Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Echoes of the Departed Unraveling Stadium Hauntings and Afterlife Omens


Ever wondered about the echoes that linger long after the crowds have left? My godson Ryder, also known as Boo Boo Bear, and I are about to take you on a spectral tour through the haunting world of stadiums and the paranormal. With Ryder's chilling encounters as our backdrop, we delve into the whispers of the afterlife and the inexplicable events that unfold in places steeped in history and emotion. From the curse of St Mary's Stadium to the legendary George Gipp's presence at Notre Dame, we uncover the eerie connections between the sports we love and the mysteries that haunt them.

As night falls on iconic venues like Wrigley Field and the Pfister Hotel, the shadows tell their own tales. Aunt Alyssa joins our eerie expedition, lending credibility with her unwavering belief and unnerving experiences that leave us questioning the thin veil between our world and the next. Our conversation takes a darker turn as we explore the consequences of seeking out spirits, from 'paranormal hangovers' to the cautionary tales surrounding Ouija boards. Whether it's the shiver down your spine during a haunted house tour or the unnerving dream that feels all too real, we explore the chilling effects of dabbling with the unknown.

As Ryder prepares to serve up a spine-tingling mixture of haunted sports tales and crime stories on his upcoming podcast, we invite you to join us on this journey. With a sports history rich in mystery, we promise to leave you looking over your shoulder next time you cheer on your favorite team or venture into the unknown. So, tune in, grip the edge of your seat, and get ready to be haunted by the stories of spirits that don't rest, even after the final whistle blows.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone. It's your host, melissa at Strange, strange Beyond Insane, and today I have a very fun co-host with me, my godson.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, I'm Ryder.

Speaker 1:

Ryder Theodore Boo Boo Bear, aka Boo Boo Bear. Okay, fine, I'll stop, alright. So I'm going to ask Ryder some questions and then he's got a topic that he wants to talk about and he's home today with Auntie. He had the day off. He messed up a little bit, got into a little bit of trouble, but he's turning it around, right. Yep, but come closer, babe, so they can hear you. You've got to, like, talk into the mic, all right.

Speaker 1:

So Ryder always is asking me questions about you know, the paranormal world and what I do and when I'm out in the field and things that have happened. And, um, he's getting to that age. He's 13 now, so his third eye is expanding a little bit and you'll know about that later in life, ryder, um, he is developing his, I guess, little personality and his own brain on what he thinks about these topics. So before we start with his story at his other auntie's house what happened I want to ask you a few questions. Okay, what do you think about the whole heaven thing Like? When you think about heaven, what does that look like for you? Heaven?

Speaker 2:

thing, like when you think about heaven. What does that look like for you? Like, like like Jesus, and like two clouds and Jesus coming to hug you. That's what you think the afterlife is about Some of it, but it just depends, like, what you want to be, if you're a good person or a bad person. So what happens if you're a?

Speaker 1:

bad person, then you go to hell. So is that where you're going, since you're a bad person, then you go to hell. So is that where you're going, since you've been bad lately.

Speaker 2:

Well it depends. What if I turn around.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, well, okay, and why do you think a ghost like lingers, like, why do you think a ghost stays in one spot?

Speaker 2:

Because that has to mean something to it. What do you mean? Like if a ghost was in your house and someone died here, talk into the mic, honey. If a ghost was at your house, like a couple years ago and like it died or something, then it's going to want to stay here because it has history here and it means something to them.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? It died Like when it was in the physical world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if, like, something happened, this place means something to it, so you think that it has to be attached to stay. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

And then, um, have you seen a ghost before?

Speaker 2:

Not like a real, like I haven't seen one, but I like, like an apparition.

Speaker 1:

You haven't seen like a full-bodied apparition? No, never. Okay. So what happened at Amber's? And? I need you to just relax. I want you to speak into the mic, tell them what happened.

Speaker 2:

So, basically, me and one of my cousins and friends were over at my Aunt Amber's house and we were playing this game. We always used to play when we were kids and to play when we were kids and three people were hiding and three people were seeking and me this uh, one of my cousins named Cora and my sister Kaylee were all hiding and we went into a laundry room and I thought I was with this cousin named Cora and I opened the door and I told someone to go into the door. I heard them say close it. They closed it and I'm like oh, oh, yes, we got such a good spot and like in my head I was thinking like how did cora fit in there? Because it was like super small. So then I go to talk to kaylee. I'm like kaylee cora's in the laundry room and uh, kaylee's like no, she's not, she's in the bathroom. I said what? And I turn on all the lights, I'm freaking out and uh, I look in the laundry room and no one's in there.

Speaker 2:

It was so creepy. So you heard them say right here, or what did they say? They said like close the door. I heard someone say that. So they wanted you to be alone with them in there. Yeah, they said close the door. Was it a boy's voice or a girl's voice? It was a girl's voice. It was a girl's voice. Did it scare you? Yeah, and then like we were like looking around, it's like my other cousin, madison. She was crying and like everyone was going crazy, and like we were going upstairs and like the door was jammed. We opened it though it was all crazy. And then like we were looking around, me and Madison by ourselves and then I have super short, short nails and then I got a scratch on my neck and I can't scratch myself, so that freaked me out so is this something that you do?

Speaker 1:

you think in the future you would be a ghost hunter yeah, for sure, but it scares you.

Speaker 2:

It's that scared the heck out of me and like I didn't even sleep that night because I was so scared okay.

Speaker 1:

Is that the only ghost story that you have off the top of your head? No, I have a couple more.

Speaker 2:

Okay, tell us. So I was in my basement by myself a couple nights ago. This is all happening right now, I don't know why, and like I kept hearing like screeches and I felt like someone was watching me and like every once in a while, I think there's like a noise in the background of like a hamster, like a dog like about to eat something, or like you hear like that noise, like so I go to check and nothing's there and I go back to sit down and it always does it when I'm like not paying attention. Okay, so you're hearing like scratching. Yeah, it started like freaking and like my friend was going to come over one day and he has like this book and like it's like called the Red Book story. Like you put the book on the ground and you ask if you can like join the Red Book and like you go through pages and then you put your hand on a letter without looking and it'll tell you if you can or not in like certain words oh, that must be new.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember that when I was younger, yeah, and like we got some answers, but like it was scary, so like you had to ask to leave.

Speaker 1:

It's like it's big, it's kind of like a Ouija board.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, without using Ouija boards. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Do you think that's smart to do that? Do allow something in, because sometimes you can't always get rid of something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were like being polite though, like asking you questions. Yes, always be polite, do not provoke, don't be a jerk One. The first thing I said I said am I allowed in your book? And the first letter was yes, I will allow you. And I started freaking out after that and I started asking you questions like why are you following me? And like they said no answer. So I started freaking out after that and I started asking him questions Like why are you following me? And like they said no answer. So then I started freaking out and then my friend said why do you connect into my friend Ryder? And it said the past. And then it was a period, the past, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Interesting, all right, okay, so do you have any more ghost stories?

Speaker 2:

no, that's about it, off the top of my head.

Speaker 1:

All right, you guys. So that is awesome hearing that from a 13 year old. Now Ryder has a really cool topic that I liked, and you know, ryder here is a sports fanatic, like his father, my brother and his uncle, my husband. That's all he thinks about. He thinks, sleeps, shits, eats, dreams about sports, and he found this topic on his own about haunted football stadiums, right, yeah, or just stadiums in general.

Speaker 2:

Haunted football stadiums.

Speaker 1:

And I have one hockey arena that's haunted. Stadiums, right, or just stadiums in general, okay, so stadiums and stadiums and arenas. Okay, do you know off the top of your head, though it happened at the shit this is for Chicago Bears right, yeah, so go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Basically, this was in 2001 and I was reading off this article and this Chicago Bears janitor was mopping the floors and apparently they heard something and he had a heart attack. He was like 74 years old and it was like really creepy and I dug more into it. I'm still digging into it some more, and I dug more into it. I'm still digging into it some more, but it's really interesting to me that he just was basically bopping the floor and he gets a heart attack out of nowhere. So that's something that creeps me out. Now, is it haunted from him or was it already haunted? It was already haunted. This stadium has been haunted for a while.

Speaker 1:

Alright, you want me to go on with these ones? Yeah, all right. So this is interesting fact. So I'm pulling this article actually up from ESPN and it says stop it. It says seven of the most haunted venues in sports. You don't have to be nervous on here, I'm not. He's all nervous like jittery cracking his knuckles. It's so cute, you're doing good bud. So this is seven of the most haunted venues in sports. So Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, wisconsin.

Speaker 1:

Long before Camp Randall Stadium became the home to Wisconsin football and jump around celebrations, it served as barracks and a training ground for Union soldiers. Wow, so named after the state's governor, alexander Randall, a fierce man who had threatened Wisconsin would succeed if Abraham Lincoln did not win the presidency, and he would not if he did not end slavery. The site wasn't intended to house prisoners of war but, following a major Union victory in April 1862. It was tasked with taking in more than a thousand Confederate soldiers. To say that this faculty was ill prepared for the sheer volume of soldiers Would be an understatement. Within weeks, viruses and illness spread rapidly through the camp. By June, all of the remaining prisoners were moved to other locations due to inadequate and unsuitable conditions. Ultimately, 140 men died on site. During the camp's brief existence as a prison, they were interred in a mass grave nearby.

Speaker 1:

That's scary. This person says it was not a happy place to be, and this is the founder of American Ghost Walks. And this is also coming from the Other Side Podcast Shout out to you. Thank you for that information. Okay, so, built in 1917, camp Randall Stadium has been hosting football games for over 100 years, but fans and area residents are unable to forget this history. Tailgaters have described seeing spirits ahead of games, and they, reportedly, are usually seen wearing their uniforms as well as various slings and bandages, and wandering in and out of the stadium, seemingly obvious, I'm sorry, seemingly oblivious to the thousands of rowdy fans. So to me, that kind of tells me that that's like a residual haunting, meaning, like they're, they don't know that it's 2024. Yeah, right, they think it's still 18. 90 years, yeah, and they're just walking around. That's sad. Wow, that's crazy. All right, so there's more on that, but let's just kind of, you know, move forward. So St Mary's Stadium in Southampton, uk. St Mary's Stadium in Southampton, uk.

Speaker 1:

After a successful 103-year run at the Dell, southampton FC moved to a brand new stadium about two miles away in 2001. They called it St Mary's Stadium after the nearby church that founded the team. In the earliest days, the state-of-the-art faculty, more than doubled fan capacity for the team with over 32,000 seats. There was just one problem during the team's first season at the new stadium it couldn't win a game. Naturally, as fans began searching for reasons for the new losing streak, some sad reporters of Portsmouth FC, its archival, buried a shirt under the stadium during construction and jinxed the team.

Speaker 1:

The others believed that there was something more sinister at play. There were many things happening that no one could quite explain, said Andrew Fruinghouse. Happening that no one could quite explain, said Andrew Fruinghouse, a Southampton-based paranormal researcher and the events and marketing director for the Supernatural Tours. There was one worker who said that he was a bit scared to go into the main stadium at nighttime because people would report these shadows and hear voices. But once the team started to have an incredibly bad really bad, I mean terrible season, more and more people began to believe that there was a curse on the stadium because it had been built on an ancient graveyard. The stadium in fact lies directly in the heart of what once was an Anglo-Saxon settlement known as Hamwick, and graves and human remains dating back to the 7th century were discovered on what became the stadium grounds. Archaeologists continue to discover artifacts around or, perhaps even more accurately, under the grounds from the era, clearly spooked by the happenings, or perhaps just a losing record. The team nick from the era, clearly spooked by the happenings, or perhaps just a losing record.

Speaker 1:

The team nicknamed the Saints. They brought in a pagan witch named Caridin Caridin Caridin Dragon, oak Conley, in hopes of ridding the angered spirits. We would call the ritual she performed a clearing, in the UK also known as a cleansing, and that means it's supposed to send the spirits to whatever you believe the next plane happens to be, or for the afterlife. She claimed it was evil spirits, but I suppose really, if you were upset about your burial ground being built on, you would probably be a little bit annoyed too, super pissed off. Right, all right. So the next one is the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, indiana. So, as many Catholic colleges across the country, notre Dame is filled with ghostly legends and haunted tales, so much that the admissions department even showcases many of them on its website for prospective students, and it's basically believed to be that there's many spots on the campus that give people the shivers and they think it's haunted.

Speaker 1:

There have been reportedly several deaths in or near the building over its multi-century existence, including a professor, a steeplejack and a student and a football star, george Gipp yes, the Gipper, as in Wynn of the Gipper himself. I'm sorry, wynn won for the Gipper. Do you know who that is? No, wynn won for the Gipper. You know who? That is? No, win one for the Gipper, gipper, gipper, I don't know. So.

Speaker 1:

As a popular legend goes, a 25 year old Gip, a senior, stayed out past curfew one night and was locked out of his dorm building upon his return. It was cold late autumn night, but he had nowhere to go, so he slept on the steps outside of Washington Hall, a performing arts and music venue. The next day he contracted pneumonia and ultimately died from the infection soon after, but not before reportedly delivering his famous plea to his coach. I'm guessing Newt Rockne from his deathbed. I'm guessing Newt Rockne from his deathbed. Many believe Gipp never left Washington Hall and that he continues to haunt the building to this day, a hundred years later.

Speaker 1:

Matthew Swan, the author of America's Haunted Universities Ghosts that Roam Hollowed Halls, said that the rumors of Gipp's ghost started not long after his untimely death. I was able to find a story from a student newspaper in 1926 or so, swan said. A student claimed he was awoken one night early morning and he went outside and there he saw the ghost of George Gipp on a horse in front of the building. Other accounts have been about students hearing a horn blowing, and when they look for whoever is doing it they can never find them. Some people think that Gip has had a rebellious side and was a prankster, and this is just one of his pranks.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. I want to take Uncle Paul here, you do. Yeah, I didn't know this was haunted. Okay, it says it's not just the ghost of the Hartford Willers that roams the Hall of Fame, although we really could get behind a brass bonanza playing spirit. Visitors have long reported seeing a woman with long dark hair, particularly in and around the second floor of the women's restroom.

Speaker 1:

Formerly housed at Exhibition Place, a 197-acre mixed-use development to the west of downtown Toronto. The Hall of Fame moved to its current building at the Brookfield Place Complex in 1993. Built originally in 1885, it formerly housed the Bank of Montreal, and that is where our sad story begins. Ever since I got my eye fixed, because I used to be dyslexic when I would read like numbers. Now it's like I can see perfectly, and it's hard to read sometimes because I'm not used to this eye working. Dawn and I were just talking about that today.

Speaker 1:

This spirit is believed to be a former bank employee named Dorothea. In 1953, the 19-year-old shot herself in the women's bathroom. Oh, that's scary Chills, huh. She died at the hospital the next day. There are many rumors and theories as to what caused Dorothea to take her own life, but none has ever been confirmed. The Toronto Star discovered the presumed identity in 2009 after years of reports of a ghost named Dorothy. Hey, shannon, you guys were on TikTok Live too. Thanks for the likes. I got my nephew here, my godson, hello. Where are you, ry? I can't see you. There you go. Hello, we're doing a podcast. He had a really good idea about this one, so I'm just kind of reading off some more haunted stadiums.

Speaker 2:

Auntie Alyssa, I have a question for you. What If you did go down there with Uncle Paul? Would you bring some ghost equipment? Oh, hell, yeah, that's creepy because, like Hell yeah, I would.

Speaker 1:

I would let Uncle Paul go walk around and see everything. I'd be like I'll be right back. I would totally go to that bathroom.

Speaker 2:

That's the creeps man like I would look into and see like which stall was in and bring like some ghost equipment, even like.

Speaker 1:

I was okay. But that's my biggest fear is being in a bathroom, because it's happened so many times and something happening and then, like the lights just go pitch black oh, that's creepy that's like I am like that you gotta be your friend or something when uncle paul is gone and I shower at night like I always lock the door. I lock the bathroom door because I am like petrified of something happening while I'm in the shower.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna move this baby so everybody can see, that's like the creepiest like if, like, the lights go pitch black, you're taking a shower come on, ryder, so everybody can see you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I would totally, totally, totally go ghost hunting in this bathroom, all right, so, all right. So right, here it's saying that, um, it's starting in 1950s. Employees of the bank would have lights that would turn on and off, doors and windows would open and close on their own. They would hear these strange noises like footsteps when no one was around, or shrieking. Some employees would step away from their work for a moment and they would come back and find their desk in disarray. That's definitely a haunting.

Speaker 2:

That's like that's something that happens to Mom. All the time She'll put her stuff on the table.

Speaker 1:

At home or at work.

Speaker 2:

At work and home.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, because she works downtown. Yeah, she told me she was Downtown. Detroit is super haunted.

Speaker 2:

In her desk. She's by herself at work. She's the last person because she's the manager and her stuff would be on the desk Like she has a bunch of pictures and stuff. One time she went in there and a picture of me, dad and her just me, dad and her fell over and it cracked Holy shit and it's creepy Like it gives me the chills sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So you guys, his mom, Kobe, my sister-in-law, she is a manager down at LCA Little Caesars Arena. All we'll have to do, we'll have to get her on here one day, yeah, and talk about this, Talk about her scary times down there, because isn't downtown Detroit like really like haunted?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, founded by the French. Did you know that? Nope, you've got to do your history. On Detroit, it's a really cool place, all right so, but the main thing that they said that they would feel a distinct presence, like someone else was watching them. Just that feeling that there was someone else there and the spot it was strongest was actually in the women's bathroom on the second floor in the bank. Wow, I got to go there and check that out For sure. So, frontier Field in Rochester, new York In the mid-1990s, the Rochester Red Wings what they can't have Red Wings.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's our team.

Speaker 1:

What the hell? The Rochester Red Wings were one of the winningest, winningest winningest that's a weird word to say Minor league baseball teams in history. The AAA squad with the Baltimore Orioles and now part of the Minnesota Twins organization, had won 18 titles in its nearly 100 years of existence and had won the division title most recently in 1993 and 1995. With a dedicated fan base, the county decided it was time for a new stadium and for the beloved franchise. Construction got underway for a new faculty in downtown Rochester in 1996, and workers reported discovering bones on the grounds underneath where the stadium eventually went. It remains uncertain if they were human remains or that of an animal, or if they even were there at all. What that's weird? What? So? Basically they're saying that, like they found bones, they don't know if they were human or animal, and now they're saying they don't even know if there was actual bones there. That means somebody scooped them up and moved them real quick so that people wouldn't get freaked out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't believe this one really.

Speaker 1:

Shannon on TikTok. She said they just found three bodies in Ford Field. Bet, that shit is haunted. Now too, shannon, we're gonna have to go walk around. We got a lot of places to go investigate now. You know my godson here. Ryder actually thought of this episode about doing haunted stadiums, which I thought was really, really cool. I'm having a lot of fun with this.

Speaker 2:

Girl, I'm so in yeah yeah, let's go hell.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's awesome. So they found three bodies in ford field shannon liked the post too oh nice, thank you.

Speaker 1:

um, all right. So now it says and there was a lot of strange, strange things that would happen at this ballpark. The team moved Frontier Field for the start of the 1997 season. The members of the grounds, crew and custodial staff reported inexplainable happenings almost immediately, including televisions randomly turning on in rooms where no one had been there for days, or lights turning on and off. The team invited a pair of paranormal investigators to the stadium in 2004. After spending an evening looking around, they officially declared Frontier Field haunted. The team in the stadium capitalized on the distinction and for several years hosted a Fear at Frontier event around Halloween. That's cool. Detroit, oh my God, I should get a hold of the mayor in Detroit and see if I can do something down in Detroit that would be cool.

Speaker 1:

Get all of us spooky chicks, shannon down there. We can bring Shannon with us. Yeah, bring everybody. Your mom would like that too.

Speaker 2:

And Dad, the whole family can come.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your dad gets scared though. Okay, I'm pretty sure you pronounce this Fister Hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Can I read this one? Yeah, do you want to read this? Hell, yeah, please do. Then I can take a break.

Speaker 2:

Rowan is not exaggerating when he says there are several players who don't want to stay at the how do you say it fister fister hotel when taking on the bruins in milwaukee. There are countless stories from players around the mlb about their strange encounters while guests at the swanky establishment so basically saying like they don't like, look look at that picture. That gives me the chills. That does not look like no normal hotel you would go to.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

In hopes of creating the grandest hotel in the city. Guido Guido Guido Pfister Pfister began work on the hotel in the late 19th century. He died a month before its opening, but his sonlis was charles, was determined to carry out his father's vision. It opened in 1893 and was immediately successful. It was hosted every sitting us president. During its esteemed history. Charles Feaster, who never married or had children of his own, worked tirelessly for the rest of his day to ensure his father's legacy carried on the property. Charles even lived in one of the suites for many years and was operations manager.

Speaker 1:

So now does this turn into a.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, okay, so these are like from players' perspectives. Oh, okay, so it's saying Professional baseball players right here, professional baseball players seem to have the most experience with Feaster's ghosts over the years. Lard, lardinose, lardinoles believe this is simply, simply, simply fister trying to help out with his hometown bruins and give them the ultimate home field advantage. She also wouldn't be shocked if some of the innocents were actually players. Incidents were actually players playing pranks on the teammates. But does this thing that these opposing players bring out fists fester's mischievous side? That's creepy like it. They're saying, basically, like they might be playing pranks or this might be for real, like, uh, in the super bowl this year, uh, the 49ers and the Chiefs. The 49ers were in the hotel and someone pulled the fire alarm and people were saying it was Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift playing pranks on the 49ers.

Speaker 1:

Maybe. Or it could have been a ghost, who knows? Okay, these are hotels. Let's find some more articles. So these are five haunted soccer stadiums let's see. All right, I'm going to take over real quick, all right. So haunted sports stadiums, fields and eerie stories, and this is a media group sports events. So the Gipper we already did that. Wrigley Chicago. The Gipper we already did that. Wrigley Chicago's. Oh, we did this one right.

Speaker 2:

No, we started to talk about it but we didn't read it. We should have the Dodgers stadium. That looks interesting.

Speaker 1:

Alright. So Chicago's Wrigley Field has its own spooky story. Security guards who patrol the park say bullpen phones ring late at night when the ballpark is empty. Legend is that the Cubs player and manager, charlie Grimm, calls the bullpen to make pitching changes. Problem is the bullpen phone is a direct line from the dugout and cannot be dialed from any other location. Some security personnel also hear their names being called or they see Grimm in the hallways.

Speaker 1:

Many people believe Grimm's ashes are buried in the left center field. That's creepy, that's funny. But Grimm's ashes are not the only ones. Rumor has it that fans drop ashes into the ivy, and songwriter and diehard Cubs fan, steve Goodmans, are said to be buried under the home plate. Other Wrigley stories say balls are hit in the ivy and then they disappear and Harry Carey's ghost remains at Wrigley along with other figures who hang out in the offices and bleachers. So the Dodgers Stadium, los Angeles Dodgers Stadium, is said to have many ghosts, including a couple on their honeymoon who plummeted to their deaths from a hillside overlooking the City of Angels. Damn, what a beautiful honeymoon that was. It reminds me of Beetlejuice.

Speaker 2:

Beetlejuice, it does.

Speaker 1:

Many Dodgers employees reported seeing a woman dressed in white driving over the cliff Damn. Others say the field is haunted by the souls from the Hebrew Benevolent Society whose cemetery was moved to make room for the stadium's parking lot, sorry. Other people reported stories about the stadium's underground vaults and tunnels where lizard people live below the stadium in one of the three lost cities of the Hopi people Hopi.

Speaker 2:

I have a story about the Los Angeles Ram Stadium. Okay, go ahead. And so, basically, this YouTuber named FaZe Rug, he went to the Ram Stadium and it wasn't even a haunted video, it was just like a vlog of him and his life just driving around in his Tesla. And a feature of the Tesla is like like when you turn it on you can see like people around you. So like if I had the Tesla like outside and you walk past it, it would show a little body on the Tesla. So he was going past the Rams Stadium and there was a bunch of bodies just lined up one, two, three, four, five and they're all lined up Underground.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So he started investigating it more and every time he looped around the stadium there was just bodies. And then one was just standing up right here like this, next to his car. It was just like this, just staying like this. Oh my god, that would freak me out, holy shit. That's why like people like don't like teslas because it could be like a little bit creepy, but I think it would be. People like don't like teslas because it could be like a little bit creepy, but I think it would be fascinating.

Speaker 2:

I don't trust teslas you don't because, like auto drive, you're putting your life into a car.

Speaker 1:

I am just too. I have too many conspiracies about teslas. Um, okay, which ones do you think? So we already did. Frontier Field Owen Hart. Oh, this is one of Uncle Paul's favorite stories. Can I read this one? Yeah, go ahead, baby, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

In 1999, professional wrestler Owen Hart fell to his death while being lowered 78 feet to the ring for a WWF wrestling show in the Kansas City's Kemper Arena. Employees claim to have seen and heard Hart's spirit walking the Raffers dressed in his blue blazer. Others people claim they hear Hart adjusting his harness and when they hear or see him, the lights flicker in the arena.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they had a video of it, but I think they took it off the internet. Is that Uncle Paul's favorite? Yeah, he likes uh. Like wrestling and stuff like that. Yeah, he likes that story.

Speaker 2:

This is the last one.

Speaker 1:

All right, so Nationwide Arena In Columbus, ohio. Nationwide Arena is built on the site of the deadliest prison fire in US history. The fire killed more than 300 prisoners, and people claim the smell of smoke, the sound of men screaming and pacing their cells and the sound of the flames burning the prison can still be heard till this day, particularly around the parking garage. Others say ghostly figures could be seen only in the ruins of the old building. Nice, wow, this was a really good topic, say ghostly figures could be seen only in the ruins of the old building Noice, wow, this was a really good topic, ryder, that was awesome that you came up with this.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So, auntie Alyssa, since this topic's kind of over now, I have a couple questions for you. Okay, go ahead, shoot them to me. I have like five to ten questions and I want you to answer these completely honest, okay, do you think ghosts?

Speaker 1:

are real. Yes, what's your evidence like on the ghost? What do you mean? What's my? I have so much evidence. I have audio, I have video footage, I have pictures. I have other people that have seen the same thing. I I have notes written down. I have dreams that were aligned perfectly with something that had happened. I mean, it goes on and on and on.

Speaker 2:

Can you tell us about one of the dreams that you had?

Speaker 1:

Uh, okay, um, all right. Well, this is a sad one, um, about Uncle Bobby, uncle Bobby. So Uncle Bob didn't tell anybody, really, that he was sick, he didn't want anybody to know. And I was at home sleeping, like I normally am, and it was very, very early in the morning and Uncle Paul had just woke up and he was making coffee and I guess I was dreaming and Uncle Paul seen me talking, talking and going, you know, back and forth. Anyways, I shut up and I said I need my phone, I need my phone right now. My mom is trying to call me and Uncle Paul was like your mom's trying to call you. I said, yeah, I just had a dream of her.

Speaker 1:

So my dream was my mom was yelling at me and she was saying Melissa Ann, wake up, melissa Ann, get up, get up. Mom's trying to call you, mom's trying to call you. You need to wake up, melissa Ann, wake up. And she just kept yelling at me. So when I woke up, I was like what the hell is going on? And guess who? I had three missed calls from who? Aunt Connie. One was like 8, 19,. I want to say am. The next was like 8.25 am, then it was like 8.37 am and when I had finally came to it, I had called Aunt Connie back and I said hey, aunt Connie, I'm sorry, I'm just waking up. And she basically told me that Uncle Bob was in the hospital and that he was dying and that they wanted me to come up and talk to him.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy. So your dream was like reality.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So instead of my mom trying to call me, it was Aunt Connie. But my mom was trying to wake me up, to get me to get on the phone to call Aunt Connie because it was important. If I hadn't went up to see Uncle Bobby, I would have never seen him. Important If I hadn't went up to see Uncle Bobby, I would have never seen him. And then you're. I asked him when I got up there if it was okay if your dad and your mom came up and Uncle Bob you know he was okay with that, and then he passed away not too long after that.

Speaker 2:

Um I have a couple more questions. Um, do you think your house is haunted or no? No, haunted. No Spirits in here, yes, but not haunted, or any of your jobs you've ever been haunted.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Great Clips actually was for real. That's because there was really bad energy there.

Speaker 2:

Just really like you just had the chills there. So basically she would be working and she would be working by herself, cutting people's hair.

Speaker 1:

And she would have to take out the trash at a nighttime clean up. Well, that wasn't even the issue. I kept asking them if somebody had died there because they were like the first couple months I was working like something kept messing with my drawers and things would come up missing. And then like, oh my god, I was working with Bonnie and um, was it Bonnie or was it Avery? It might have been Avery and um, I heard the dryer not going anymore and I'm like I just put freaking more towels in there. I go back there. The dryer is wide open, so that noise that I heard the dryer door popped open and it spit the towels out. I swear to God that happened.

Speaker 2:

Um, so this is my last question Um, do you think like what's the like? Like appropriate, obviously, but like what's the most bad energy you've ever got? Oh God, um, or like just like scared you to death, like just scary. It could be wherever it could be, here it could be.

Speaker 1:

Eloise? No, oh, actually it was Eloise. Um, we were actually doing this show For this guy that wanted us to do this Like paranormal show and this guy running it had not the best energy, not the best intentions. And I'm going to put it out there. If you're not doing, if you're in the paranormal field and you're not doing it for the right reasons and you don't have the passion for it, stay the fuck away, cause all you do excuse my French writer, sorry, but you're promoting bad energy. You're putting bad intentions out into the universe.

Speaker 1:

So by the end of the night now remember, this is when Eloise had got um, was merging with another company and, um, there was a lot of people coming in and out of there. Now, my experience before this I want to talk about in a gist real quick. There was this really weird chick that was there when I was doing a paranormal tour and she scared the shit out of us Everywhere we turned around. She'd be, she, like, she was very dark. She was very, not the good witchy, like a very dark, dark energy, not good Are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

like you'll walk and you'll like she'll be behind you and you'll turn.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I was with the other Carissa that night and Carissa was freaking out Like. We were like where is this? How does this girl keep like? But she was asking me, asking me all these weird questions, and she wanted to hang out and she was like, oh, let me go here. And I was like, and we kept trying to get away from her. And she was obsessed with my doll and she kept wanting to hold it. She's like oh, I'll walk around with it. I'm like no, you won't Like.

Speaker 2:

I don't want you. What doll did you?

Speaker 1:

bring the one that always. My old one, my very, very old one, judith.

Speaker 2:

Oh, judith, the one that always creeped me out with the like.

Speaker 1:

It was like blonde hair, yeah yeah, judith, yeah, I didn't want her putting any bad juju onto my doll, because that's an antique. You know, that doll is from 19,. Like the late 1920s. Oh, oh, my God, yeah, okay. So, anyways, now moving forward. So a few months later we're there for this show, right, and again another you know idiot person that you know whatever they didn't.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, towards like the middle of the night, we were all down in the basement and I kept telling everyone because I was like filming everyone else, like I was watching everyone else do sessions, and I was like something's like wrong down here. I've never felt this way at Eloise. I've never felt like I was scared or in harm's way or nothing. And I said I'm hearing somebody, I'm hearing something like chatter, like like this, I hate that so much. And then it would stop and I was like okay. So I figured out where it was coming from, like I could hear.

Speaker 1:

So I walk back and Tom's behind me, about say, three, four people behind me, and this thing, it gets real close to my face and I can feel the heat and everything goes black because it's like a shadow and it goes like that blows in my ear. What did you do? You just started laughing, just I, just I like I I jumped back, like I almost like jumped into tom and tom's like what's wrong, mel, what's wrong? And I said I gotta get out of here, I gotta get out of here, and I like, because it was like not good, right. So then tom walks back there and tom starts freaking out. He's's like something bad's down here and Tom knows Eloise. Like he knows Eloise, he could be completely blind and make it his way around there. That's how good he knows the building.

Speaker 1:

And Tom was like what the hell? And I'm like I'm not feeling good and I'm like that was something really dark. Like I anti-listen doesn't mess with like darkness, darkness. Like I'm not, you're just like trying to just have fun. Have fun, and you know communicate. I don't like to bring shit home, I don't like any of that um pondering on me, but anyways, we're gonna end this live right now. Um, so where I was going with this is, um, I don't mess with anything dark. So I had taken a break and I went upstairs outside and I got about halfway from the door outside and I started puking violently, like puking violently.

Speaker 2:

Like how you get when you're sick and you're like yeah, I like seized up and like everything hurt.

Speaker 1:

I didn't feel good. I got this horrible headache Like a migraine. Yes, so that was so. Now the other Carissa was with me that night of the filming thing, and Mike and Kevin.

Speaker 2:

Which Carissa?

Speaker 1:

Carissa, the Big Booty. Judy was the first time before we did the filming thing, and then Carissa was there for the filming stuff.

Speaker 1:

The one with yeah, I know With Jackson, yeah, purple hair. So me and her were sitting out in the car and I had just told her. I said I don't feel good and then all of a sudden I got real hostile. When I went back in I was like real shitty, like I was like angry. That's what happens. You've got to be careful because something tries to take you over the dark and it freaks like it's gonna last forever. But you just have to take yourself out of that situation. Your body, your intuition's telling you hey, this is not good leave.

Speaker 1:

And I was telling everybody there, like all of the old timers that have been there for a while, and they all said they had some weirdos in Eloise in the last few months and we think someone brought something in or they did some kind of dark shit down in the basement like Ouija boards, um, but that did scare me. And then the next day I had a horrible paranormal hangover. I was extremely depressed. Tom said he was really depressed, kevin was depressed, michael didn't feel good, carissa didn't feel good. I had really bad lucid dreams that night, like it was awful, like that scared me to the point where I was like do I really want to continue into the spirit world scared me to the point where I was like, do I really want to continue into the spirit world, paranormal investigations? But you do, you know you get. You either get through it or you don't.

Speaker 2:

Um, so I had this is my last thing to tell Um, a couple months ago my cousin Madison. She discovered something really creepy. She was in her basement and she she just got done watching it and it's like two in the morning she goes under her basement and water starts rising in her head. She's like so messed up in the head apparently and, uh, she sees it. She told me, she's told me a story, she's seen it. She starts out, she runs to her room, she starts crying and her mom comes in her room. She snaps out of it and it's like Okay, so that is called. No, no, but something else happened.

Speaker 1:

The next day, but I want to pause you really quick. She was actually dreaming. Oh, she was. She had a lucid dream and she was in like a sleep paralysis.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she said she woke up, but she just woke up, okay.

Speaker 1:

So she was in a dream, she was in a really bad nightmare and she was having like sleep paralysis and uh, and that feels like lucid dreams, feel like very real, yeah, like you don't know that you're sleeping, like you think that you're awake, that's what that is.

Speaker 2:

And, uh, the next day we were all hanging out and she was just acting hecka weird. She usually like dresses like a girl, but she dressed emo, she had black shadow on and it was going out to here and I was like yo, maddie, you good, you don't usually like act like this. She looks at me, she's just like what? And then I was like Maddie and then I told her Mom, mom, like Maddie's not doing well and she's like she has to go home. And then she looked her mom. She was like okay, and she just walked home like this, like this yeah, because she had like really bad night terrors that.

Speaker 2:

That scared me. Then she was like fine, she just had to take a week off, like everything, everything. Yeah, yeah, that scared me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your mental health is really important, you gotta take care of it.

Speaker 2:

Then she was like fine, she just had to take a week off, like everything, everything, yeah, yeah, that scared me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your mental health is really important. You got to take care of it. So do I got to worry about you being in the basement with your friends doing some weird chanting. No, you better watch it, Ryder. I've told you before.

Speaker 2:

It's not cool to mess with this, do you?

Speaker 1:

feel like you have any type of ability. What do you mean by that? Like, how do I explain it to your 13-year-old brain? Like, do you feel that you are like going to get involved in the paranormal world at one day?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just feel like I will. I think it's fascinating and it's not something to mess with. You can have like fun and like Come closer so they can hear you.

Speaker 1:

You can have fun by doing it and like experience cool stuff, but don't mess with the best stuff.

Speaker 2:

So if you didn't, have an auntie like me at Godmama. Do you think you'd be into this? No, I don't think I would. I think it's kind of cool now.

Speaker 1:

So do you think you're taking after me A little bit with this?

Speaker 2:

yeah, and go ahead and tell listeners what your sister wanted from papa. So my uh, papa, my dad and kaylee went to the store and, uh, my dad went to the bathroom or something and kaylee asked my papa for a ouija board. You don't mess with ouija boards, do they sometimes not work, auntiessa, they've never worked for me.

Speaker 1:

Um, but again, I'm not, I don't, I don't antagonize, I don't bring on any kind of like dark, like evil spirits. I'm not trying to get involved with that. So maybe that's why it doesn't work for me. But, um, technically speaking, a spirit box and a Ouija board is almost the same thing. Do you want me to tell you a little story? Ryder Sure, the movie, the original movie, the Exorcist. You know that that was based on a true story, right?

Speaker 2:

About like a little kid and his aunt. It's a boy.

Speaker 1:

And the aunt was into tarot reading, Was a hippy dippy like me and he was over the auntie's house messing with the Ouija board. So you guys, our listeners, when his Uncle, Paul and I were gone on our bike trip last year, the two oldest boys stayed here with my dad, aka Papa, and your sister was here sometimes and Ryder here, my god baby decides to send me pictures of you know, the house looks great and the dogs are getting along. And he had his dog over one day with Luca. God rest his soul, Thor. He just passed away. He's over the Rainbow Bridge and he forgets that his auntie's Ouija board is in the background. And I was like, so I call him immediately. I'm like, Ryder, what are you doing with my Ouija board? Oh, Kaylee brought it up.

Speaker 1:

So that story that actually happened about the Exorcist movie. Now, do you see why I don't want you guys touching my shit? Do you understand? Now, when you guys get older, that's different. I mean, maybe you guys will take after me, Maybe you guys will be into this, you know, and that's okay, but your little brains cannot comprehend yet. You know, I don't want to say evil, but darkness.

Speaker 2:

I know a couple spirits that are like really bad for the Ouija board.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so my Ouija boards are just a showpiece. They're really. I don't use them. They're just showpieces for my little paranormal cabinet back there. So we're not going to do that again, right? No, yeah, anything happen when you were messing with it. Some stuff, oh, some stuff. Okay, go ahead, tell them.

Speaker 2:

What happened? Some stuff, oh, some stuff. Okay, go ahead, tell them what. What happened? Um, when I first I know how to play the ouija board because I watch like videos on it and stuff and uh, before, oh, you think you know how to play.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't word it's not a game, so I put it on and I just put it down and the letter it goes on is z it's. So it scared the heck out of me, but then I didn't touch, just put it down and the letter it goes on is Z. So it scared the heck out of me, but then I didn't touch it, I put it back.

Speaker 1:

Don't say the name.

Speaker 2:

I'm not. It's bad when you say it Don't. It's bad, juju, don't say that I'm not, I'm serious. Why'd you just look at me so fast like this, that scared?

Speaker 1:

you. Then you said Z yeah, so you know. And if there were any type of dark spirits or evil whatever you want to call it demonic, of course they're going to go after children. Because you guys are not developed enough to understand, you're not grounded enough to say hey, you're not allowed to touch me, you're not allowed to attach to me, I honor my own space. It's positive space, love and light. Like you guys don't know how to ground yourselves. That's why I don't want you messing with that stuff.

Speaker 2:

When I'm with you. Can we like go on like a ghost adventure or something like that?

Speaker 1:

I've already taken you and Kaylee to the cemetery during the day, right up the road I want to go to, like Eloise.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I think they do have kids. Well, that's something that we'll talk to your parents about. Your mom, your mom, you're on your mom's shit list right now. So if you want to do any of those things in the future, you probably should be like really good and show her that you're mature enough and you can handle it Right when it's okay. So let me ask you a question If you could go anywhere that's haunted that you know of, where would be your place?

Speaker 2:

Eloise Cause. After all the stories I heard from you, I would want to go there and it seems interesting. I would not. Do you guys go at nighttime or no? Yes, if you go in nighttime, I want to go prime time, like at 9 o'clock, so it's not too scary, but it is scary.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, the tours usually start at 6 or 7.

Speaker 2:

And you bring ghost equipment and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can or you can just hang out and just walk around.

Speaker 2:

What's one place you want to go to that you haven't been to yet? Oh God, ryder, there's too many. What's your like? Number one If you could go right now and hop on a plane for free, where would you go?

Speaker 1:

The Conjuring house. Is it scary. That's where, like you know, like the Annabelle, the Conjuring movie. But it's not about those movies, it's about the history. Before that, stop it. You're getting nervous again, I know. Does this stuff freak you out?

Speaker 2:

I was trying to think of this place. Youtuber went to uh this like really epic house and it's like the scariest. It was hazel. No, it was uh in new york. Can you look up on the internet? Yeah, um faz hold on faz uh e e space phase rug. Where did he go? Was like some house, like creepy house. He went to Phase rug.

Speaker 1:

Creepy house Creepy tunnel.

Speaker 2:

Or creepy house. No, creepy house Like haunted house.

Speaker 1:

Alright, let's see, oh childhood home.

Speaker 2:

It might be. It was that right there Haunted House. Yeah, it was that the Whaley Whaley. Do you know what the Whaley House is, or no?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we actually, me and Christina looked that up.

Speaker 2:

It's a crazy backstory. So it's a crazy backstory, so it's a museum, it's in san diego, california, and basically when he went there, um, their tom whaley I think that's what his name is the dad of the family, they had three kids, uh, the wife and husband. He, he had his room and they first walked in bad energy went right through them. They had an MPV meter, that's what it's called EVP, evp. They had cat balls just from like Home Depot, just if, like, something touches it, it goes off. And they put a cat ball on the thing and a REM pod on it. The REM pod went nuts. It was. It was just because you know, the ramp out like it goes on and off yeah, I have one of those.

Speaker 2:

It was just staying on, like it was like someone was sitting on it and uh, the cat bowl went crazy and it was tom wheelie. The chair went back and forth, back and forth, they kept doing it and they pulled out a thing and uh, the spirit and it said death and they just ran out the house.

Speaker 1:

And they, so they ran out yeah, are you talking about an EMF sensor? This, yeah, that, okay. So there's EMF, so that's like a ghost meter, if you will. And then there's also like EVPs, like what you use on like voice recordings and apps.

Speaker 2:

And in the house there's three kids. One's a boy. He died at one years old. There was a girl, a woman. She died at 17 for suicide and the stuff's like antiquated. They still have the bed the girl died on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's all these places we go to. It's like that. There they still have the bed the girl died on. Yeah, that's all these places we go to. It's like that. It was crazy and uh, well, let's just, let's just tell them really quick, okay? So the whaley house is in an old town in san diego, and it's famed whaley house is widely regarded as america's most haunted house. So the spooky evening tour explores the home's dark past and spine tingling. Let's read on. Yeah, uh, christina looked this up. Um, okay, so on on may 6 1856, tom whaley began construction on his new home and proclaimed my new house, when completed, will be the handsomest, most comfortable and convenient place in town or within 150 miles of here. The two-story greek revival house was designed by thomas whaley and made from bricks created in whaley's very own brickyard on conned or coned street, I'm not sure he was named like the handsomest man in like San Diego.

Speaker 2:

He got that like prize and he has like a whole thing in his house. It was like a poster.

Speaker 1:

So they're a pioneer family, that's their whole family.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, so they said so. Shortly after marriage, 1855, thomas and Anna returned to San Diego. It was then that Thomas Whaley purchased the land and set forth on his journey to build the finest home in California. By 1858, thomas and Anna Whaley had produced three children Francis Hinton, named for a business partner, thomas, who died at just 18 months, and Anna Amelia, later in life. The Willys welcomed three more children George Hayes Ringgold, named for a business partner, and Violet oh my God, violet. Eloise and Corinne Lillian. Oh, I gotta go there. What If I ever have a daughter?

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna name her Eloise, that'd be, Uncle Paul actually really likes sitting I wanna go there, so bad, right in here.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that's the like, okay so you're not old enough to go to a place like this. Like Eloise would be good.

Speaker 2:

Why they wouldn't want me, Like they wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

Even if they did, I wouldn't take you to something like this if we were doing our paranormal investigation. You are way too young At 18 years of age. If you are more mature than you are, now, make better choices because again, he's in a lot of trouble. He's been a bad boy the last few months. Right, Go ahead, tell him. Do I love him? Yes, Do I want to wring his neck? Yes, Does his mom want to? Mm-hmm? Well, we won't go there. She still loves him. You're lucky At 18,. If this is something that you're into and you want to do these things, you can do the. I'll take you on these trips. You hear yeah, You're going to be 18, though 18? Yes.

Speaker 2:

In my eyes. What about 16?

Speaker 1:

16, maybe a couple more places than Eloise, but I would have to pick and choose where we take you um, do you have any?

Speaker 2:

do you have anything else to say, or no? No, this was fun, did you like it?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I gotta come on another one soon. So Ryder actually wants to start a sports segment and I think it will give him the proper introduction, I guess, and the fundamentals of when he wants to start his own podcast, because he does want to have a sports podcast. So I'm going to have him do his research and I want him to find all kinds of haunted and crime-related anything with stadiums or sports teams or craziest ways that a sporting event, someone's died or you know all that stuff, and he's going to start doing some reports and he's going to come on here all by himself and he's going to host a little segment and you'll have to come up with a name, what your little segment will be called. I'm working on it, cool, all right. Well, thanks for hopping on today, ryder. No problem, I'll see you guys. You mean you'll talk to them.

Speaker 1:

I'll talk to you guys later. Well, they might be on YouTube too here shortly, so you might be seeing that. Hey guys, thanks for listening in and tune in for the next episodes. Talk to you soon.

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