that they do take. And I told Melissa when you come out, bring minimal, bring what you know you're going to use, because they take your stuff. And then you've got to wait until you go back out there, and it's a four-hour trip. We're going to Indiana for Michigan. It's not like I can just turn around and go back.

Speaker 1:

I don't think we have any. I don't think any of us are going to have issues. I think the issue is with you, because they want you to stay. Yeah, I do feel that I think, and they want you to have a reason to always come back. Do you know if you had any family in Indiana?

Speaker 2:

I asked my dad about this today because my family is all from either Canada or West Virginia, and he said absolutely not. When they started leaving West Virginia they went to Michigan. That was it. So I mean, and there's nothing. We don't have Indian ties in my family. They walk the trail, tears part of it and their hillbillies from the West Virginia mountains. We just didn't have no Indiana ties or nothing that I can find. Yet Hmm.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but I'm still working on it. There's something. I don't know if it's like your third eye, they spoke to you through that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know I have a few theories and one of them because the night and I feel like you could verify this the night that, because my first night was a preliminary I did investigating, but I really only investigated two areas of the lodge. I really only investigated two areas of the lodge. I knew it was way haunted. I knew my team had to go out here. I knew I wanted you to come out there and see what I was seeing, because it was unbelievable things. I was getting unimaginable things. I made a little list of things we do get but when we went there with you it was like they were standing in line waiting their turn to tell us their name. Because we ended up with a list and still to this day I use that list because each one of those spirits come through and talk to us.

Speaker 1:

So we have we've made contact for 15 different spirits that will speak with us constantly. What did they?

Speaker 2:

keep calling ron david, right? Was it david they were calling?

Speaker 1:

I cannot remember I think it was david I haven't they referred to him. It was a few things so I mean the night that we were there in the basement, because I'd point to Ron, I'd say what's his name.

Speaker 2:

I think they named it quite a bit and I wish I would have remembered that some of the times, but we didn't. And it's oddly. But we get children that are there. I'm not going to give my theories on that on the podcast. I don't mind telling you them. But until we can Definitely solve that puzzle, we can't. I'm not speculating on it Without evidence to back it.

Speaker 2:

But there's a little boy named Benjamin that comes through all the time and there's a little girl there Named Emma, and they, they will talk to you until a spirit name that calls itself the One comes into the room. Everybody scatters because he doesn't let anybody else speak. He's very direct, very mean. He is one that will give you poltergeist activity, will slam a door in your face or open a door, and these doors aren't easy to open. I mean you really, it's an old building, you have to twist them. But the only time I've ever made contact with a spirit that called itself the one was at Broadwell funeral home. So it's an interesting little link, I'm like. Is there spirits out there that refer to themselves as the one?

Speaker 2:

oh, kind of like the chosen one maybe yeah, but then it makes me think masonic, because they're the grand master or something like that, or a higher degree wow we also got a masonic knock, evp the last. Yeah, I got a lot of that it freaked me out, the three knocks.

Speaker 1:

And then christina sent me a video about that. I was like holy fuck.

Speaker 2:

We get that quite a bit there, so we do.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to lie, dawn. That freaks me out a little bit, because the reason for that being is that you have to. They normally say in spirit world. Now, this is just. You know me talking out of my ass, from what I've seen and heard, that you normally have to say you know me talking out of my ass, from what I've seen and heard, that you normally have to say you know what I welcome, you, go ahead, come on in. Or you say, hey, spirits, I want to communicate, come on in. Nobody said it. One thing I try to do, like if I'm somewhere, I really try to say spirit world, please. You know the outsiders, please don't come in. Right, I'm trying to communicate with the inside right now. And we were all sleeping. So then you heard this creaky door open and you hear the walking, and it's very, very precise walking like, almost like military, and that fucking freaked me out, like I'm not going to lie. That put shivers up my spine. It made my butthole clench.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I was like, oh shit it gets you after midnight in such a fear mode like you get such an anxiety over you when the one comes through and that's his time of the night and it's like an energy shift and it's more scary. The answers to the questions are more, more evil-ish, I guess, um more poltergeist activity. Your evps are just so plentiful there. I've never captured so many clear evps where people are asking me what software are you using? I'm not using nothing. I'm giving you the raw footage. There's no edits to this right. It's just right off of my phone. I'm sorry I don't have this fancy equipment going, but this is me, my authentic. That's what I got.

Speaker 2:

Also, the disembodied voices I know you've also heard um. We hear a woman talking a lot and we've actually captured her saying um, is anybody here? We were sitting at the desk and it was so clear I thought somebody was coming in for the owner and I looked up and I was like yeah, and there was nobody. And I looked up and I was like yeah, and there was nobody. So then I was like, oh my God, did we get that on video? And we did.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm so pissed that me or Christina weren't recording, so you were. You and Doris got your beds ready, or your bed ready. You guys are so cute, actually you guys. Dawn taught me this really quick. Let's put this out there.

Speaker 2:

If you're sleeping on on an air mattress, go ahead and tell them your little trick to stay warm and cozy you put you an electric blanket down on it and you lay on your electric blanket or a thick blanket, because that is going to warm up the air in your mattress and even in the winter time you're not going to freeze dawn time.

Speaker 1:

So I lived and I learned so next time I know now because dawn told me but, um, dawn, and doors were making out their cute little bed, and then I think ron was putting up his cot and I can't, I'm trying to like think details. You know me, um squirrel brain. Um, anyways, I, oh, harry Sack and I were in the hallway um shooting the shit, you know, and we were um just hanging out and, oh my god, dawn, do you remember? So there were three loud bangs on that back door going outside, and I'm like, and I heard, heard, I heard your voice, I heard your fucking voice. And it said, she said it, she, whatever, hey, um, it was your voice said, hey, get out here, help.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, oh my God, and me and Christina get up and we're like fuck, dawn probably got locked out. So we like run back there and Christina's like I don't have have a good feeling, I don't know if you should open that. I'm like no, I'm like it's fucking done. And I open up the door, nothing. And I was like, oh, my fucking god, I closed the door, I locked it and I we, me and Christina both remember how we jolted back through and I'm like done, are you okay? And you're like yeah, what are you talking about? Because you I think you just took your um sleeping medication because Christina's got to take her sleeping pill too, or she won't sleep.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like you weren't just outside in the back and you're like, no, I'm like seriously. And you're like, no, I was indoors, was like, no, we're hanging out. And I'm like, oh my God, and I wish I would have had that recorded. Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

And that kind of stuff happens every single time. But the same night you, christina and Ron went to the basement. Yes, and it was about 3, 34 in the morning. Doris and I were taking a break. We were laying on the bed, just laying there. We were hearing all this noise out of the ballroom above our heads. It sounded like furniture, like somebody was dragging the radio across the floor and we're like, well, that's rude. They know we're down here trying to sleep. Why are they just moving this on purpose? They know it's right above our head. And then for us to watch you come out of the basement, I mean, it made me an instant sick to my stomach. I'm like you're not upstairs and I got the chills right now.

Speaker 1:

I remember that. Wouldn't that been funny if you had doors?

Speaker 2:

booking it upstairs to go and see, because it was just so shocking to see you walk from the basement when that was just happening above our heads. And where you walk from the basement is a good 50 feet from where I was laying and where the noise was above me, so there was no way that the stairways don't even line up with each other.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right, Because you texted Ronon and ron read the text and I'm like, oh my god, we're being too loud. And then I was like, wait, we're not fucking upstairs though. And then wouldn't that be funny if you and like little doris would have went ninja style and beat the shit out of us and we would have been like dude, we really didn't do it.

Speaker 2:

So another thing that happens there is the spirits like to use you to speak through. I'm calling it a body jump. I believe I was there.

Speaker 1:

Hostility. Did you experience that? Yes, twice.

Speaker 2:

Yes, ma'am, so the night with you and Christina. When I screamed, what are you going to do? Get out the fucking holy water, and I'm like, oh my God, why would I say that?

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, Tell them, that was not me. Tell them when she did that, doris put holy water, did the cross, the holy cross on her forehead, and tell them what happened after.

Speaker 2:

After that it burned a cross into my forehead and we were able to video. Well, I don't know if we got it on video, but I do know we got pictures. I believe it's on video too.

Speaker 1:

I got pictures, I didn't get video.

Speaker 2:

So I do know that we documented that experience. And there was another time my team went out there. It was during the solar eclipse and that was the same night. My headphones ended up in that attic. It was a lot of. My team loves each other more than anything, but it was so much anger filled in the air. We all left at two in the air. We all left at two in the morning.

Speaker 1:

So I mean Hostility baby. That's the first. That's what they do to you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it was wild. Doris out of nowhere just felt a rage and she's the sweetest little dumpling you're ever going to meet. So that night I called her my little spicy Dorito. I'm like, oh it was. It was more from the spirits doing it than us. I love doris she's so cute.

Speaker 1:

You know what, though? You guys do not underestimate doris, because big things come in small packages.

Speaker 2:

She's packing a punch she packs, she holds her own. Yes, you won't stomp all over her no good for doors.

Speaker 2:

God bless her other things that we've been seeing. There are black masses, um, we've been. The last few times we went we've seen a couple shadow people now, um, the doors that open in front of your face close the Masonic knocks, disembodied voices. We recently, on our last visit, I was using dowsing rods and you could feel something touching my thumbs, like pushing on my thumbs, but the spirit was taking my one dowsing rod, spinning it so hard that you could hear the metal grinding in it and I'm like whoa, and then make it stop on a dime and it was wild. We got it on video. I document everything now. Right after that happened to me now, um, right after that happened to me, it went over, pulled doris's hair and then ron got a tug on his shirt. So all of that happened during that.

Speaker 2:

There is a spot in the basement and you can verify this also as soon as you walk down the basement stairs. Every woman that has been there has been attacked in this spot and I don't know if I told you, but the owner's wife. She never goes to the building. She investigated with me the last time. I was there until about 9 o'clock at night. She went into the basement for the first time and came out with a huge scratch across her neck that was forming in front of us only one god, and we took a picture of that um in the same spot of the basement, and that's why I'm not discrediting her. Members of my team have been hit in their necks. I believe you were also in your neck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember, dawn. You were on live and I think you had just said something. Um, what did you tell me? Just see what you experienced in the basement. And I had got down that last step. I just took a step right into the basement and it felt like someone sucker punched my ass right in the left part of my neck and it went right to my jugular and I lost my breath for a second and I thought, oh my God. And then my shoulder was sore and it's kind of like it was like real tight, like I couldn't move it. When that went away within two minutes.

Speaker 2:

And it's crazy how the women are having these experiences. But we've only really had one man. Well, we've had a guest. We've had tom come out and investigate too. I don't think he had anything bad in the basement either.

Speaker 1:

It's only happening to the women so do you think a woman was sacrificed down there?

Speaker 2:

I do, yeah, and so here's why I'm gonna say that they're one of. These walls are not like the other down there and you'll see when you go back. It's something we missed our verse a few times. I was scanning the walls in the basement looking for anything odd or out of place. It's all stacked stone, and then you come across this part that is a full cut out of cinder blocks and it happens to look like a doorway. It looks like somebody patched a doorway.

Speaker 2:

So I brought this to the owner. I said, matt, this wall doesn't look like the other walls, like why is it cinderblock? Do you have any information on this? He said I couldn't tell you. He said I never really noticed it until you told me, and he gave me permission to look behind that wall, which I didn't feel comfortable doing. So I had the owner do it himself. He took a sledgehammer to the cinder blocks. We were able to get like a softball size hole made and put a camera down in there, trying to see if there's like a cavity or goes back. We unfortunately hit another set of cinder blocks. So that of course, makes you think that there's something even bigger there, because why are you really trying to seal off the store?

Speaker 1:

I think there's a tunnel. I think there's a tunnel.

Speaker 2:

It's a tunnel or it's a room or a cell, I mean, it's it's wild so will I be bringing a sledgehammer. I know we do have one at the lodge and we've been bringing a crowbar just in case we need it to chip away at the wall.

Speaker 1:

I'll help you. Bust through there.

Speaker 2:

Also we use. It's not for everybody, not all equipment is for everybody, but I'm very comfortable with the Ouija board. I'm comfortable using it there. It's just another form of communication to me when I use my Ouija board there. I got it on video where I asked it do you know my name? It spelled out Dawn. Wow, I put this on my TikTok page after it said my name and I was kind of freaked out by it. I was like okay, I'm closing the session, we're telling you goodbye, we go to goodbye. And it did not want to quit talking and it actually flipped the planchette out of our hands and so I slowed down the video in slow-mo so nobody would think it was really me doing it. I slowed it. Let you see it doing its own thing, wow.

Speaker 1:

Holy shit, I cannot wait to go back. This is getting saucy.

Speaker 2:

The Ouija board. I feel like the planchette would move on its own if I just left it on the board. I bring it every time with me. I call it marinating. I'll let it marinate overnight there, even if I'm not using it. All right.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited. I can't wait to get to it. I'm just going to sit there and record you all night record you all night.

Speaker 2:

This is some. I like to use some of my equipment that's more time era that they would recognize. Ouija boards were a big thing in the 1800s. People knew they were. They know how to communicate. They know how to spell. They also love believe it or not k2 meters and they respond very well with them. I could put one like just on my ouija board box or on the board and ask the spirits questions. It will light up to red for our yeses and it will do nothing. For now, most these are very intelligent beings here. Yes, they know what you're saying and they respond very well can I bring my tarot cards out?

Speaker 2:

absolutely cool. I never thought about that. That would actually be really fun. I think I the guy we were talking to the last time, robert Windecoup, is his name. He was in the battle during the Civil War time but he was also a pharmacist time. But he was also a pharmacist and they rented out part of that lodge at one time during the war times because they would have used it for medical reasons.

Speaker 2:

He was a pharmacist in this building and he is a very strong spirit. He's the one with the dowsing rod. So I've been to his grave, I've visited him many times, but it's just one of those ghosts that want to talk to you and they're not saying nothing extra. You got to bring your own questions for them, but they'll answer whatever you want. So it's bring your list, write it down. I mean they're gonna answer it one way or another. If you want them to step in front of the music box, they're gonna do it. So now I'm bringing like three of them. I gotta build or make me two of them, because I'm like we need more rem pods. They love them and they play with them constantly. Set one on a ladder around nothing at all and they're playing with it.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's amazing, I'll have to bring my bear back out with a bunch of batteries because they really liked you, you were really communicating them with them. With the bear, they were like hell.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were all about the lights they loved your bear and I don't have anything like that myself. They were.

Speaker 1:

It was like 15 minutes of them hugging it I wonder if we should leave the bear there when I come out and then go back and and mess with it when you go back there and let that bear bear there that we can use.

Speaker 2:

He says it doesn't go off for him and I'm like, well, you don't even got a battery in it. So I put a battery in it and it was going off for me that night. They love the spirit box like even running an SB7. Your answers are you can tell what's radio and what's coming above. And what's coming above is these great sessions that we're getting, with just great responses of people, their names, names, their answers. It's incredible.

Speaker 1:

Now let me ask you a question. Since you've been drawn to this place and you're there a lot, do you feel protected there? No, you don't Like. You don't feel like there's any spirit that's protecting you.

Speaker 2:

Um, I feel okay in the daytime, but as soon as the sun sets it's a different haunting. So in the daytime I feel like I'm loved and respected. I think I I talk to the order of the eastern star ghost there. So I feel like the women of the lodge are getting to know me, especially Brittany, which we are thinking was. We thought she was a witch, but I'm thinking more.

Speaker 2:

She was a prostitute, one of the working women of the time, ok, and she was abused in there. I think she was locked up in the lodge and was one of their abusers. I think she lost babies. I'm saying this because she has a special attachment to the owner, matt Okay. At okay he he had missed happenings. After he started communicating with britney, his wife became pregnant and they lost the baby within a few months. But it was after he brought home a teddy bear from the lodge for his wife being pregnant, and then he was getting paranormal activity in his own home. He started filming it. He was like, oh, this bear's got to go back to the lodge and he is convinced that there is something directly with that bear so the reason why I ask you that is because you were so drawn to this place.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know the reason. So you know, like we had a situation a little over a year ago out at a cemetery. You know about my eye, right, yes, okay, and in that week, after Tom lost someone in his family, my eye thing happened and then Christina's mom almost passed away. It was like an emergency surgery. It was like everything just like went to hell. So, and for whatever reason, I am so fucking drawn to the cemetery.

Speaker 1:

Dawn, you have to go to the cemetery with me, but we were just out there and that's but yeah, I can't wait. We were just out there and that's like the only place that I can meditate. And when I start to meditate I astral project. And ever since I've been there, I astral project. Like not a lot, it's just random, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that's why I ask you if you feel like you're protected. And you know people can tell us oh, ground yourself and wear this. I don't. At that point it doesn't matter, for whatever reason. Like there are certain places that we're drawn to, and this place like I always say this, I come back to this this place speaks to you, no pun intended, but that's why I was asking if you feel at all protected. So if you don't, um, you know I would just be really care. Like the latter I probably wouldn't do, especially at night. But it sounds like, now that you're explaining it, like the women, um, have a love for you and know that you're a safe spot. But the men, you know that's another thing too, because that's in their domain and if're residual they're like used to doing they still are doing the same shit, you know.

Speaker 2:

I would love to say that we're protected and that they love us 100 percent, but I'm not 100 percent convinced and I don't feel like people would believe me either. People would believe me either. We had an incident a month or so ago, a month and a half, where it was the middle of the day and that's the time of the day we feel more protected. It was actually during the lunar eclipse night. It was this day, leading up into that crazy night, we had our team member, ron was leaving the main ballroom. We have this on video.

Speaker 2:

He was going over to the ladder room. When he walked over there, his leg went through the floor all the way down to his hip. I mean went full all the way down. And I reacted like a drama queen. Oh my God, ron, are you okay and why? I'm going over there and checking on him and I I'm like oh, doris was a nurse. I'm like Doris, she goes what? And then we have an EVP that says hey. And then right after that I'm like Ron, are you OK? Our spirit box was running and the spirit said are you OK? And it was a woman asking him was he OK? And he was like yeah, I'm OK. So he's excited that the spirits are showing concern at the same time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's sweet.

Speaker 2:

So it's hard to say do you, do you feel protected or do you not, because they'll show their concern, but are you safe when they're doing attacks? So some spirits, yes, are safe and some are not, but that's something that we know when we go anywhere. Do I think it's a demon spirit? No, and only because of the research I've been doing. I think it's masonic, which is pretty similar, but I'm not trying to offend any masons, okay okay, that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

But I think, though, that the ritual stuff like that freaks me out there, like the knocking and everything, but it like entices me too, because I'm crazy, right, but all the best people are crazy. So I cannot wait to go back and see what you guys get. I just kind of want to be in the background and just record everything with you guys, and I really want to have eyes on you that night with all my video footage.

Speaker 2:

Just set a camera on us. But I'm going to need you to hardcore investigate like you do, because you're pretty badass, pretty badass and you were pulling it out so good that night that I knew I had to have you come back, because that was one of my favorite nights of ever. That I've ever had was that night. It was such great activity for us and yielding so many results and names.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think, if you take an interest in them and, like you know, you don't do the same boring ass questions like what year is it? How old are you? How'd?

Speaker 2:

you die.

Speaker 1:

You know, I try to like engage with them like if they were right in front of me living and I just am like hey, tell me about yourself. What did you like to do? Do you like us here? Are you cool with it? Ok, well, just let us know. If we're getting too many questions you're uncomfortable, we'll back off.

Speaker 2:

Tell us where do you want us to be. Maybe I should be that way with them, but I'm not. I'm like walk towards me, walk towards this music box. I need to see that you can do it. So I'm kind of challenging them in ways that's okay that's your style. I mean, everybody has a style, you know because I know that I've already went through all these questions and I don't have nothing else new for them, so it's always a different. Well, I like trying to push the envelope a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

I like to tease them in like a cute way. I'm like no, I don't think you can make that light go on. You know what? I don't think you're strong enough. You can't do it.

Speaker 2:

That's how I do it too, so I'm constantly encouraging them Move that cat ball, roll that ball back down the stairs. I know you can do it because I've seen you do it. I just need to get it on video now. So that's more like now that we've experienced it. We need to catch more of it on video. And I think this place is so active because nobody has been there to investigate, so it's not like a waverly hills or eloise where thousands of people have came in there, asked thousands of questions. They know who the ghosts are. They're told oh, there's bobby and gene and Joe here. So you're going in there to talk to Bobby, jean and Joe. So I'm excited. I don't know who's in here and I'm the one getting to find this story to present to the community now, and it's exciting.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. I'm so excited for you. I'm glad you found your place and I mean four hours. Yeah, it's not right around the corner, but you know what? I think that's a good home base for you to be at. And it called to you and you know you took upon the calling and they it. You've really taken off with us.

Speaker 2:

I think it's great we're putting in a lot of hard work here. I mean we're going out here two, three times a month, yep, so we're constantly there.

Speaker 1:

Hard work pays off and you know that's everyone's always on me. You know, oh, mel, get on YouTube, do this, do that. And it's like you know, this podcast was fermenting for years before I actually started it and my next step is to make a very raw, super raw, unedited um, a very just um. How do I put the word? You know just unedited, you know uned, you know etched and everything.

Speaker 1:

The passionate Michiganders that travel like through Michigan and all statewide to see these places and actually do the fucking research, because a lot of people like take my husband, like he's more of a skeptic, he knows it's real, he has seen and he has heard shit that I have played and he's kind of like the type of dude he's like I don't want to know, right, yes, but then on our bike trip he surprised me with the Lizzie Borden house and we had an amazing tour guide and this guy went into such depth and took us like three miles around and back to the house and the history behind the Bordens is like insane, right, that's amazing and everybody goes there to be like Liz borden.

Speaker 1:

Lizzie borden, just like eloise, everyone's like eloise. It's haunted, but it takes true dedication, passion, persistence, hard work. You know, literally blood, sweat, tears, all, I mean everything and exhaust. Exhaustion because you you're tired after these places. You know what I mean. But it takes certain people to really look at the research and to dig for the research and like what you're doing at this place is phenomenal, like that's I love. I love seeing that because you are like you're not just going there to like fuck shit up and be wrecking Ralph and break through walls and you know, know, break shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't want people to think that the ghost whispers are going and you know, destroying property.

Speaker 1:

No, no, you got permission and even like a side of that, you guys are really dedicated and doing so much hard work on actually not just communicating and having the EVPs and the evidence, but you guys are finding you guys could have this breakthrough in this history of this place that is so much more than just that place.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

You know, and we need to bring that back, because 20 years from now, 50, 100 years from now, these places aren't going to be there because people don't. They don't know enough to give a fuck, right, and that's what people like us come in and hey, guess what? You know, there's a lot more history than you think and it's interesting. You know and you know, you're part of history, right it is the history and saving these places. Saving them. Yeah, Historical landmarks.

Speaker 2:

This is a 270-year-old building and it hasn't had no work done, so it is very dangerous at times and you do have to know where you're walking and know places you know. But we know that when we go anywhere we have to watch our step. But then when you have ghosts, that at nighttime are not nice to women because I think that's when they did more ritualistic things in the lodges at nighttime. I think that's why our life more ritualistic things in the lodges at nighttime. I think that's why our life changes from day to night in an instant. Um, with the masonic knocking. I think that's the start of the night. Usually when you hear them knocks you know it's about to amp up in here. So we are finding more and more things that are. We're learning these new patterns that they're placing in front of us and I'm excited to start sharing it with our community. And you know, I'm not sure why nobody's into doing more of the historical part of our paranormal research. I think more people just want the bells and whistles of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the Zach Baggins life. Don't even fucking start on that. I cannot stand that shit, you guys. I always say it on on here, especially when we have co-hosts. That is not what we fucking do. The Ghost Whispers don't do that. The Third Eye Eclipse Paranormal Society doesn't do that. I will not put it on this podcast. I will not put it on TikTok. I don't even want to talk about it because that's not what. Like real life, like paranormal investigators, researchers do that. It's disrespectful, it makes us all look like circus monkeys and that's not what we do. Like a lot of people want to go out on the weekends and go party and club and you know we did all that too and that's cool. But like we're, like you know, we're bringing history back and we're taking a time capsule and opening it and like digging, you know, until our bones are showing it's really not like tv.

Speaker 2:

I mean no, but this place is like what you kind of see on tv, because I feel like we are getting that amount of activity like you would see on a TV show, but it's happening in real time. But you don't find these places often. This is a sweet little honey hole that's been unexplored for 300 years.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, honey hole. I like that, dawn. I like honey hole Because you know what, when I'm on the lake fishing at the marina and those bastards come by and they fish right off my damn honey, I said get away from my honey hole. I love the word honey hole.

Speaker 2:

Yes, queen it just seems like one of those paranormal honey holes that you are just gonna. Every time you go there, you're getting something new that you haven't gotten the time before, and it keeps I think that's what keeps me coming back is I've never experienced what I have here, and until I can explain it, I don't feel like I can give up no, no, but doesn't.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that rewarding though it was like you're calling to be there, you know, I mean, they wanted you there it is, and I mean, I know some of the people on my team are a little obsessed, like me too. We talk about it every single day and we're constantly reviewing our old evidence from months ago. We're like, did we miss an EVP? Like can we gather up something else? And I'm like nobody's going to believe us. People have to see this to believe it, because right now I feel a little selfish that I'm experiencing all this for myself. But it's exciting, but it's unbelievable. I mean, mean, there's things that I probably won't talk about on this podcast that you know about that I just told you I've experienced, but other people are not going to believe me when I say that, though that's on the point that you get to as, because I I kind of like look at myself more as like a researcher, right yes.

Speaker 1:

I don't give a fuck what people believe and don't believe, like I'm not here to like to make you believe anything, just like I don't want you to preach to me your religion. Um, I respect your religion, I respect all religions and anything that anybody does. But we know, we see it, hear it, live it, dream it. You know, eat it, shit it all this, like this is our life, like this is this is like a part of our life. That is a big work but not working. Like this is so much more and one day maybe it'll be a million years from now, it'll all make sense and we'll probably never make sense of all of it anytime soon. But there is so much unexplainable that not even scientists can explain. And that's what's interesting. And like who cares what people think? You see it, you are there, you know and just keep pumping out that evidence and you know, if anything, they're great table conversations for people they are.

Speaker 2:

It's. I can't wait for the paranormal community to really start looking at this as a place to investigate. And then, just knowing that I presented this to the community and being able to share the same experiences that are so wild that you think you would never have as an investigator to happen to you, it's incredible and I'm excited that you get to experience this with me because I mean these are great things I'm doing here and it's great activity that we're getting here and it's not your average haunting. I mean I it's almost like when I go somewhere else, I feel I know I'm not gonna call out nobody, but a few on my team are like, well, this place ain't even really that haunted. And I'm like it's not Brookston. Brookston is just overly haunted and we're used to that.

Speaker 2:

So when we go to the normal haunting that's not very active, but you're still getting a decent amount of stuff, but it's not what you're used to, so it kind of spoils you. It's hard to go back to the normal. Then. To go back to normal everyday life, you're like, whoa, that stuff just happened. And it's like, wow, we got to go back and live like that didn't happen. Right, you know it blows your mind.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it blows your mind. But before we end this, because I know you have to go pick up your daughter, yes, after all that you've experienced in the paranormal world, all the research you've done, now, this place, your I'll call it your honey hole, your honey hole, Dawn's honey hole. Yeah, now, this place, I'll call it your honey hole, your honey hole, dawn's honey hole. Yeah, do you think the afterlife, or the beings, or whatever you call them? Do you think that theory of it's two people or it's many people at one time, talking throughout space and time in like a different time zone? Do you think, or do you think, that they're, you know, deceased and this is their spirits lingering?

Speaker 2:

I think that they're interdimensional and I know people are going to be on the opposite end of this with me, but yeah, I think that they're in a different space and time. I think that, just like bigfoot aliens, there's something that a portal way that they're able to come through to talk and they're able to go back through it again to go back to where they live out the rest of their lives. But when we're calling to them and conjuring them back to speak to us, I think that they're coming through a portal, if you will, to come and speak with us and do you think that's what us living are doing too?

Speaker 2:

we're going through portals I, I do think that, so I have different opinions on things. I'm a big tinfoil hat, um, I kind of feel like we're in a simulation, I yep, I think there's glitches that prove it quite often, and I'm also a flat earther, though, so I mean, come at me, I can't help what I believe.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Cool, I like it. I believe in the hollow earth, different theories of it. I think that aliens are actually living amongst us and I think sometimes they intertwine in our paranormal investigations.

Speaker 1:

Okay, amen, I like that.

Speaker 2:

I mean there's just too much unknown. And when you're a researcher, investigator of the paranormal, you believe in all things paranormal, not just ghost, right absolutely, yep, awesome.

Speaker 1:

Well, don, thank you so much for coming on and we have, well, we'll, we'll do, um, I'll do some snippets when I go out with you guys and we'll, uh, have another podcast episode on this, but, um, it was a pleasure having you. It was very entertaining. I love chatting to you. Thank you again for coming on, and you guys again, dawn, go ahead and tell them really quick what your group name is.

Speaker 2:

We are Dawn Martin. I'm the leader of the Ghost Whispers. You can find us over on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and on YouTube. Go look up Dawn Martin. I post all of my paranormal stuff on those web, on all of those socials of the stuff I'll be putting on TikTok because it just goes through a little easier to upload my videos and keep tabs on them better. And if you want any t-shirts or anything, go over to Tee Public, put in the ghost whispers and you can get our t-shirts that we make. Or you can contact me and I can get them out to you awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you guys, go check dawn out. She has so much cool stuff going on. I mean, she is she's, she's way cooler than any of you, any of us.

Speaker 2:

She is like out and about, she's everywhere and anywhere we'll be down at the paracon this saturday, so, um, down at Ohio State Reformatory. We're always somewhere doing something and networking. We love to hang out with people.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, alright Dawn, it was good chatting with you. You have a good night and we'll be talking soon.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Melissa.

Speaker 1:

Talk to you soon. Bye, bye, alright, right, you guys. That sums tonight's episode up. And, of course, if you would like to get a hold of me, you know you can go on to Ghost Sisters 2124 at Gmail. You can look up Strange, strange, beyond beyond insane on any platforms. If you look up that strange, strange beyond insane, you will see me on tiktok. Go ahead, feel free, do like, follow or comment or any of that. And I do have a new feature on buzzsprout, one of my platforms, that I am uploading my podcast to, and it does give me an option to see fan mail. So if there's anything you guys want to say, any recommendations or you want to schedule a time to hop on here, let me know. Thanks again, guys. Tune in for the next episode. You.

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